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2624 records found.
Selected 20 rows in this page.  
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[NOTES/QM-13004] General Properties of Motion in One Dimension

Node id: 2088page

A discussion of nature of energy eigenvalues and eigenfunctions are discussed for general potentials in one dimension. General conditions when to expect the energy levels to be degenerate, continuous or form bands are given. Also the behaviour of eigenfunctions under parity and for also for large distances etc. are discussed.

kapoor's picture 24-07-17 05:07:46 n

[LECS/QM-13] Potential Problems in One Dimension

Node id: 6334page
kapoor's picture 24-07-17 05:07:02 n


Node id: 6320page

For a potential problem in one dimension there are three types of energy levels. These are (a) discrete, (b) continuous doubly degenerate energy eigenvalues, and (c) continuous and non degenerate. In this talk we explain the thumb rules to find out which of this cases apply for a given potential and a specified energy value.

kapoor's picture 24-07-17 04:07:26 n

Sample Content Pages

Node id: 815slideshow
ranjan's picture 24-07-13 11:07:11

Typing mathematical expressions

Node id: 225page

Remember: We are using MathJax for mathematical expressions. Text formatting commands of TeX/LaTeX are not supported in MathJax.

Mathematical expressions can be inserted within HTML text of all content types (e.g., page, book page, blog, forum) edited using the available online WYSIWYG HTML editor. The mathematical expressions must be typed using the syntax of TeX/LaTeX.

The easiest way to start is to author a page with some LaTeX code for mathematical expressions given here (based on the code snippets from an online cookbook).

[For a more comprehensive documentation of the TeX commands supported in MathJax, see this document.]

ranjan's picture 24-07-13 11:07:46 n

[XMP/QM-13001] Short Examples --- Nature of Energy Spectrum

Node id: 6327page

We give several examples to explain how to obain the nature of energy spectrum without solving the problem completely.

kapoor's picture 24-07-11 17:07:31 n

[NOTES/QM-13009] Delta Function Potential --- An overview

Node id: 6335page

An overview of three methods to compute the energies  and eigenfunctions of an attractive Delta function potential are given.

kapoor's picture 24-07-09 05:07:09 n

[LECS/QM-ALL] Quantum Mechanics --- No Frills Lectures

Node id: 5874collection

About this collection:
This is a collection of Lecture Notes on Quantum Mechanics.
An effort is made to keep the content focused on the main topics.
There is no discussion of related topics and no digression into unnecessary details.

Who may find it useful:
Any one who wants to learn or refresh all topics in standard two semester Quantum Mechanics course.

Topics covered:
The list of topics covered  appears in the main body of this page.
Click on any topic to see details and links to content pages.




kapoor's picture 24-07-09 04:07:34 n


Node id: 6333page


kapoor's picture 24-07-08 17:07:38 n

[DOC/Latex/Macros] Freq-Used-Macros

Node id: 6231page


kapoor's picture 24-07-08 14:07:01 n

[NOTES/QM-13010] Dirac Delta Function Potential -Direct integration of the Schr\"{o}dinger equation

Node id: 4756page

The energy eigenfunctions and eigenvalues for a particle in delta function potential are derived. It is found that, for an attractive delta function potential there is only one bound state.

kapoor's picture 24-07-08 06:07:34 n

[SCN/QM-13001] Reflection and Transmission Through a Square Barrier --- Detiails

Node id: 6330page

Here we give computational details of reflection and transmission coefficients for a beam incident on a square barrier.

kapoor's picture 24-07-07 08:07:45 n

[NOTES/QM-13007] Particle in A Box

Node id: 4751page

We derive the energy eigenvalues and eigenfunctions of a particle in a box of size \(L\).

kapoor's picture 24-07-07 07:07:15 n

[NOTES/QM-13006] Boundary condition at a rigid wall

Node id: 4750page

We derive the boundary condition on a rigid wall as a limit of the boundary condition on a the wave function at a point where the potential has a finite jump discontinuity. It is shown that there is no restriction on the derivative of the energy eigenfunction. The only boundary condition is that the eigenfunction must vanish.

kapoor's picture 24-07-07 07:07:40 n

[NOTES/QM-13005] Reflection and Transmission from a Potential

Node id: 6328page

The reflection and transmission coefficients for a potential problem in one dimension are defined. For this purpose  it is sufficient to know the behavior of the wave function at large distances. To set up the problem one needs to impose a suitable boundary condition on the wave function at large distances. It is shown that, for real potentials, the probability conservation implies that the reflection and transmission coefficients add to unity.

kapoor's picture 24-07-07 06:07:56 n

QS 19: Rutherford scattering

Node id: 1148page
pankajsharan's picture 24-07-04 13:07:40 n

QS 18: Born Approximation for a Central Potential

Node id: 1146page
pankajsharan's picture 24-07-04 13:07:03 n

QS 17: Born Series

Node id: 1145page
pankajsharan's picture 24-07-04 13:07:19 n

QS 16: Relativistic Decay

Node id: 1156page
pankajsharan's picture 24-07-04 13:07:44 n

QS 15: Relativistic scattering

Node id: 1144page
pankajsharan's picture 24-07-04 13:07:07 n
