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[LECS/QM-11] TIme Dependent Sch\"{o}dinger equation

Node id: 6315page
AK-47's picture 24-06-24 11:06:43 n

[LECS/QM-11] Time Dependent Schrodinger Equation in Coordinate Representation

Node id: 6317page
kapoor's picture 24-06-24 09:06:38 n

[NOTES/QM-12001] Free Particle Energy Eigen functions and Eigen values

Node id: 6186page

The energy eigenvalues and eigenfunctions are obtained for a free particle in one dimension. Properties and delta function normalization are discussed. It is shown that the energy eigenvalue must be positive. The free particle solution in three dimension is briefly given.

kapoor's picture 24-06-24 09:06:03 n

[NOTES/QM-12004] Free Particle in Three Dimensions

Node id: 6316page

The energy eigen functions of free particle are given. These are found to be eigen functions  momentum also. The energy eigen functions have infinite degeneracy. There an eigen function  corresponding to each momentum direction.

kapoor's picture 24-06-24 05:06:27 n

[NOTES/QM-11002] Probability Conservation

Node id: 4730page

Starting from the time dependent Schr\"{o}dinger equation, an equation of continuity \[{\partial\rho\over\partial t} + \vec{\nabla}.\vec{j}=0\] is derived. Physical interpretation of the continuity equation is given in analogy with charge conservation in electromagnetic theory. The equation of continuity represents conservation of probability in quantum mechanics.

AK-47's picture 24-06-23 18:06:03 n

[NOTES/QM-11006] Optics Mechanics Analogy Road to Wave Mechanics

Node id: 4734page

Making use of analogy between optics ad mechanics we motivate the introduction of the Schrodinger equation.
Here Fermi's "Lectures on Quantum Mechanics" has been followed very closely..

AK-47's picture 24-06-23 18:06:17 n

[NOTES/QM-11005] TIme Dependent Schr\"{o}dinger Equation --- Propagator

Node id: 4733page

We discuss the solution of time dependent one particle Schrodinger equation and obtain an expression for the propagator giving the time development.

AK-47's picture 24-06-23 18:06:49 n

[NOTES/QM-11004] Time Reversal Symmetry

Node id: 4732page

Time reversal operation in quantum mechanics of one particle is discussed.

AK-47's picture 24-06-23 18:06:29 n

[NOTES/QM-11003] Schrodinger Equation for a Charged Particle

Node id: 4731page

Using the classical Hamiltonian and the correspondence rule \(\vec p \to -i\hbar \nabla\), the expression for the Hamiltonian operator for a charged particle is written giving the time dependent Schr\"{o}dinger equation. The Schrodinger equation retains its form under gauge transformations if the wave function is assumed to transform as
\[ \psi(\vec{r},t) \to \psi^\prime (\vec{r},t) =  
e^{-i(q/c)\Lambda(\vec{r},t)}\psi(\vec{r},t). \]

AK-47's picture 24-06-23 18:06:54 n

[NOTES/QM-11001] Time Dependent Schrodinger Equation :Solution for Wave function at time \(t\)

Node id: 4729page

For conservative systems, we show how solution of time dependent Schrodinger equation can be found by separation of variables. Explicit expression for the wave function at arbitrary time \(t\) is obtained in terms of energy eigenfunctions and eigenvalues. 

AK-47's picture 24-06-23 15:06:07 n

[NOTES/QM-11007] Time Variation of Average Values

Node id: 4735page

Starting from the time dependent Schrodinger equation, it is proved that the average value a dynamical variable \(\hat F\)obeys the equation\begin{equation} {d\over dt}\, \langle \hat{F} \rangle = \,\langle{\partial\over \partial t} \hat{F} \rangle + {1\over i\hbar} \langle\, [\hat{F},\hat{H} ]\, \rangle.\end{equation}

AK-47's picture 24-06-23 05:06:24 n

[NOTES/QM-10004] Momentum Representation

Node id: 4722page

The momentum representation is defined and its  connection with  the coordinate  representations is discussed. The transformation bewteen the two is effected by \(\innerproduct{x}{p}\) which are just the momentum eigenfunctions in the coordinate representation. Delta function normalization and the box normalization is discussed for the momentum eigenfunctions.

AK-47's picture 24-06-22 11:06:14 n

[NOTES/QM-10001] Representations in an Inner Product Space

Node id: 4719page

A brief account of representations in a finite dimensional vector spaces is presented. The use of an ortho norrnal basis along with Dirac notation makes all frequently used formula very intuitive. The formulas for representing a vector by a column vector and an operator by matrices are given.  The results  for change of o.n. bases are summarized.

AK-47's picture 24-06-22 11:06:31 n

[NOTES/QM-10002] Coordinate Representation

Node id: 4720page

The choice of orthonormal basis of eigenvectors of position operator gives rise to the coordinate representation. The wave function, being the expansion coefficient of state vector in this basis, gives the probability amplitude for  outcomes of position measurements.In the coordinate representation the momentum  operator assumes a simple form $\widehat{p} =-i\hbar \dd{x}$.

AK-47's picture 24-06-22 11:06:09 n

[NOTES/QM-09001] Unitary Operator for Time Evolution

Node id: 4678page

That assumption that the superposition principle be preserved under time evolution leads to unitary nature of the  them evolution operator. The state vector satisfies  differential equation, the Schrodinger equation, with Hamiltonian as the generator of time evolution.

AK-47's picture 24-06-22 09:06:43 n

[NOTES/QM-09002] Time Variation of Average Values

Node id: 4679page

Assuming time development of states to be given by  \[i\hbar \dd[\ket{\psi, t}]{t} = H \ket{\psi t}, \] an equation for time variation of average value of a dynamical variable is derived. Classical correspondence  is used to identify the generator of time evolution with Hamiltonian. A dynamical variable not depending explicitly on time is a constant of motion if it commutes with the Hamiltonian.

AK-47's picture 24-06-22 09:06:35 n

[LECS/QM-10] Working with Representations

Node id: 6314page
AK-47's picture 24-06-22 06:06:06 n

[NOTES/QM-10003] A Summary of Coordinate and Momentum Representation

Node id: 4721page

A tabular comparison of  coordinate and momentum representations is presented.

AK-47's picture 24-06-22 06:06:37 n

[YMP/CM-08002] How good are different frames as inertial frames

Node id: 6307page
kapoor's picture 24-06-19 17:06:43 n

[YMP/CM-08001] Coriolis Force --- Sideways deflection of a freely falling body

Node id: 6306page

A body falling under the earth's gravitational field experiences a side ways deflection due to Coriolis force. An expression for this deflection is obtained and numerical values are estimated.

kapoor's picture 24-06-19 17:06:02 n
