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[NOTES/CM-10012] Continuous Symmetry Transformation

Node id: 6254page

In the phase space formulation, the constant of motion \(G\) given by Noether's theorem, expressed in terms of coordinates and momenta generates the infinitesimal symmetry transformation.

kapoor's picture 24-06-15 05:06:11 n

[NOTES/CM-10011] Infinitesimal Canonical Transformation

Node id: 6253page

The definition of infnitesimal transformations is given.

kapoor's picture 24-06-15 05:06:01 n

[NOTES/CM-10010] Group Structure of Canonical Transformations

Node id: 6252page

The set of all canonical transformations given by a generator of one of the four types form a group. 

kapoor's picture 24-06-15 05:06:04 n

[NOTES/CM-10004] Infinitesimal Canonical Transformations --- Examples

Node id: 6259page

The transformations

  1. Space translations
  2. Rotations
  3. Time evolution

form important canonical transformations.


kapoor's picture 24-06-15 04:06:15 n

[NOTES/CM-10001] Canonical Transformations Defined

Node id: 6246page

Canonical transformation is defined in three different,equivalent ways.

kapoor's picture 24-06-15 04:06:17 n

[NOTES/CM-05009] Keplar Orbit Parameters

Node id: 6298page

The equation for the orbit involves two constants of integration. We determine  these constants and obtain an expression for the eccentricity in terms of energy angular momentum etc.. Conditions on  energy for different types of possible orbits , elliptic, parabolic and hyperbolic, are written down.

kapoor's picture 24-06-14 18:06:12 n

[NOTES/CM-05007] Differential Equation of Orbit

Node id: 6299page

Two methods of obtaining the differential equation of the orbit, in a sphericall symmetric potential, are given using the Euler Lagrange equations and conservation law.

kapoor's picture 24-06-14 18:06:38 n

[NOTES/CM-05008] Keplar Problem --- Solving Differential Equation

Node id: 6191page

Differential equation for orbits is solved. The orbits are shown to be conic sections. Kepler's three laws are proved. Some properties of hyperbolic orbits are derived.

kapoor's picture 24-06-14 12:06:57 n

[NOTES/CM-05001] Cyclic coordinates and constants of motion

Node id: 6176page

Cyclic coordinates are defined; canonical momentum conjugate to a cyclic coordinate is shown to be a constant of motion. 

kapoor's picture 24-06-13 19:06:54 n

[NOTES/CM-05002] Reduction of Two Body Problem

Node id: 6177page

It is proved that the two body problem with central potential \(V(|\vec{r}_1-\vec{r}_2|)\)  can be reduced to one body problem. In the reduced problem the body has reduced mass and moves in spherically symmetric potential \(V(r)\). In this case the center of mass moves like a free particle.

kapoor's picture 24-06-13 18:06:33 n

[LECS/CM-06] Scattering

Node id: 6293page


kapoor's picture 24-06-12 11:06:51 n

[NOTES/CM-06001] Scattering Theory --- Basic Definitions

Node id: 6192page

We define solid angle, flux and the scattering angle and flux  and cross section  are defined.

kapoor's picture 24-06-12 05:06:58 n

[NOTES/CM-06009] Cross Section in Terms of Probability

Node id: 6205page

The definition of cross section is formulated in probabilistic terms. This interpretation turns out to be useful for interpretation of the cross section as an area, and also for quantum mechanical problems.

kapoor's picture 24-06-12 05:06:16 n

[NOTES/CM-06010] Two Particle Scattering

Node id: 6294page

An important class of two particle scattering is when the forces are central, {\it i.e.} the potential depends on the separation \(\vec r_1-\vec r_2\) between the particles: \[ V(\vec r_1, \vec r_2)= V(\vec r_1-\vec r_2).\] The two particle elastic scattering problem becomes equivalent to scattering of a particle, of reduced mass, from a potential \(V(\vec r)\), with \(\vec r= \vec r_1-\vec r_2,\) in the centre of mass frame.

kapoor's picture 24-06-12 04:06:59 n

[LECS/CM-02] From Newtonian Mechanics to Euler Lagrange Form of Dynamics

Node id: 6287page
kapoor's picture 24-06-11 22:06:28 n

[NOTES/CM-02009] Cyclic Coordinates

Node id: 6046page

A generalized coordinate,\(q_k\), is called cyclic if the Lagrangian is independent of the coordinate \(q_k\). It is shown that the corresponding canonical momentum is a constant of motion. A simple example of cyclic coordinate is given.

kapoor's picture 24-06-11 22:06:56 n

[NOTES/CM-02006] Generalized Force and Lagrange Equations -- An Example

Node id: 6049page

Whenever the generalized force \(Q_k\) \begin{equation}\label{AB01} Q_k=\sum_\alpha F^\text{(e)}_\alpha \pp[\vec{x}_\alpha]{q_k}. \end{equation} can be written in the form \begin{equation}\label{AB02} Q_k = \dd{t}\Big(\pp[U]{\dot{q}_k}\Big)-\pp[U]{q_k} . \end{equation} the equations of motion take the Euler Lagrange form with \(L=T-U\). It is demonstrated that the Lorentz force,the force on a charged particle in e.m. fields, has the form as in \eqref{AB02}. An expression for the generalized potential \(U\) is derived.

kapoor's picture 24-06-11 22:06:18 n

[LECS/CM-04] Hamiltonian Form of Dynamics

Node id: 6282page
kapoor's picture 24-06-11 20:06:27 n

[XMP/CM-04004] Short Examples --- Computing Hamiltonian and Lagrangian

Node id: 6292page
kapoor's picture 24-06-11 20:06:08 n

[LECS/CM-11] Hamilton Jacobi Theory

Node id: 6291page
kapoor's picture 24-06-11 16:06:32 n
