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[NOTES/TH-ALL] Thermodynamics --- Repository of Notes for Lectures

Node id: 6207collection

About this collection:
This is a collection of Lecture Notes on Electromagnetic Theory.
An effort is made to keep the content focused on the main topics.
There is no discussion of related topics and no digression into unnecessary details.

Who may find it useful:
Any one who wants to learn, or refresh all topics, in standard two semester quantum mechanics courses.

Topics covered:
The list of topics covered  appears in the main body of this page.
Click on any topic to see details and links to content pages.

kapoor's picture 24-05-29 04:05:31 n

[Solved/QM-22003] Quantum Mechanics Problem --- Barrier penetration

Node id: 1092page
kapoor's picture 24-05-28 13:05:09 n

[Solved/ODE-02005] Frobenius Method --- Case-II

Node id: 1805page
kapoor's picture 24-05-27 22:05:24 n

Prof. Pankaj Sharan :: Eight Lectures on Topics From Electrodynamics Course given at Jamia Milia Islamia

Node id: 472page

These eight lectures on electrodynamics were part of  a course
given by Pankaj Sharan in Jamia Milia Islamia. 


  1. Units and Dimensions
  2. Maxwell's Equations
  3. Generalized Functions
  4. Green's Function
  5. Green's Function for the Helmholtz and the Wave Equations
  6. Fields for Arbitrary Charge and Current Densities
  7. Fields from a Point Charge
  8. Radiation from an Accelerated Point Charge

Complete set of 8 lectures can be downloaded from a link below.



kapoor's picture 24-05-27 22:05:15 n

[NOTES/CM-11004] Hamilton Jacobi Equation

Node id: 6263page

 We derive the time dependent and time independent Hamilton Jacobi equations, amilton's characetrirstic function is introduced  as  solution of the time independent equation.

kapoor's picture 24-05-25 21:05:33 n

Radiation from an Accelerated Point Charge

Node id: 444pdf_document
pankajsharan's picture 24-05-22 11:05:14

Fields from a Point Charge

Node id: 443pdf_document
pankajsharan's picture 24-05-22 11:05:14

Fields for Arbitrary Charge and Current Densities

Node id: 442pdf_document
pankajsharan's picture 24-05-22 11:05:14

Green's Function for the Helmholtz and the Wave Equations

Node id: 441pdf_document
pankajsharan's picture 24-05-22 11:05:14

Generalized Functions

Node id: 439pdf_document
pankajsharan's picture 24-05-22 11:05:14

Maxwell's Equations

Node id: 438pdf_document
pankajsharan's picture 24-05-22 11:05:14

Units and Dimensions

Node id: 436pdf_document
pankajsharan's picture 24-05-22 11:05:14 n

[NOTES/CM-10003] Four Types of Canonical Transformations

Node id: 6251page

A canonical transformation is a change of variables \((q,p) \rightarrow (Q,P)\) in phase space such that the Hamiltonian form of equations of motion is preserved. Depending choice of independent variables we have four special cases of canonical transformations., Generating functions for the four cases are introduced and details of the four cases are discussed.

kapoor's picture 24-05-20 16:05:33 n

[NOTES/CM-10002] A Summary Finite Canonical Transformations

Node id: 6258page

Important relations of four types of transformations are summarized.

kapoor's picture 24-05-20 07:05:43 n

[NOTES/CM-10008] Examples --- Canonical Transformations

Node id: 6249page

Several examples on canonical transformations are given.

kapoor's picture 24-05-19 08:05:33 n

some title here

Node id: 6233collection
kapoor's picture 24-05-19 07:05:38 n

DOC/ Preprocessing Latex source code file

Node id: 6250page
kapoor's picture 24-05-19 06:05:47 n

[NOTES/CM-10007] Generator of a Canonical Transformation

Node id: 6248page

The definition  finite and infinitesimal canonical transformation are given. Using the action principle we define the generator of a canonical transformation.

kapoor's picture 24-05-19 05:05:47 n

[NOTES/CM-10006] Two Simple Examples of Canonical Transformations

Node id: 6247page

$\newcommand{\pp}[2][]{\frac{\partial#1}{\partial #2}}$

kapoor's picture 24-05-18 20:05:43 n

[NOTES/CM-10005] What is a Canonical Transformation?

Node id: 6245page

A canonical transformation is a change of variable in phase space such that the equations of motion in the new variables are of the Hamiltonian form.

kapoor's picture 24-05-17 16:05:18 n
