[YMP/CM-08003] Coriolis Force --- Focault PendulumNode id: 6308page$\newcommand{\Label}[1]{\label{#1}} \newcommand{\pp}[2][]{\frac{\partial#1}{\partial #2}}\newcommand{\PP}[2][]{\frac{\partial^2#1}{\partial #2^2}} \newcommand{\dd}[2][]{\frac{d#1}{d #2}} \newcommand{\DD}[2][]{\frac{d^2#1}{d #2^2}}$
The plane of oscillation of a simple pendulum is rotates due to Coriolis force. It is shown that the angular velocity of rotation is equal and opposite to the Earth's angular velocity. This result has the interpretation that the pendulum keeps oscillating in a fixed plane as seen from the frame fixed in stars. This is expected |
24-06-19 17:06:27 |
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[NOTES/CM-08009] Centrifugal force --- Effect of Earth's RotationNode id: 6222pageThe effect of Coriolis force on the force acting on a body on the earth is computed at the poles, equator and at a general point. he banking of railway tracks and of roads is briefly discussed. |
24-06-19 16:06:55 |
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[LECS/CM-ALL] Classical Mechanics --- No Frills LecturesNode id: 6267collectionAbout this collection: This is a collection of Lecture Notes on Electromagnetic Theory. An effort is made to keep the content focused on the main topics. There is no discussion of related topics and no digression into unnecessary details.
Who may find it useful: Any one who wants to learn, or refresh all topics, in standard one semester Classical Mechanics courses.
Topics covered: The list of topics covered appears in the main body of this page. Click on any topic to see details and links to content pages.
This page is under construction
24-06-18 07:06:05 |
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[NOTES/CM-07001] Small Oscilations in One DimensionNode id: 6304page |
24-06-18 07:06:20 |
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[NOTES/CM-07002] Double Pendulum Node id: 6305page |
24-06-18 06:06:05 |
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[NOTES/CM-08015] Rotations in Three DimensionsNode id: 6301pageThe set of all rotations that can be implemented physically in three dimensions form a group. These most important and frequently used rotations are the rotations which can be implemented physically. These rotations, do not change the handedness of the coordinate axes and are called proper rotations. The improper rotations take left handed systems to right handed systems, or vice versa. The statement of Euler's theorem about rotations is given. $\newcommand{\Prime}{{^\prime}}$ |
24-06-18 05:06:55 |
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[NOTES/CM-08013] Rotation of a Vector about \(X_3\)- AxisNode id: 6230pageWe derive the transformation rules for a rotation about \(X_3\)- axis. The concept of active and passive rotations is briefly explained.$\newcommand{\Label}[1]{\label{#1}}, \newcommand{\Prime}{^\prime}\newcommand{\eqRef}[1]{\eqref{#1}}$ |
24-06-17 22:06:43 |
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[NOTES/CM-08011] Rotations about a fixed axisNode id: 6224pageRotations about a fixed axis form a one parameter subgroup of rotations. |
24-06-17 22:06:47 |
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[NOTES/CM-08006] Axis Angle Parametrization of Rotation Matrix Node id: 6218page$\newcommand{\Prime}{{^\prime}}\newcommand{\U}[1]{\underline{\sf #1}}$
A closed form expression for rotation matrix is derived for rotations about an axis by a specified angle \(\theta\).
\begin{equation} R_{\hat{n}}(\theta)=\widehat {Id}-\sin (\theta) (\hat{n}\cdot \vec{I})+(1-\cos \theta)(\hat{n}\cdot\vec{I})^{2} \end{equation}Here \(\widehat{Id} \) is the identity matrix. and \(\vec{I}=(I_1,I_2,I_3)\) is given by \begin{equation} I_1=\left[\begin{array}{clc} 0 &0 &0\\ 0 &0 &-1\\ 0 &1 &0 \end{array}\right],I_2=\left[\begin{array}{clc} 0 &0 &1\\ 0 &0 &0\\ -1 &0 &0 \end{array}\right],I_3=\left[\begin{array}{clc} 0 &-1 &0\\ 1 &0 &-1\\ 0 &1 &0 \end{array}\right] \end{equation}.
Also the components of the position vector a point transform a
\begin{equation} {\vec{x}}\Prime=(\hat{n}\cdot{\vec{x}})\hat{n}+\cos\theta\big(\vec{x}-(\vec{x}\cdot\vec{n})\hat{n}\big)-\sin\theta (\hat{n}\times \vec{x})\end{equation}
24-06-17 22:06:34 |
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[NOTES/CM-08004] Equation of Motion in Non Inertial FramesNode id: 6220page$\newcommand{\U}[1]{\underline{\sf #1}}\newcommand{\pp}[2][]{\frac{\partial #1}{\partial #2}}\newcommand{\dd}[2][]{\frac{d#1}{d#2}} \newcommand{\Label}[1]{\label{#1}}$
We derive an expression for Lagrangian for motion of a charged particle in a rotating frame, It is shown that the equation of motion can be written as
\begin{eqnarray} m\ddot{\vec{x}}=\vec{F_{e}}-2m\vec{\omega}\times{\dot{\vec{x}}}-m\vec{\omega} \times(\vec{\omega}\times\vec{x}) \end{eqnarray} where \(\vec {F}_e\) is the external force. As seen from the rotating frame, the particle moves as if it is under additional forces
- $-2m\vec{\omega}\times{\dot{\vec{x}}}$ is called Coriolis force
- $-m\vec{\omega}\times(\vec{\omega}\times\vec{x})$ is known as centrifugal force
24-06-17 20:06:56 |
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[NOTES/CM-08014] Active and Passive RotationsNode id: 6229pageThe active and passive view of rotations are defined and relationship between them is described.
24-06-17 19:06:18 |
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[NOTES/CM-08001] The Group of Special Orthogonal Matrices in \(N\) DimensionsNode id: 6232page$\newcommand{\Label}[1]{\label{#1}}\newcommand{\eqRef}[1]{\eqref{#1}}\newcommand{\U}[1]{\underline{\sf #1}}$
All orthogonal all \(N\times N\) orthogonal matrices form a group called \(O(N)\). The set of all orthogonal matrices with unit determinant form a subgroup \(SO(N)\) . The group of all proper rotations coincides with \(SO(3)\). |
24-06-16 15:06:35 |
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[NOTES/CM-09010] A Heavy Top ---- Special CasesNode id: 6240pageA heavy top is a rigid body moving under influence of gravity with one of its points fixed. A brief description of four interesting cases of a heavy top is given. |
24-06-15 13:06:30 |
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[NOTES/CM-09011] General Displacement of a Rigid BodyNode id: 6241page |
24-06-15 12:06:35 |
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[NOTES/CM-09009] General comments on Motion of a Rigid BodyNode id: 6239page$\newcommand{\dd}[2][]{\frac{d#1}{d#2}}$
We discuss some general questions about, choice of frames of reference, generalized coordinates and constants of motion.
24-06-15 11:06:28 |
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[NOTES/CM-09012] Why Two Sets, Body and Space Sets, of Axes?Node id: 6242pageThe Newton's laws hold in an inertial frame. However the equations of motion involve the moment of inertia tensor which in turn depends on the orientation of the body and varies with time. This make it solution to the motion of a rigid body problem impossible. This difficulty is absent in the body fixed axes, the moment of inertia tensor depends only on the the geometry of the problem. So whether we use space axes ,or the body axes, depends on the problem to be solved, we use axes which makes the solution of the problem simpler. |
24-06-15 11:06:41 |
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[NOTES/CM-10009] Time Evolution as Canonical TransformationNode id: 6255pageThe time evolution governed by Hamilton's equations is an example of continuous canonical transformation. The infinitesimal generator of this transformation is the Hamiltonian itself. |
24-06-15 05:06:03 |
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[NOTES/CM-10012] Continuous Symmetry TransformationNode id: 6254pageIn the phase space formulation, the constant of motion \(G\) given by Noether's theorem, expressed in terms of coordinates and momenta generates the infinitesimal symmetry transformation. |
24-06-15 05:06:11 |
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[NOTES/CM-10011] Infinitesimal Canonical TransformationNode id: 6253page$\newcommand{\pp}[2][]{\frac{\partial#1}{\partial #2}}$
The definition of infnitesimal transformations is given. |
24-06-15 05:06:01 |
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[NOTES/CM-10010] Group Structure of Canonical TransformationsNode id: 6252pageThe set of all canonical transformations given by a generator of one of the four types form a group. |
24-06-15 05:06:04 |
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