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[NOTES/EM-02015] Proof of curl free nature of \(\vec E\)

Node id: 5960page

Starting from Coulomb's law a proof is given that the electric field of a system of point charges obeys the Maxwell's equation.
\[\nabla \times \vec E =0\]

AK-47's picture 23-10-12 19:10:59 n

[NOTE/EM-02014] Flux of Feld of a Point Charge

Node id: 5959article
AK-47's picture 23-10-12 19:10:58 n

[NOTES/EM-02013] Solid Angle

Node id: 5958page

In this section the concept of solid angle is defined as a generalization of angle in plane geometry

AK-47's picture 23-10-12 17:10:14 n

[NOTES/EM-02009] Line Integrals In Physics

Node id: 5955page

A few examples of problems are given from electromagnetic theory and other areas of physics are given  in which the line integral appears.

AK-47's picture 23-10-12 17:10:01 n

[NOTES/EM-02007]-Maxwell's Equations for Electrostatics-I

Node id: 5579page

The Gauss law of electrostatics follows from the Coulomb’s law for a point charge and superposition principle. The Gauss law along with the Gauss divergence theorem of vector calculus imply Maxwell’s first equation \(\nabla\cdot\bar{E}=\rho/\epsilon_0\) for electrostatics

AK-47's picture 23-10-10 20:10:14 n

[NOTES/EM-02008]-Maxwell's Equations for Electrostatics-II

Node id: 5580page

The Gauss law of electrostatics follows from the Coulomb's law for a point charge and superposition principle. The Gauss law along with the Gauss divergence theorem of vector calculus imply Maxwell's first equation \[ \nabla\cdot\bar{E}=\frac{\rho}{\epsilon_0}. \] for electrostatics.

AK-47's picture 23-10-10 20:10:28 n

[NOTES/EM-02006]-Proof of Gauss Law

Node id: 5578page

The Gauss law of electrostatics follows from the Coulomb’s law for a point charge and superposition principle. The proof given here follows Feynman’s lectures. It makes use of two important features of the electric field due to a point charge. These are
(i) the magnitude of the field obeying the inverse square law, and
(ii) radial direction of the electric field of a point charge. The above two properties are essential to the proof. Gauss law will not hold for hypothetical field, not having both the properties.

AK-47's picture 23-10-09 04:10:51 n

[NOTES/EM-02004]-Applications of Gauss Law

Node id: 5570page

Gauss law is applied to compute the electric field for several systems, see the Table of Contents for details. The symmetry of the problem is used in a nontrivial manner to arrive at the answers for the electric field.

AK-47's picture 23-10-07 05:10:29 n

[NOTES/EM-02003]-Electric Field due to Continuous Charge Distributions

Node id: 5568page

Electric field due to several charge distributions, listed in the table of contents, is computed using Coulomb’s law.

AK-47's picture 23-10-07 05:10:47 n

[NOTES/EM-02002]-Line, Surface and Volume Charge Distributions

Node id: 5566page

Continuous charge distributions spread over a line, or a surface, or volume, are introduced. The electric field due to a continuous charge distribution is obtained by dividing the charge distributions into infinitesimal elements, and summing over electric fields due to the small elements. The computation can often be simplified by making use of symmetries of the problem.

AK-47's picture 23-10-07 05:10:31 n

[NOTES/EM-02001] -Coulomb’s Law and Electric Field

Node id: 5564page

Coulomb’s law is stated for electric field of a point particle. For several point charges the field is obtained as a vector sum of the fields of individual charges

AK-47's picture 23-10-07 05:10:39 n

[NOTES/EM-02005] Flux of $\bar{E}$ and Using Gauss law

Node id: 5577page

The flux of electric field is defined and As a simple example, the flux of the electric field due to a point charge at the center of a sphere is explicitly computed. Other cases are briefly mentioned an statement of Gauss law is given.

AK-47's picture 23-10-02 12:10:31 n

[NOTES/EM-01011] $\vec B$ vs $\vec H$ --- Naming convention.

Node id: 5953page

We will call \(\vec B\) field as magnetic field when no medium is present.\\ In presence of a magnetic medium, \(\vec B\) will be called magnetic flux density or  magnetic induction. The field \(vec H\) will called  magnetic intensity or magnetic field intensity

AK-47's picture 23-09-30 03:09:36 n

[NOTE/EM-01008] How are Fields Produced?

Node id: 5951page

A brief overview of how electric and magnetic fields produced.

AK-47's picture 23-09-30 03:09:15 n

Finite Dimensional Vector Spaces --- Notes for Lectures and Problems [VS-MIXED-LOT]

Node id: 4692collection


AK-47's picture 23-09-15 12:09:11 n

[QUE/EM-02057] Field of Hemisphere

Node id: 5949page

Find the electric field due to a uniformly charged hemisphere of radius \(R\) at the north pole.

kapoor's picture 23-08-02 12:08:17 n

[QUE/EM-02005] Field due to charges on a square

Node id: 5948page

Find the direction and magnitude of $\vec{E}$ at the center of a square with charges at the corners as shown in figure below. Assume that $ q= 1\times 10^{-8}$coul, $a=5$cm


kapoor's picture 23-07-31 23:07:45 n

[QUE-SOL/EM-01001] Solution

Node id: 5947page


kapoor's picture 23-07-07 06:07:42 n

[WART/EM-01011] 1855 Experiment on Measurement of 'c' by Weber and Kohlrausch

Node id: 5946page
ashok's picture 23-06-20 01:06:40 n

[WART/EM-01010] Moton o f Charged Particles in Electric and Magnetic Fields

Node id: 5945article
ashok's picture 23-06-14 11:06:30 n
