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[NEWB/EM-04] Electrostatics of Conductors

Node id: 5910page

This page is under construction

Last Updated May 8, 2023


kapoor's picture 23-05-08 08:05:39 n

[NEWB/EM-03] Electric Potential

Node id: 5909page

This page is under construction

Last Updated May 8, 2023


kapoor's picture 23-05-08 08:05:21 n

[NEWB/EM-02] Continuous Charge Distribution

Node id: 5908page

This page is under construction

Last Updated May 8, 2023


kapoor's picture 23-05-08 08:05:15 n

[NEWB/EM-05] Maxwell' s Equations for Electrostatics

Node id: 5907page

This page is under construction

Last Updated May 8, 2023


kapoor's picture 23-05-08 07:05:56 n

[QUE/EM-01001] --- EM-PROBLEM

Node id: 2886page

An electron moving with speed of \(5.0\times 10^8\)cm/sec is shot parallel to an electric field strength of \(1.0\times 10^3\)nt/coul arranged so as to retard its motion.

  1. How far will the electron travel in the field before coming (momentarily) to rest ?
  2. how much time will elapse?
  3. If the electric field ends abruptly after \(0.8\) cm, what fraction of its initial energy will the electron loose in traversing the field?
kapoor's picture 23-05-06 18:05:03 n

[YMP/EM-01001] Motion of Charged Particle in Electric Field

Node id: 5898page
kapoor's picture 23-05-06 18:05:27 y

[QUE/EM-01010] EM-PROBLEM Alpha particle in magnetic field; motion in a circle

Node id: 3026page

An alpha particle travels in a circular path of radius $0.45$m in a
magnetic field with $B=1.2$w/m$^2$.
(i) its speed (ii) its period of revolution, and (iii) its kinetic energy.

Mass of alpha particle = \(6.64424. 10^{-27}\)kg \(\approx  4\times M_p; 
M_p= 4\times938.27\) MeV.

kapoor's picture 23-05-06 16:05:18 n

[QUE/EM-01006] --- EM-PROBLEM

Node id: 5484page

Alpha particles of energy 7 MeV are incident from a gold foil in a scattering experiment.

  1. Plot the electrostatic potential seen by the alpha particles
  2. Find the closest distance an alpha particle can reach to the nucleus assuming that initially the alpha particle was on a direct collision course with the gold nucleus.

How will your answers change if the positive charge of the gold nucleus is assumed to be uniformly distributed over a sphere of radius of a few Angstroms, as was proposed in Thompson model?

Answer:- \(r_\text{min} \approx 32 \text{fm}\) ...............................................................................

AK-47's picture 23-05-06 15:05:44 n

[QUE/EM-01002] --- EM-PROBLEM

Node id: 2620page

If an ink drop has a mass of $50\times10^{-9}$ g and is given a charge of $-200\times 10^{-15}$ C, find vertical displacement in an inkjet printer with 3keV deflection potential, 3mm plate separation and 15 mm deflection plate length. The nozzle ejects the drop with velocity 25 m sec$^{-1}$ and leaving edge of the deflection plate is at a distance 15 mm from the paper.Source [Kraus p117]

Click for Solution

kapoor's picture 23-05-06 15:05:33 n

[QUE/EM-01005] Problem-EM --- Small oscillations near a charged ring

Node id: 2628page

An electron is constrained to move along the axis of a ring of charge $q$ and radius $a$. Show that the electron can perform small oscillations along the axis of with time period given by $$ T=\frac{1}{2\pi}\frac{4\pi\varepsilon_0 m a^2}{eq}$$

Click for Solution

kapoor's picture 23-05-06 15:05:56 n


Node id: 2378page

Use Green’ reciprocity theorem to prove “mean value theorem”: the average of \(\phi(\vec{r})\) over a spherical surface \(S\) that encloses a charge-free volume is equal to the potential at the center of the sphere:\[ \frac{1}{4\pi R^2} \iint \phi(\vec{r}) dS = \phi(0) \]


Apply reciprocity theorem considering  two systems
(i) an empty sphere with charge spread uniformlyover its surface and
(ii) the given potential \(\phi(\vec{r})\) and its source \(\rho(\vec{r})\).

kapoor's picture 23-05-05 21:05:40 n

[QUE/EM-01007] --- EM-PROBLEM

Node id: 5485page

For an alpha particle approaching a nucleus of charge \(Ze\) from
a large distance with energy \(E>0\) and having impact parameter \(b\).
Find the distance of closest approach as function of energy and
impact parameter.

Answer {\(\frac{k+\sqrt{k^2+4E^2b^2}}{2E}\)}

AK-47's picture 23-05-05 21:05:06 n

[YMP/EM-07003] Solved Problem --- Magnetic Field of a Finite Line Element

Node id: 5896page
kapoor's picture 23-05-01 22:05:02 n

[YMP/EM-07002] Solved Problem --- Magnetic Field of a Circular Loop

Node id: 5895page
kapoor's picture 23-05-01 22:05:34 n

[YMP/EM-07001] Solved Problem --- Magnetic Field of a Long Straight Conductor

Node id: 5894page
kapoor's picture 23-05-01 22:05:25 n

[YMP/EM-07004] Solved Problem -- Magnetic Field due to a Long Solenoid

Node id: 5897page
kapoor's picture 23-05-01 21:05:52 n

[VC-WAQ-02001] When is a curl free field a gradient?

Node id: 5893page
ashok's picture 23-04-30 09:04:30 n

[RESOURCES/QM-TOP] Quantum Mechanics --- TOP PAGE

Node id: 5892collection

This page has links to all available resources in quantum mechanics

kapoor's picture 23-04-22 08:04:21 n

[QUE/QM-ALL] Repository of Quantum Mechanics Questions and Problems

Node id: 5839page

This repository contains collection of QUESTIONS and PROBLEMS in Quantum  Mechanics. These are arranged according to topics in the subject.
Not sorted or arranged in any particular order within a topic.

Suitable for teachers and content developers only.

Click on any topic to browse all available notes.

(Click opens a new tab/ window)

kapoor's picture 23-04-22 06:04:33 n

[2023CNG/QM-Pset-01] Problem Set 1

Node id: 5891page
kapoor's picture 23-04-17 07:04:07 n
