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Selected 20 rows in this page.  
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[2023CNG/QM-Pset-01] Problem Set 1

Node id: 5890page
kapoor's picture 23-04-17 07:04:51 n

[CNG/2023QM-03002] Postulates of Quantum Mechanics

Node id: 5889page
kapoor's picture 23-04-17 07:04:56 n

[2023CNG/QM-02001] Summary of Lectures 1 and 2

Node id: 5888page
kapoor's picture 23-04-17 07:04:47 n

[CNG/QM-LECTURE-01] Discovering Hilbert Space Part-I

Node id: 5885page

In this two part lectures, we provide an understanding of vectors appearing as the description of physical states. In the  first part we draw attention to the fact that states, dynamical variables and laws of motion are present as part of every physical theory. We illustrate this with examples of Newtonian mechanics and classical mechanics.

We then go over to the conceptual changes brought in by the process of transition to quantum theory.

The conceptual changes  that have important implications are

  • Wave particle duality
  • Principle of superposition of states 
  • Indeterminacy and probabilistic nature of physical theory
  • Simultaneous measurement and the uncertainty principle


kapoor's picture 23-04-11 14:04:41 n

[CNG/QM-Lecture-02] Discovering Hilbert Space --- Part-II

Node id: 5886page


In this lecture we show how basic  assumptions about probabilities and about average values naturally lead to
introduction of operators in our discussion. This discussion is applicable to those dynamical variables that can be measured simultaneously. The canonical quantization rule, the assumption commutation relations, is needed to complete the picture of operators in quantum mechanics. 


kapoor's picture 23-04-11 14:04:52 n

[2023CNG/QM-02002] Lecture II-2 An Online Course on Quantum Mechanics

Node id: 5884page



LECTURE II-2   (APRIL 9, 2023)

Structure Introducing The Scalar Product

kapoor's picture 23-04-11 09:04:52 n

[2023CNG/QM-02001] Lecture 2-1 An Online Course On Quantum Mechanics

Node id: 5883page



LECTURE II-1   (APRIL 9, 2023)

Understanding Appearance of Hilbert Space in Quantum Mechanics

kapoor's picture 23-04-11 09:04:35 n

[2023CNG/QM-01002]Lecture I-2 An Online Course on Quantum Mechanics

Node id: 5881page


LECTURE I-2  (APRIL 2, 2023)


kapoor's picture 23-04-11 09:04:15 n

[2023CNG/QM-01001] Lecture I -1 ---- An online course on Quantum Mechanics

Node id: 5880page



LECTURE I-1   (APRIL 2, 2023)

Structure of Physical Theories

kapoor's picture 23-04-11 09:04:01 n

[2023CNG/QM-TOP] Quantum Mechanics --- CSIR-NET-GATE

Node id: 5867collection

About this set of lectures

This is set of online lectures given in SUNDAY PHYSICS WhatsApp  Group.

For whom it will be beneficial

It is designed to be useful for those who plan to appear fpr competitive  examinations
such as CSIR-NET-GATE (CNG) etc.


participants had an introductory course in quantum mechanics and they they are interested in preparing for CSIR-NET-GATE.  

What will be covered and how

We will summarize and discuss the important results from text book level quantum mechanics. All detailed derivations and proofs will be skipped. it is hoped that, if required, the audience can fill the details that have been skipped.   

The main objective of these lectures is to facilitate preparation of CNG examinations.
With a focus on solving multiple  choice questions (MCQ).

kapoor's picture 23-04-08 16:04:03 n

[MCQ/QM-13001] energy eigenfucntion of 2 dim oscillator

Node id: 5875page

A particle of mass \(m\) in potential
\(V(x,y)=\frac{1}{2}m\omega^2(4x^2 + y^2)\) is in the energy eigen-state
with \(E=\frac{5}{2}\hbar \omega\), then is eigenfunction will be 

  1. \(y \exp\Big(-\frac{m\omega}{2\hbar}(2x^2+y^2)\Big)\)
  2. \(x \exp\Big(-\frac{m\omega}{2\hbar}(2x^2+y^2)\Big)\)
  3. \(y \exp\Big(-\frac{m\omega}{2\hbar}(x^2+y^2)\Big)\)
  4. \(xy \exp\Big(-\frac{m\omega}{2\hbar}(x^2+y^2)\Big)\)
kapoor's picture 23-03-30 21:03:58 n


Node id: 5872page

This set of notes introduces the rotation group in three dimensions.

Important results needed for applications to mechanics problems are derived 

Applications include

  • Vectors and Tensors
  • Motion in Inertial Frames
  • Rigid Body Dynamics
  • Group Theory


kapoor's picture 23-03-29 12:03:33 n

[LSN/EM-01101] Motion of Point Charges in Electric and Magnetic Fields

Node id: 5869curated_content
kapoor's picture 23-03-26 07:03:15 n

[PTK/QM-05001] Structure of Physical Theories-I

Node id: 5868page
kapoor's picture 23-03-23 08:03:08 n

[NOTES/EM-01004]--Cyclotron Motion

Node id: 5508page

The cyclotron was invented to accelerate charged particles by means of electric field as they move in a circle due to a magnetic field. Here the parameters of orbit of a charged particle in a magnetic field are obtained. 

AK-47's picture 23-03-17 18:03:08 n

[NOTES/EM-01003]-Thomson’s parabola method

Node id: 5507page

The parabola method was used to measure charge to mass ratio of the electron by measuring the deflection of the electrons when they pass through a uniform electric field. The method is described here and an expression for \(e/m\) in terms of the deflection of the electron. 

AK-47's picture 23-03-17 18:03:37 n

[NOTES/EM-01005]--Defining the Electric and Magnetic Fields

Node id: 5509page

We use the Lorentz force on a unit positive charge to define the electric and magnetic fields.

AK-47's picture 23-03-17 18:03:59 n


Node id: 5864page

About this page:

This is a  page of all bundled resources as a Guide to refresh subject matter (QM).
These resources are created with a view  to  help in preparation for competitive examinations like NET, GATE and CSIR fellowships.

kapoor's picture 23-03-16 14:03:40 n

[NOTES/EM-01010] Lorentz Force

Node id: 5861page

The expression for force on a charged particle in electric and magnetic fields is given. This is known as the Lorentz force.

kapoor's picture 23-03-09 13:03:53 n

[NOTES/EM-12003]-Fields of a Moving Point Charge

Node id: 5761page

The electromagnetic field tensor \(F_{\mu\nu}\) is a second rank Lorentz tensor. It transformation properties are used to derive the transformation properties of electric and magnetic fields under Lorentz transformations. The equation of motion of a relativistic charged particle are written down in a covariant notation.


AK-47's picture 23-03-03 21:03:38 n
