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[NOTES/EM-01012] Some Important Constants

Node id: 6004page

The numerical values of a few important constants are listed.

kapoor's picture 23-11-07 07:11:58 n

[NOTES/EM-01014] Gaussian Units

Node id: 6006page

We briefly present Gaussian units and trace  the source of appearance of velocity of light in Maxwell's equations.

kapoor's picture 23-11-07 07:11:44 n


Node id: 6007page

 \frac{\mu_0}{4\pi} =10^{-7} \text{henry/meter}

kapoor's picture 23-11-07 06:11:55 n

[SUM/EM-10001] Summary of Equations in Static and Dynamic Situations

Node id: 6001page
kapoor's picture 23-11-06 08:11:07 n

[NOTES/EM-07003]-Biot Savart Law from Maxwell's equations

Node id: 5709page


Starting form Maxwell's equations for magnetostatics, vector potential is introduced and the Biot-Savart Law is derived.


AK-47's picture 23-11-05 07:11:57 n

[NOTES/EM-07002]-Current Conservation

Node id: 5708page


The equation of continuity for conservation of electric is derived. An expression for current in a wire is obtained in terms of number of electrons per unit volume.


AK-47's picture 23-11-05 07:11:37 n

[NOTES/EM-07004] Stokes Theorem

Node id: 6000page

Relationship between the normal to a surface and the orientation of its boundary curve, as they should appear in Stokes theorem are explained.


AK-47's picture 23-11-05 07:11:25 n

[NOTES/EM-07021] Cross Product Rule

Node id: 5999page
AK-47's picture 23-11-05 00:11:20 n

[NOTES/EM-07014] Conservation Laws for Electromagnetic Fields

Node id: 5998page
AK-47's picture 23-11-04 23:11:23 n

[NOTES/EM-07019] Solving for Vector Potential

Node id: 5992page

$ \newcommand{\Prime}{^\prime}$

kapoor's picture 23-11-02 18:11:39 n

[NOTES/EM-07018] Poisson Equation for Vector Potential.

Node id: 5991page
kapoor's picture 23-11-02 18:11:21 n

[NOTES/EM-07016] Force on a Line and Volume Element of a Wire

Node id: 5989page

Expressions for  force on line  and volume elements of a current in magnetic field are derived. 

kapoor's picture 23-11-02 16:11:52 n

[NOTES/EM-03017] Potential Energy of a Dipole in External Field

Node id: 5968page

We derive expressions for force, potential energy and torque on a dipole in electric field.

AK-47's picture 23-11-02 15:11:25 n

[NOTES/EM-04016] Boundary Condition on Interface of Two Media

Node id: 5986page

Using Stokes theorem and Maxwell's equation \(\text{curl} \vec E =0\) it is proved that the tangential component of the electric field vanishes outside, just near the surface, vanishes.

kapoor's picture 23-11-02 10:11:41 n

[NOTES/EM-04012] Pressure on A Charged Conducting Surface

Node id: 5941page

In this section the pressure due to a surface charge density \(\sigma\) on  closed a conducting surface is computed and is shown to be \begin{equation*}
 \text{Force per unit area}= \frac{\sigma^2}{2\epsilon_0}.

kapoor's picture 23-11-01 20:11:48 n

Optics of Moving Sources

Node id: 4290page
ranjan's picture 23-10-30 07:10:56 n

Dispersion and Absorption of Light

Node id: 4289page
ranjan's picture 23-10-30 07:10:12 n

Polarization of Light

Node id: 4281page
ranjan's picture 23-10-30 07:10:59 n

Diffraction of light

Node id: 4278page
ranjan's picture 23-10-30 07:10:25 n

Interference of light

Node id: 4277page
ranjan's picture 23-10-30 07:10:16 n
