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Node id: 39page
ranjan's picture 23-10-30 07:10:25 n

Elastic Deformations of a Solid Body

Node id: 38page
ranjan's picture 23-10-30 07:10:54 n

Dynamics of a Solid Body

Node id: 37page
ranjan's picture 23-10-30 07:10:28 n

Universal Gravitation

Node id: 36page
ranjan's picture 23-10-30 07:10:40 n

Laws of Conservation of Energy, Momentum, and Angular Momentum

Node id: 35page
ranjan's picture 23-10-29 07:10:48 n

[LES/EM-07001] Currents and Current Conservation

Node id: 5985collection
kapoor's picture 23-10-29 06:10:20 n

[NOTES/EM-04010] Energy of Charged Capacitor and Force Between the Plates

Node id: 5984page

The electrostatic energy stored in electric field is given by \[\mathcal E = \frac{\epsilon_0}{2}\int |\vec E|^2 d^3r.\] In this article a few selected applications of the above expression for electrostatic energy to the problems involving capacitors are discussed.

kapoor's picture 23-10-27 12:10:10 n

[NOTES/EM-04011] Systems of Several Conductors

Node id: 5983page

Taking examples of a spherical capacitor, we show how the capacitance can be computed using the linearity of relation between the potentials and charges of conductors.

kapoor's picture 23-10-27 11:10:55 n

[NOTES/EM-04014] Electric Potential in Presence of Conductors

Node id: 5982page

The Maxwell's equations imply that the electric potential \(\phi\) obeys Poisson equation \(\nabla^2 \phi = -\rho/\epsilon_0,\) where \(\rho\) is the charged density.

kapoor's picture 23-10-27 10:10:42 n

[NOTES/EM-04013] Example --- The Method of Images

Node id: 5981page

The solution of  a thick shell and a point charge problem by the method of images is outlined.

kapoor's picture 23-10-27 10:10:34 n

The Fundamental Equation of Dynamics

Node id: 34page
ranjan's picture 23-10-26 08:10:00 n


Node id: 33page
ranjan's picture 23-10-25 23:10:54 n

Thermal Radiation. Quantum Nature of Light

Node id: 4291page
ranjan's picture 23-10-25 23:10:28 n

Test Collection :: Like a section of a book

Node id: 5980collection
kapoor's picture 23-10-25 22:10:35 n

[NOTES/EM-04005] Uniqueness Theorems --- Examples

Node id: 5975page

The solution of Poisson equation in a region, is unique for a specified charge density and under given  boundary  conditions. The uniqueness theorem is explained by means of several simple examples.

kapoor's picture 23-10-25 19:10:01 n

[NOTES/EM-04009] The Method of Images

Node id: 5979page

The method of images makes use of The uniqueness of solutions to boundary value problem makes it possible to relate solution of a given problem in a region \(R\)to another problem with same charge density and boundary conditions. The basic working of the method of images exploits  this by for probles involving conductors. It relates the given  problem to another problem without conductors but with a set of image charges chosen in a manner that meets the requirement of the uniqueness theorem. The solution to the second problem then provides the desired solution.

kapoor's picture 23-10-25 19:10:31 n

[NOTES/EM-04008] The Method of Images --- Examples

Node id: 5978page

In this section the solution of a boundary value problem involving a point charge and a grounded conducting sphere is obtained using the method of images.

kapoor's picture 23-10-25 18:10:57 n

[NOTES/EM-04007] The Method of Images

Node id: 5977page

The solution of a potential for a point charge and a grounded infinite plane conductor is given, without any details, using the method of images.

kapoor's picture 23-10-25 16:10:10 n

[NOTES/EM-04006] Uniqueness Theorems

Node id: 5976page

Uniqueness theorems for solutions of Laplace equation are stated and proved.

kapoor's picture 23-10-25 15:10:43 n

[NOTES/EM-04004] Electric Field Near a Charged Conductor

Node id: 5974page

Gauss law is used to determine the electric field near the surface of a conductor is obtained in terms of the surface charge  density.

kapoor's picture 23-10-25 09:10:49 n
