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[NOTES/EM-12002]-Electromagnetic Field Tensor and Maxwell's equations

Node id: 5759page

The field tensor for the electromagnetic fields is defined in terms of the vector potential. It components are expressed in terms of the electric and magnetic fields. The Maxwell's equations are written down in relativistic notation.


AK-47's picture 23-03-03 21:03:14 n

[NOTES/EM-12001]-Lorentz transformations

Node id: 5757page

The basic equations of Maxwell's theory are written down in relativistic notation. Using Lorentz transformations of the potentials, the expressions of the scalar and vector potentials of a point charge moving with a uniform velocity are obtained.


AK-47's picture 23-03-03 21:03:55 n

[NOTES/EM-11004]-Wave Equation for Fields

Node id: 5756page

The Maxwell's equations in vacuum, in absence of charges and currents are written and are shown to imply wave equation for the electric and magnetic fields. The plane wave solutions, the electromagnetic waves, are shown to travel with a velocity equal to \(1/\sqrt{\mu_0\epsilon_0}\). The numerical value of this expression equals the velocity of light. This leads to the identification of light as electromagnetic waves.


AK-47's picture 23-03-03 21:03:01 n

[NOTES/EM-11003]-Electromagnetic waves in vacuum

Node id: 5755page

The plane wave solution of wave equation for free fields in vacuum is obtained. It is proved that the electric and magnetic fields are mutually perpendicular and both ar perpendicular to the direction of propagation. It shown that the amplitudes of the electric and magnetic fields obey the relation \(|\vec{E}_0|=c|\vec{B}_0|\).


AK-47's picture 23-03-03 21:03:44 n

[NOTES/EM-11002]-Energy Density of Free Electromagnetic Waves

Node id: 5754page

The Poynting theorem gives an expression for energy density and rate of flow of energy across a surface. Using these expressions, the energy density and other quantities are computed for plane wave solutions.


AK-47's picture 23-03-03 21:03:31 n

[NOTES/EM-11001]-Electromagnetic Potentials in Electrodynamics

Node id: 5753page

The vector and scalar potentials are defined in terms of the fields. Using the Maxwell's equations the wave equation for the potentials are derived in the Lorentz gauge.



AK-47's picture 23-03-03 21:03:15 n

[NOTES/EM-10005]-Maxwell's Fourth Equation, Displacement Current

Node id: 5738page

Two problems with,Ampere's law and charge conservation, Maxwell's equations for time varying field are discussed. Maxwell modified the fourth equation by adding a displacement current.

AK-47's picture 23-03-03 21:03:36 n

[NOTES/EM-10006]-Maxwell's Fourth Equation, Displacement Current

Node id: 5739page

We discuss how Maxwell's addition of a displacement current in the fourth equation.


AK-47's picture 23-03-03 21:03:00 n

[NOTES/EM-10010]-Wave Equation in Free Space

Node id: 5745page

In absence of any medium and in free space, \(\rho=0, \vec{j}=0\), it is proved that the electric and magnetic fields satisfy wave equation.


AK-47's picture 23-03-03 20:03:13 n

[NOTES/EM-10007]-Time Varying Fields ,Ampere's Law

Node id: 5740page

We explain how Maxwell's addition of a displacement current in the fourth equation.


AK-47's picture 23-03-03 20:03:30 n

[NOTES/EM-10008]-Maxwell's Equations for Time Varying Fields and Ampere's Law

Node id: 5743page

Several concepts and results valid for static fields need revision when one is considering the situation of time varying fields. Some of these are discussed here


AK-47's picture 23-03-03 20:03:05 n

[NOTES/EM-10009]-A Summary Maxwell's Equations

Node id: 5744page

$\newcommand{\DD}[2][]{\frac{d^2 #1}{d^2 #2}}$ 
$\newcommand{\PP}[2][]{\frac{\partial^2 #1}{\partial #2^2}}$
$\newcommand{\pp}[2][]{\frac{\partial #1}{\partial #2}}$

An overview of how Maxwell's equations for static and time varying field is given. The changes needed from static to time varying case are emphasized.


AK-47's picture 23-03-03 20:03:38 n

[NOTES/EM-07010]-Magnetic Field of a Current Distribution at a Large Distances

Node id: 5715page

For a volume distribution of current an expression for magnetization density,{\it i.e.} the magnetic moment per unit volume, is obtained. An expression for the magnetic field at large distances, in terms of magnetization density,  is derived.


AK-47's picture 23-03-03 20:03:07 n

[NOTES/EM-07007]-Cross product rule

Node id: 5712page

in this section the rule  about  the direction of cross product the cross product of two vectors  is explained.


AK-47's picture 23-03-03 20:03:55 n

[NOTES/EM-07012]-Biot Savart Law

Node id: 5717page

The Biot Savart law for current carrying wire is explained.


AK-47's picture 23-03-03 20:03:04 n

[NOTES/EM-07011]-Direction convention for Ampere’s Law

Node id: 5716page

Direction convention for Ampere's law is explained


AK-47's picture 23-03-03 20:03:34 n

[NOTES/EM-07009]-Magnetic Field of a Current Loop at Large Distances

Node id: 5714page

 In this section we compute the leading term in the magnetic field of a current loop at large distances and obtain an expression for the magnetic moment of the loop.


AK-47's picture 23-03-03 20:03:32 n

[NOTES/EM-07008]-Magnetic Vector Potential

Node id: 5713page

The vector potential is introduced using the Maxwell's equation \(\nabla \times \vec{B}=0\) and the equation \( \nabla \times \vec{B} = \mu_0 \vec{j}\) is derived. The expression for the magnetic field is obtained as volume integral, the Biot Savart law, is derived. The expressions for the magnetic field for the surface current and the line current are given.


AK-47's picture 23-03-03 20:03:21 n

\(\S5.1\) Reducion of Two Body Problem to One Body

Node id: 1272page
  1. Reduction of Two Body Problem to One Body Problem
  2. General Properties of Motion
  3. Differential Equation of the orbit
kapoor's picture 23-03-01 11:03:17 n

[TESTING ] Open Systems.

Node id: 5855page

 An open  system can exchange energy and  particles with the environment. The energy of the system and the number of particles does not remain constant. The composite system consisting of the system of interest and environment will be called universe. The universe is an isolated system and the results from micro-canonical ensemble are applied to obtain the conditions that the system and the environment may be in equilibrium.   These conditions are  temperatures, the pressures, and the chemical potentials of the environment and the system be equal.

kapoor's picture 23-03-01 06:03:15 n
