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2651 records found.
Selected 20 rows in this page.  
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[YMP/EM-02006] Electric Field due to a Uniformly Charged Disk

Node id: 6019page

We will show that the electric field  due to a uniformly charged disk at a point on the axis of the disk is given by

E_z &=&\frac{2Qz}{a^2 4\pi\epsilon_0}\Big[1-\frac{z}{(z^2+a^2)^{1/2}}\Big]\\ \label{eq11A}

At a point on the axis of the disk, only the \(z\) component is non-zero, the other two components vanish, \(E_x=E_y\).




kapoor's picture 23-12-18 12:12:23 n

[YMP/EM-02007] Electric Field of a Uniformly Charged Spherical Shell

Node id: 6020page

We will show that for a uniformly charged sphere, radius \(a\) and charge \(Q\),

the electric field is given by
 \vec E =  \begin{cases} 0 & \text{if } r<a\\
     \frac{Q}{4\pi\epsilon_0 R^2 }  & \text{if } r > a
kapoor's picture 23-12-18 12:12:25 n

[YMP/EM-02005] Field due to a Uniformly Charged Ring

Node id: 6018page

The electric field due to a charged ring, at a point, \(P\) on its axis,  is computed using Coulomb's law. We will show that the electric field of uniformly charged ring, radius \(R\), at a  point on the axis of the ring,  is given by

 \vec E = \frac{qz}{4\pi\epsilon_0(z^2+r_0^2)^{3/2}} \, \hat k.
where \(q\) is the total charge and \(z\) is the distance if field point from the center of the ring. 
kapoor's picture 23-12-18 11:12:07 n

[2015MeOW/HMW--Archive] @BITS Hyderabad, Every One in BTech Class has a Different Home Work Paper

Node id: 3148page

This set of homework  assignments were prepared for

First Semester Course MeOW (Mechanics, Oscillations, and Waves)
2015 Batch of B.Tech program
at BITS-Pilani University Hyderabad (July-Nov 2015).

More than 700 different  question papers and answer sets  were generated by
an automated process for a class of 700 students.

Each student was given a different set of question paper for home work.

The students were asked to submit their answers online.
The evaluation of answers was also automated.

The process tested automation of generating the ranking type of question papers and evaluation.
It is possible to extend it to other types of questions and is likely to be useful for large classes.



kapoor's picture 23-12-17 10:12:43 n


Node id: 6034page
kapoor's picture 23-12-17 04:12:54 n

[CRT/MM-18001] Curated Resources --- Dirac Delta Function

Node id: 6033curated_content

WORK ON THIS PAGE IS IN PROGRESS                            Last Update : December 15, 2023

kapoor's picture 23-12-15 20:12:00 n

DD-01 Dirac Delta Function

Node id: 1230page

This write up is contributed by Prof. Pankaj Sharan as a part of lectures on electrodynamics.
For full set of eight lectures click here

kapoor's picture 23-12-15 20:12:08 n


Node id: 6032page
kapoor's picture 23-12-13 20:12:49 n


Node id: 6031page
kapoor's picture 23-12-13 19:12:53 n


Node id: 6030page
kapoor's picture 23-12-13 19:12:26 n

Proofs Warehouse - Collection III Utilities For Learning

Node id: 3886collection


Points to Remember [PTR]

Definitions to Remember  [DEF]

Coming in due course

Theorems and other results to Remember [THM]

Coming in due course

Module Summary [SUM]

Coming in due course

Black Boxes [BBQ] and Anti Black Boxes [ABB]

Coming in due course

Short-Examples [XMP]

Recommended for Further Reading [RFR]

Notes and References [NTR]

Coming in due course


kapoor's picture 23-12-12 11:12:59 n

How to check if derivative of a function with respect to a complex variable exists?

Node id: 5784basic_multi_step

Methods to  check if a function has a derivative at a point.

I- Using the definition
II- Using properties of derivative
III- Using Cauchy Riemann Equations

What will not be done here :-              

The functions with branch point singularity will be discussed separately

kapoor's picture 23-12-12 11:12:39 n

[YMP/EM-01005] Alpha Particle in Magnetic Field --- Circular Orbit

Node id: 5902page
kapoor's picture 23-12-12 11:12:36 n

[2023CNG/QM-ALL] Collection of Resources for (CNG) Online Course on Quantum Mechanics 2023

Node id: 5879collection

This is a collection of  links to all resources, lectures, video recordings
and Extra study material for  2023 ONLINE COURSE ON Quantum Mechanics.

Click here To learn more about the course



kapoor's picture 23-12-12 11:12:26 n

Matrices --- 150 Problem Sets for Diagonalization

Node id: 959page

This sample contains 150 sets of $3\times 3$ matrices for computing eigenvectors and eigenvalues.

Why so many sets?

The primary reason for creating so many sets was to give each students a different assignment and to give them extra sets for practice purposes.

How were these sets generated?

A large number $3\times3$ of matrices were generated starting with the Jordan canonical form with diagonal entries varied over a range of values. Then a similarity transform was applied by number of  different sets of  invertible matrices on each one of the matrices in Jordan form. Finally, those problems were discarded where the matrices, or the eigenvalues, or the eigenvectors had some large elements. Mathematica was used to write the $\LaTeX$ code of the matrices, their eigenvalues and eigenvectors.

One $\LaTeX$  file was generated for each matrix and stored. These were then input in a main $\LaTeX$  file which  generated the final PDF file of all sets with all answers at the end.

kapoor's picture 23-12-12 06:12:05 n

[LECS/EM-02001] Coulomb's Law and Electric Field

Node id: 6012article

The Coulomb's law gives the force between two point charges. It can be reformulated as giving electric field of a point charge which in turn gives rise to force on a nearby point charge.The electric field of a point charge is generalized to system with continuous charge distributions. Expressions for the electric field of  line surface and volume charge distriibutions are given.

kapoor's picture 23-12-12 05:12:28 n

[YMP/EM-All] Solved Problems in Electromagnetic Theory

Node id: 5918collection

Work Under Progress

(LUPDate : Nov 24, 2023)



kapoor's picture 23-12-11 16:12:24 n

What horrible things we allow our children to be taught --- A Sample!!

Node id: 6029blog

Here is a sample of horrible Physics and Mathematics our children learn from  established centers.
We pay them for our children to learn horrible "Physics and Mathematics".

Snap shot taken from


Refresh the page, if you do not see the body of this page

kapoor's picture 23-12-11 06:12:16 n

[YMP/EM-02010] Electric Field of Overlapping Uniformly Charged Spheres

Node id: 6023page


Two spheres, each of radius $R$ and carrying charge densities $+\rho$ and $-\rho$ respectively, are placed so that they partially overlap. The separation between the centers of the spheres is $D$. Show that the field in the region of overlap is constant and find its value.
kapoor's picture 23-12-04 05:12:08 n


Node id: 6026page
ashok's picture 23-11-24 10:11:27 n
