
[NOTES/EM-04007] The Method of Images

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The solution of a potential for a point charge and a grounded infinite plane conductor is given, without any details, using the method of images.

 Figure below shows an infinite grounded conducting plane and a point charge located at \((0,0,d)\). The problem is to find the electric potential in region \(R\) in the upper half plane \(\vec r | z >0 \).

In an auxiliary problem shown in \Figref{em-fig-04015}
Image charge \(-q\) is placed at distance $d$ below the plane. The potential on the plane is zero due to the combined effect of the
charge and image charge. Therefore, by uniqueness theorem,
the electric field, in the region of interest in the arrangement, is equal to
the field due to the given point charge and its image charge. Thus the potential at any point \(P\), position \(\vec r\), is given by
 \phi(\vec r)=\frac{1}{4\pi\epsilon_0}\Big(\frac{q}{|\vec r - \vec d|} -\frac{q}{|\vec r + \vec d| }\Big)
where \(\vec d=(0,0,d)\).

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