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2654 records found.
Selected 20 rows in this page.  
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[NOTES/EM-07001]-Electric Current

Node id: 5707page

The current density and its relation with the current in a circuit is explained.


AK-47's picture 24-03-02 07:03:06 n

2024 Referesher Course, University of Hyderabad ---- Topics in Quatum Mechaincs

Node id: 6062collection
kapoor's picture 24-03-01 08:03:06 n

Workflow and Making of Final Products for Users

Node id: 6088page
  • No Frill Lecture Notes
  • Stockpile of Resources
  • Bundles of Resources for Study (BRST)
kapoor's picture 24-03-01 06:03:51 n

Content Creation Activity --- Creation of Building Blocks

Node id: 6087page
kapoor's picture 24-03-01 06:03:19 n

1.5 Exercise-02 --- Hyd Univ-2024 Referesher Course

Node id: 6064page
kapoor's picture 24-03-01 04:03:17 n

1.4 Exercise-01 --- Hyd Univ-2024 Referesher Course

Node id: 6057page
kapoor's picture 24-03-01 04:03:35 n

1.2 Why Postulates ? --- Lectures given at Hyd Univ -2024 Refresher Course

Node id: 6061page
kapoor's picture 24-03-01 04:03:15 n

[LECS/EM-01002] Electric and Magnetic Fields

Node id: 5857page

Thomson parabola method, Cyclotron motion, Determination of $e/m$ of electrons
and Hall effect are discussed as examples of motion of charged particles in electric and magnetic fields.

kapoor's picture 24-03-01 04:03:03 n

[NOTES/QM-23001] Time Independent Perturbation Theory --- A Summary

Node id: 6084page
kapoor's picture 24-02-28 23:02:18 n

[PSU/QM-23001] Solving Problems in Time Independent Perturbation Theory

Node id: 6083page
kapoor's picture 24-02-28 23:02:09 n

[QUE/QM-23001] Particle in a Box with a Bump

Node id: 2562page

A particle moves in a one dimensional box with rigid boundary at $x=0$ and $x=L$ walls. If a small perturbation $V_1$, given by  $$ V_1 (x)=\left\{ \begin{array}{ll} \epsilon V_0 &  \mbox{ for }\qquad  {L\over 4} < x < {3L\over 4}\\[2mm] 0 & \mbox{ otherwise}\end{array}\right.$$ is applied, find the shift in the $\mbox{n}^{\mbox{th}}$ energy level.                                       

kapoor's picture 24-02-28 10:02:44 n

[SCR/QM-23010] Degenerate Perturbation Theory ---- How to Choose Unperturbed States

Node id: 6075page
kapoor's picture 24-02-28 10:02:32 n


Node id: 6082page
kapoor's picture 24-02-28 09:02:49 n


Node id: 6081page
kapoor's picture 24-02-28 09:02:53 n


Node id: 6080page
kapoor's picture 24-02-28 09:02:37 n


Node id: 6079page
kapoor's picture 24-02-28 09:02:04 n


Node id: 6078page
kapoor's picture 24-02-28 09:02:55 n


Node id: 6077page
kapoor's picture 24-02-28 09:02:41 n


Node id: 6076page
kapoor's picture 24-02-28 09:02:16 n

[SCR/QM-23010] Degenerate Pert. Theo. ---- How to Choose A Basis

Node id: 6074page
kapoor's picture 24-02-28 06:02:36 n
