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Node id: 2996page

Find the direction and magnitude of $\vec{E}$ at the center of a rhombus, with interior angles of $\pi/3$ and $2\pi/3$,  with charges at the corners as shown in figure. Assume that      $ q= 1\times 10^{-8}$C, $a=5$cm


kapoor's picture 22-12-06 17:12:20 n

[QUE/EM-02021] --- EM-PROBLEM

Node id: 2190page
Three charges are located on the circumference of a circle of radius $R$ as shown in the figure below.  The two charges \(Q\) subtend an angle \( 90^o \) at the centre of the circle. The charge \( q\) is symmetrically placed on the circumference with respect to the charges \(Q\). What is the magnitude of \(Q\) if the electric field at the centre is zero?  
                                          CSIR Dec 2012 
kapoor's picture 22-12-06 17:12:40 n


Node id: 2627page

Find the direction and magnitude of $\vec{E}$ at the center of a square with charges at the corners as shown in figure below. Assume that $ q= 1\times 10^{-8}$coul, $a=5$cm.

charges on a square

kapoor's picture 22-12-06 16:12:29 n

[PRJ/EM-04001-R] Faraday's Cage with References

Node id: 5820page


Learn about Faraday's cage and write a report in your words.

A starting reference is provided, see Sec. 7.5.1 of [1]. Do an internet search and find more references.



[1] Zangwill, Modern Electrodynamics, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, (2012).

  See Attached PDF Pages 

ashok's picture 22-12-03 12:12:43 n

testing sample

Node id: 5818page
AK-47's picture 22-12-02 18:12:57 n


Node id: 5808page
kapoor's picture 22-11-30 12:11:23 n

[MSET/QM-001] Mixed Set --- Quantum Mechanics

Node id: 5807page
kapoor's picture 22-11-30 12:11:25 n


Node id: 5803page
kapoor's picture 22-11-30 11:11:11 n

[MSET/QM-004] MIXED SET --- Quantutm Mechanics

Node id: 5806page
kapoor's picture 22-11-30 11:11:08 n

[MCQ/QM-02001] Checking group property

Node id: 5798page

 Let \(\alpha\) and \(\beta\) be complex numbers. Which of the following sets of matrices forms a group under matrix multiplication?

 (1) \(\begin{pmatrix}  \alpha & \beta\\ 0 & 0 \end{pmatrix}\)



 (3) \(\begin{pmatrix}  \alpha & \alpha^*\\\beta & \beta^*  \end{pmatrix}\)

where \(\alpha\beta* \) is real.

(2) \(\begin{pmatrix}  \alpha & \beta\\ 0 & 0 \end{pmatrix}\)
where \(\alpha \beta \ne 1\)


  (4) \(\begin{pmatrix}  \alpha & \beta\\ -\beta  & \alpha* \end{pmatrix}\)
where \(|\alpha|^2+|\beta|^2=1\)
kapoor's picture 22-11-30 10:11:06 n

[MCQ/QM-03003] Operator in Dirac Notation, Eigenvalues, Eigenvectors

Node id: 5812page

kapoor's picture 22-11-30 10:11:00 n

[MCQ/QM-05001] Computing probabilty for outcome of a measurement

Node id: 5804page

kapoor's picture 22-11-30 10:11:54 n

[MCQ/QM-09001] Time Evolution

Node id: 5811page

kapoor's picture 22-11-30 10:11:48 n

[MCQ/QM-03001] Scalar product

Node id: 5802page

kapoor's picture 22-11-30 10:11:42 n

[TOP/EM-PSOL] Electromagnetic Theory --- Problem Solving

Node id: 5790multi_level_page
kapoor's picture 22-11-26 08:11:09 n

[LSN/ME-08001] Motion in Lineraly Accelerated Frames

Node id: 3436page


Newton's laws of motion; Some elementary ideas about inertial and non-inertial frames.

Lesson Goals

  1. To relate accelerations of a body as seen by an observer in an inertial frame and a non inertial frame. There are two cases of  interest. These are as follows. 
    1. To obtain equation of motion in a linearly accelerated frame; 
    2. To obtain equation of motion in a rotating frame, and to obtain expressions for   centrifugal and Coriolis forces.
    Only case (a) will be taken up in this lesson
  2. To explain gravitational and inertial masses.
  3. To explain equivalence principle
kapoor's picture 22-11-26 05:11:22 n


Node id: 2248page

A  charge \(-e \) is placed in vacuum at the point \( (d,0,0) \), where \(d>0\). The region \( x < 0\) is filled uniformly with a metal. Find the electric field at the point \( (\tfrac{d}{2},0,0)\). Which of the following is a correct answer.

  1. \( -\dfrac{10e}{9\pi\epsilon_0d^2}(1,0,0)\)
  2. \( \dfrac{10e}{9\pi\epsilon_0d^2}(1,0,0)\)
  3. \(\dfrac{e}{\pi\epsilon_0d^2}(1,0,0)\)
  4. \(-\dfrac{e}{\pi\epsilon_0d^2}(1,0,0)\)

CSIR June 2014

kapoor's picture 22-11-24 07:11:29 n


Node id: 5609collection

Problem Solving Sessions are planned for Sunday Physics.

Join Zoom Meeting

 Meeting ID: 884 3071 9608
Passcode: 448910
Timing: 10.30 am - 1.00 pm


 Links to Lecture Notes ( Work on update in progress)



 Other Useful Links



We begin with complex  variables on 17th July 2022.

A tentative plan for  Problem Solving Sessions  in Complex Variables is as follows,
(1) how to check that a given function is  an analytic function or not?
(2) finding singular points of a given  functions
(3) determining the nature of singular points
(4) finding residue at a given singular point, explain Cauchy residue theorem
(5) explain evaluation of different types of  integrals by contour integration.

 GATE/JEST/NET Questions and Hint Page

 Click for GATE/JEST/NET Question Papers 
Set -I  Set -II  Set-III

Hints  For Solutions


kapoor's picture 22-11-20 20:11:45 n

SUNDAY-PHYSICS ---- GATE/NET/CSiR --- SUBGROUP --- Preparation Activity

Node id: 5809collection

Preparation Activity


kapoor's picture 22-11-20 07:11:57 n

[TOP/TH-PSOLV] Problem Solving in Thermodynamics

Node id: 5816multi_level_page
AK-47's picture 22-11-19 17:11:57 n
