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2654 records found.
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LFM-CM-02 Frictional force

Node id: 3301page

Question: Is the frictional force a force of constraint? What is the virtual work done by  frictional forces?

The principle of virtual work and D' Almebert's principle eliminate constraint forces making use of the fact that these forces do no work. What about friction? Is it a force of constraint in this sense? You find discussion of such fine details only in work of masters. See Sommerfeld \(\S\) II.8, p54.

Sommerfeld writes:
...  we shall talk about the force of friction, which must be sometimes counted among the forces of reaction, sometimes among applied forces. It is a force of reaction if it occurs as static friction; applied force if it occurs as sliding or kinetic friction. Static friction is  automatically eliminated by the principle of virtual work; kinetic friction must be introduced as an applied force. An external indication of this is the occurrence of the experimental constant \(\mu\) in the law of sliding friction. 

kapoor's picture 22-08-26 12:08:49 n

QM-1(2019) Theory for Tutorial -I

Node id: 3063page

For Tutorial-I, you need the Postulate 3 of quantum mechanics.

Click Go Back to the tutorial page

kapoor's picture 22-08-26 12:08:34 n

[QUE/CM-02033] Bead on a Rotating Parabolic Wire

Node id: 3164page

A bead of mass \(m\) slides on a frictionless wire under the influence of gravity and the shape of wire is parabolic with axis begin along the vertical upwards. The wire rotates about the its axis, (\(z\)- axis), with constant angular velocity \(\omega\). Take \(z^2= a\rho\) as equation of the parabola.

  1. Set up Lagrangian and obtain equations of motion.
  2. Obtain the Hamiltonian. Is theHamiltonian equal to energy? 
  3. Hamiltonian or energy or both areconstants of motion?


kapoor's picture 22-08-26 12:08:19 n


Node id: 3165page

A mass \(m\) is suspended by a mass-less spring of spring constant \(k\) and un-stretched length\(b\). The suspension point is pulled upwards with constant acceleration \(a_0\). Gravity acts vertically downwards.

Find the Lagrangian and Hamiltonian function and write Hamilton's equations of motion.
Find also
the period of motion.


kapoor's picture 22-08-26 12:08:32 n

LFM/CM-07 :: Eliminating Zero Frequency Modes of Translation and Rotation

Node id: 3109page
kapoor's picture 22-08-26 12:08:27 n

CM@HCU :: Tutorial I

Node id: 3065page

Assistance for Classical Mechanics Tutorial-I


Click to go back to the Tutorial Page

kapoor's picture 22-08-26 12:08:18 n

\(\S\S\) 7.3 Q[2] \(\int_0^\infty \frac{x}{x^4+1} dx\)

Node id: 1835page
kapoor's picture 22-08-26 11:08:24 n

\(\S\S\) 7.3 Q[9] \(\int_0^\infty \frac{x^2+1}{(x^4+1)^2}dx \)

Node id: 1842page
kapoor's picture 22-08-26 11:08:00 n

\(\S\S\) 7.3 Q[11] \(\int_0^\infty \frac{x^4}{x^{2N}+1} dx\)

Node id: 1844page
kapoor's picture 22-08-26 11:08:11 n

\(\S\S\) 7.3 Q[12] \( \int_0^\infty \frac{dx}{x^N+1} \)

Node id: 1846page
kapoor's picture 22-08-26 11:08:44 n

\(\S\S\) 7.3 Q[13] \(\int_0^\infty \frac{x^{2N}}{x^{2M}+1} \, dx\)

Node id: 1848page
kapoor's picture 22-08-26 11:08:15 n

\(\S\S\) 7.3 Q [7] \(\int_0^\infty \frac{x^2\, dx}{x^6+1}\)

Node id: 1840page
kapoor's picture 22-08-26 11:08:57 n

\(\S\S\) 7.3 Q[14] \(\int_0^\infty \frac{dx}{(p+qx^2)^N}\)

Node id: 1847page
kapoor's picture 22-08-26 11:08:38 n

\(\S\S\) 7.3 Q [8] \(\int_0^\infty \frac{dx}{(x^2+p^2)(x^2+q^2)}\)

Node id: 1841page
kapoor's picture 22-08-26 11:08:07 n

\(\S\S\) 7.3 Q[3] \(\int \frac{dx}{x^4+x^2+1}\)

Node id: 1836page
kapoor's picture 22-08-26 11:08:51 n

\(\S\S\) 7.3 Q[4] \(\int_{-\infty}^\infty \frac{dx}{(x^2+x+1)^2}\)

Node id: 1837page
kapoor's picture 22-08-26 11:08:24 n

\(\S\S\) 7.3 Q[5] \int_{-\infty}^{\infty}\(\frac{(x^2+2)}{(x^4+10x^2+9)}\)

Node id: 1838page
kapoor's picture 22-08-26 11:08:10 n

\(\S\S\) 7.3 Q[6] \(\int_0^\infty \frac{(x-2)}{(x^4+10x^2+9)} dx\)

Node id: 1839page
kapoor's picture 22-08-26 11:08:26 n

2019-CM-I @ CMI :: Assignments and Group Activity Q-Papers

Node id: 3175curated_content
kapoor's picture 22-08-26 10:08:21 n

2019-CM-I @ CMI :: Quiz Papers with Solutions

Node id: 3176curated_content
kapoor's picture 22-08-26 10:08:33 n
