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2654 records found.
Selected 20 rows in this page.  
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REVQ/EM-03001 Review Questions ---- Sample to Test Ideas

Node id: 5777page

This node has a set of review questions for self test of understanding of  Sec. 3.1 Electric Potential.

kapoor's picture 22-09-28 05:09:48 n

[AGBX/EM] Anti Gray Boxes --- Electromagnetic Theory

Node id: 5397page
kapoor's picture 22-09-27 23:09:44 n

How to Use the Drawing Tool

Node id: 563page

The following tutorial is written by Luigi D. CAPRA. It is being shared here for your convenience.

[Original URL:]

ranjan's picture 22-09-26 19:09:41 n

SUNDAY PHYSICS --- Lecture 2 July 24, 2022

Node id: 5774page
kapoor's picture 22-09-25 05:09:08 n

SUNDAY PHYSICS --- Lecture 10 , Sept 18, 2022

Node id: 5773page
kapoor's picture 22-09-25 04:09:04 n

GATE/JEST/NET Complex Analysis Set -III

Node id: 5771page

Use residue theorem for
Q[1], Q[4], Q[6], Q[8], Q[13], Q[15]

kapoor's picture 22-09-18 08:09:18 n

GATE/JEST/NET --- Complex analysis Set-I

Node id: 5769page
  • Q[6] :: Use residue theorem
  • Q[8] :: Close the contour  and apply residue theorem
  • Q[9] :: Use residue theorem
  • Knowledge of branch point and branch cut required for Q[5]
kapoor's picture 22-09-18 07:09:01 n

GATE/JEST/NET Complex Analysis Set -II

Node id: 5770page
kapoor's picture 22-09-18 07:09:03 n

[GGQ/TH-09002] Equation of State and Fundamental Relation

Node id: 5764page

Explain the relation between fundamental state and equation of state of a thermodynamic system.

kapoor's picture 22-09-14 07:09:02 n

[GGL/TH-08001] Gibbs Free Energy

Node id: 5766page
kapoor's picture 22-09-14 07:09:48 n

[GGQ/QFT-01001] Classical Fields

Node id: 5765page
kapoor's picture 22-09-14 06:09:14 n

[GGQ/TH-COLL] Thermodynamics List of Modules

Node id: 5763collection
  • Saved Internet Searches
    • [1] Basic Concepts; Temperature and Zeroth Law of Thermodynamics
    • [2] Simple Thermodynamic Systems
    • [3] Work and
    • [4]Heat and First Law of Thermodynamics
    • [5] Ideal Gas
    • [6] Entropy and the Second Law of Thermodynamics
    • [7] Combined First and Second Law of Thermodynamics
    • [8] Thermodynamic Functions, Maxwell's Relations
    • [9] Postulates of Thermodynamics
    • [10] Applications of Thermodynamics to Simple Systems
    • [11] Open Systems
    • [12] Kinetic Theory
    • [13] Transport Phenomena
    • [14] Statistical Thermodynamics
    • [15] Applications of Statistics to Gases
    • [16] Thermal Properties of Solids
    • [17] Critical Phenomena
    • [18] Chemical Equilibrium
    • [19] Heterogeneous System
kapoor's picture 22-09-14 06:09:25 n

[LSN/ME-08004] Effect of Earth's Rotation --- Coriolis Force

Node id: 5734page

The Mechanics Lessons included here are part study matertial for a course on Mechanics,  
Chennai Mathematical Institute (July - Nov 2019).  


kapoor's picture 22-09-11 19:09:18 n

[LECS/EM-10004]-Conservation and Flow of Energy of Electromagnetic Fields

Node id: 5760page
AK-47's picture 22-09-11 13:09:22 n

[LECS/EM-10003] -- Energy Conservation ---- Poynting Theorem

Node id: 5749page

Using time dependent Maxwell's equations and considering a charge distribution moving under influence of the electric and magnetic fields, an equation for rate of change of mechanical work done on the charges is derived, see EQ12. This equation is local conservation law of energy. It says that the rate of the sum of change energy of e.m. fields and work done in a volume \(V\) equals to the flow of energy through the boundary of the volume \(V\). The flow though the boundary is given by the Poynting vector \(\vec{S}\) defined in EQ10.

AK-47's picture 22-09-10 16:09:51 n

[NOTES/EM-10002]-Poynting Theorem--Examples

Node id: 5732page

By means of several examples it is shown that the energy density of electromagnetic fields equals the well known expressions of energy of solenoid and a charged capacitor. By means of example of a capacitor being charged, the presence of the displacement current leads to a consistent Ampere's law.

AK-47's picture 22-09-06 19:09:26 n

Diamond Point --- --- --- PROOFS-HOME

Node id: 4727path

The PROOFS is an open ended program with no logical end point.
There is always some thing to add, something to improve, and something to create.
Click Here To Know Latest Additions and Updates


  • This is Diamond Point for all resources.
  • Link for Home Pages of All Areas of Physics Originate from  here.
  • The all resources of a chosen type, (lecture notes, exercises etc ..) can also bereached from here.
  • Custom paths/searches for locating  resources to meet different requirements are alsoprovided
  • The Home Page for an Area of Physics has links to all the resources available in Proofs program related to the Area


 Work Is Always  in Progress
Click Here To Know Latest Additions and Updates

kapoor's picture 22-09-05 21:09:29 n

[LECS/EM-10006]-Wave Equation for Fields*

Node id: 5752page
AK-47's picture 22-09-03 18:09:53 n

[LECS/EM-10005]-Wave Equation for Fields*

Node id: 5751page
AK-47's picture 22-09-03 18:09:39 n

[LECS/EM-10004]-Conservation and Flow of Energy of Electromagnetic Fields*

Node id: 5750page
AK-47's picture 22-09-03 18:09:15 n
