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Group Theory -- HOME [GT-HOME]

Node id: 5326collection
kapoor's picture 22-09-03 13:09:40 n


Node id: 2360page

Van de Graaff Generator

The principle of van de Graff generator is based on the property of conductors that net charge on a conductor resides on the outer surface of the conductor.

Link to the origninal article is provided below.


kapoor's picture 22-09-03 06:09:18 n

[LEC/EM-10011-RECO] Conservation laws

Node id: 5746page

Have you ever given thought as to why conservation laws are ferquently given by an equation of continuity?

A well known example if charge conservation.

AK-47's picture 22-09-03 06:09:05 n

Testing Inclusion of a PRE and POST NOTES for a basic page

Node id: 5742page
AK-47's picture 22-09-02 13:09:31 n

Testing Fonts as images. EM-QTD-09001

Node id: 5741page

MathJax does not support many fonts. Can i copy the font from pdf file and paste on html pgae?

 hG, ∗i   



This size is too big.

PDF should be unzoomed to 100% size before copying the font as image.








AK-47's picture 22-09-01 07:09:53 n

[NOTES/EM-10003]-Examples of flow of energy

Node id: 5736page

Energy stored in capacitor while it is being charged and the heat produced in a current carrying resistor are explained in terms of flow of energy as given by the Poynting theorem.

AK-47's picture 22-08-28 10:08:18 n

Fraleigh :: Role of Definitions

Node id: 5733page

These are pages reproduced from Fraleigh.
This material is a must for every student who aspires to learn Mathematics.
The author makes several other important  points that students must pay attention.
An excellent text book to learn Abstract  Algebra.

This has been uploaded as supplementary reading resource for course Mechanics-I (2019),
now running at Chennai Mathematical Research Institute.

kapoor's picture 22-08-27 23:08:49 n

Proofs Programme :: Top-Page

Node id: 750page

'PROOFS' Programme:                                                                             

Physics Resources Online Open and Free Source, PROOFS  is a community based programme to create, share, and provide content to every one involved in teaching and learning of Physics and Mathematics. It is the policy of the author that the contents of the PROOFS Programme will remain always available for downloading freely on World Wide Web. The PROOFS  Programme differs from other similar efforts in a number of ways in its objectives and as well as features. Click here to learn more about features.

kapoor's picture 22-08-27 23:08:21 n

Proofs Warehouse -I

Node id: 3487collection

This Warehouse is a collection of resource items for internal use and development of Proofs programme.  Some of the items appearing here are being  developed on experimental basis. Most of the items in this tree are likely to  be  moved, or removed, in future.
Still some other items appearing here will serve as  supplementary resources for a course being taught at  a given time. These may not remain available after the course is over.


kapoor's picture 22-08-27 23:08:52 n

Solutions :: Part-II -- Problem Sessions

Node id: 1337page

Solutions to Selected Problems Sessions in the book have started appearing here*.

kapoor's picture 22-08-27 10:08:26 n

LSN/MM-17 :: Summation Convention, $\epsilon,\delta$ symbols and All That (LNK)

Node id: 3390page
kapoor's picture 22-08-27 10:08:15 n

2017 Statistical Mechanics - A Course Given at IIT Bhubaneswar ---- K. P.N. Murthy and A. K. Kapoor

Node id: 3762page
kapoor's picture 22-08-27 10:08:28 n

2019-CM-I @ CMI :: All Lessons

Node id: 3174curated_content
kapoor's picture 22-08-27 10:08:11 n

PKG/MM-17-01 Mathematical Preliminaries

Node id: 3445page
kapoor's picture 22-08-26 19:08:06 n

[NOTES/EM-10001]-Overview of Electrodynamics Equations

Node id: 5731page

Important equations of electrodynamics,the equation of continuity, the Lorentz force and the Maxwell's equations are summarized.  

AK-47's picture 22-08-26 19:08:47 y

[LSN/VS-01001] Groups and Fields

Node id: 3493page
kapoor's picture 22-08-26 12:08:25 n

[PSET/QM-06001] States and Dynamical Variables

Node id: 1044page
kapoor's picture 22-08-26 12:08:12 n

[QUE/ME-02009] Successive Rotations

Node id: 3203page

Read the following theorem of  Rodrigues and Hamilton taken from Whittaker,  Sec2-3.

  The theorem of Rodrigues and Hamilton.Any two successive rotations about a fixed point can be compounded intoa single rotation by means of a theorem, which may be stated as follows:Successive rotations about three concurrent lines fixed in space, through twice the angles of the planes formed by them, restore a body to its original position. For let the lines be denoted by OP, OQ, OR. Draw. Op, Oq, Orperpendicular to the planes QOR, ROP, POQ respectively. Then if a body isrotated through two right angles about Oq, and afterwards through two rightangles about Or, the position of OP is on the whole unaffected, while Oq ismoved to the position occupied by its image in the line Or; the effect is therefore the same as that of a rotation round OP through twice the anglebetween the planes PR and PQ, which we may call the angle RPQ. It follows that successive rotations round OP, OQ, OR through twice the angles RPQ, PQR, QRP, respectively, are equivalent to successive rotations through two right angles about the lines Oq, Or, Or, Op, Op, Oq; but the latter rotations will clearly on the whole produce no displacement; which establishes the theorem.
Quoted from Whittaker

Now solve  the following problem. Following  two rotations are preformed in succession\\ (i) rotation by angle \(\alpha\) about axis \(\hat{n}\);\\ (ii) rotation by angle \(\beta\) about axis \(\hat{m}\).\\ Find the angle and axis of rotation that will produce the same result as the combined effect of above two rotations.

kapoor's picture 22-08-26 12:08:34 n

LFM-CM-02 Frictional force

Node id: 3301page

Question: Is the frictional force a force of constraint? What is the virtual work done by  frictional forces?

The principle of virtual work and D' Almebert's principle eliminate constraint forces making use of the fact that these forces do no work. What about friction? Is it a force of constraint in this sense? You find discussion of such fine details only in work of masters. See Sommerfeld \(\S\) II.8, p54.

Sommerfeld writes:
...  we shall talk about the force of friction, which must be sometimes counted among the forces of reaction, sometimes among applied forces. It is a force of reaction if it occurs as static friction; applied force if it occurs as sliding or kinetic friction. Static friction is  automatically eliminated by the principle of virtual work; kinetic friction must be introduced as an applied force. An external indication of this is the occurrence of the experimental constant \(\mu\) in the law of sliding friction. 

kapoor's picture 22-08-26 12:08:49 n

QM-1(2019) Theory for Tutorial -I

Node id: 3063page

For Tutorial-I, you need the Postulate 3 of quantum mechanics.

Click Go Back to the tutorial page

kapoor's picture 22-08-26 12:08:34 n
