[QUE/QFT-ALL] Quantum Field Theory --- Repository of Questions Node id: 5847pageThis is a repository of QUESTIONS and PROBLEMS for Lectures in Quantum Field Theory These are arranged according to topics in the subject. Not sorted, or arranged, in any particular order within a topic.
The primary usage of these Questions is to use them as building blocks for other resources.
Suitable for teachers and content developers only.
Click on any topic below, to browse all available notes. (Click opens a separate window)
24-04-24 05:04:26 |
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[BRST/QFT-ALL] Quantum Field Theory ---- Bundled Resources for StudyNode id: 6208collection |
24-04-24 05:04:03 |
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[NOTES/TH-09001] Postulates of Thermodynamics Node id: 5018page |
24-04-24 04:04:13 |
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[SUM/CM-07001] Small Oscillations --- Lagrangian MechanicsNode id: 6206pageA summery of obtaining the normal frequencies of small oscillations and normal coordinates is given.
24-04-23 06:04:22 |
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[NOTES/CM-06008] Rutherford ScatteringNode id: 6204pageRutherford formula\begin{eqnarray} \sigma(\theta) &=& \frac{1}{4} \left( \frac{k}{2E} \right)^{2} \frac{1}{\sin^{4} \left(\frac{\theta}{2} \right)} \end{eqnarray}for Coulomb scattering is derived in classical echanics.
24-04-23 05:04:23 |
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[NOTES/CM-06004] Measurement of Total Cross SectionNode id: 6202pageThe cross section is measured by measuring the intensity of beam, scattered from a thin foil, in the forward direction as a function of thickness of the foil.
24-04-23 05:04:30 |
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[NOTES/CM-06007] Hard Sphere ScatteringNode id: 6203pageIt is shown that the total cross section from a hard sphere of radius \(R\) is \(\pi R^2\)
24-04-22 05:04:24 |
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[NOTES/CM-06006] Computation of Cross SectionNode id: 6200pageA formula for differential cross section is derived making use of relation of the scattering angle with the impact parameter.
24-04-21 05:04:23 |
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[NOTES/CM-06003] Particles --- Which area is the cross section?Node id: 6197pageFor scattering of particles, we explain which area is scattering cross section.
24-04-17 23:04:25 |
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[NOTES/CM-06002] Scattering of WavesNode id: 6193pageThe definition of scattering cross section for waves is given and the interpretation as an area is explained.
24-04-17 23:04:48 |
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Trying TOC Scattering Theory --- Basic Definitions Node id: 6195page |
24-04-16 21:04:49 |
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[NOTES/CM-05006] Effective Potential for Spherically Symmetric ProblemsNode id: 6180pageUsing angular momentum conservation it is shown that orbits for a spherically symmetric potential lie in a plane; This makes it possible to work in plane polar coordinates. The equation for radial motion becomes similar to that in one dimension with potential replaced by an effective potential. An expression for the effective potential is obtained.
24-04-14 08:04:31 |
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\(\S 16.4\) Hydrogen atom Energy LevelsNode id: 856page |
24-04-13 06:04:34 |
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\(\S16.1\) General Properties of Spherically Symmetric Potential Problems Node id: 853page |
24-04-13 06:04:02 |
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[NOTES/CM-02004] Integration of EOM by QuadraturesNode id: 6043page$\newcommand{\dd}[2][]{\frac{d #1}{d #2}};\newcommand{\pp}[2][]{\frac{\partial #1}{\partial #2}};$ We discuss an example of particle in two dimensions in a potential independent of \(\theta\). By working in plane polar coordinates, we show how solution of equations of motion can be reduced to quadratures.
24-04-13 05:04:40 |
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[NOTES/QM-12002] Free Particle Wave PacketsNode id: 6187page$\newcommand{\DD}[2][]{\frac{d^2 #1}{d^2 #2}}\newcommand{\matrixelement}[3]{\langle#1|#2|#3\rangle}\newcommand{\PP}[2][]{\frac{\partial^2 #1}{\partial #2^2}}\newcommand{\dd}[2][]{\frac{d#1}{d#2}}\newcommand{\pp}[2][]{\frac{\partial #1}{\partial #2}}\newcommand{\average}[2]{\langle#1|#2|#1\rangle}$
A particle with localized position is described by a wave packet in quantum mechanics. Taking a free Gaussian wave packet, its wave function at arbitrary time is computed. It is fund that the average value of position varies with time like position of a classical particle. The average vale of momentum remains constant and the uncertainty \(\Delta x\) increases with time.
24-04-13 01:04:13 |
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[NOTES/ME-02001] Rotation of Coordinate AxesNode id: 5656page$\newcommand{\mid}{|}$
24-04-12 17:04:43 |
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2. Density Matrix --- Lecture Given at Univ Hyd 2024 --- Refresher Course Node id: 6063page |
24-04-11 03:04:11 |
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[DOC/FBI-ToProcess]Node id: 6185pageThis page contains list of Fully Baked Resources to Process.
- These are mostly lectures notes for courses and are scattered over different Folders in Laptop WorkSpace
24-04-10 08:04:40 |
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Test and Examination PapersNode id: 2491curated_contentFor Downloads Open Attached File(s) Tab
24-04-10 06:04:14 |
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