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2654 records found.
Selected 20 rows in this page.  
Title+Summary Name Datesort ascending

Matrices-Home [MAT-HOME]

Node id: 5335collection


kapoor's picture 22-03-26 07:03:37 n

Matrices-Home [MAT-HOME]

Node id: 2035path


kapoor's picture 22-03-26 07:03:06 n

Fourier Series, Fourier and Other Transforms-HOME [FSFT-HOME]

Node id: 4948page

Fourier Series, Fourier and Other Transforms

kapoor's picture 22-03-26 07:03:57 n

Lie Groups and Lie Algebras-Home [LGLA-HOME]

Node id: 4935page
kapoor's picture 22-03-26 07:03:15 n

Finite Dimensional Vector-Spaces-Home [VS-HOME]

Node id: 5334collection
kapoor's picture 22-03-26 07:03:19 n

Orthogonal Plynomials --- HOME [OP-HOME]

Node id: 5328collection
kapoor's picture 22-03-26 07:03:00 n

Partial Differential Equations --- HOME [PDE-HOME]

Node id: 5301collection
kapoor's picture 22-03-26 06:03:09 n

Topics in Set Theory --- HOME [SETS-HOME]

Node id: 5329collection
kapoor's picture 22-03-26 06:03:18 n

Ordinary Differential Equations --- Home [ODE-HOME]

Node id: 5327collection

Ordinary Differential Equations

 Study Material Bundle


kapoor's picture 22-03-26 06:03:25 n

[Solved/QM-06007] When is uncertainty zero?

Node id: 1045page
kapoor's picture 22-03-24 09:03:21 n


Node id: 3932page

Show that the rotation matrix for rotation by an angle \(\pi/3\) about the direction \((1,1,1)\) as the axis of rotation is given by \begin{equation} R = \frac{1}{3}\begin{pmatrix} 2 & 2 & -1\\ -1& 2 & 2 \\2 & -1 & 2 \end{pmatrix} \end{equation}Me-que-02003

shivahcu's picture 22-03-24 09:03:42 n

Thermodynamics Home Page [TH-HOME]

Node id: 5017multi_level_page


kapoor's picture 22-03-23 08:03:41 n


Node id: 4891page



AK-47's picture 22-03-21 20:03:19 y


Node id: 4436page
shivahcu's picture 22-03-19 22:03:39 n


Node id: 4419page
shivahcu's picture 22-03-19 22:03:19 n


Node id: 4418page
shivahcu's picture 22-03-19 22:03:32 n


Node id: 4417page
shivahcu's picture 22-03-19 22:03:51 n

Thermodynamics Home [TH-HOME]

Node id: 5330collection

Thermodynamics Resources


  • Learning and Teaching 
    • Mixed-Lot of Notes for Lectures --- Thermodynamics
    • No-Frills Lecture Notes --- Thermodynamics
    • Stockpile of Lessons --- Thermodynamics
  • Problem Solving
    • Short Examples  ---- Solved  Examples
    • Mixed-Lot of Problems --- Thermodynamics
    •  No Frills Problem Sets --- Thermodynamics
    • Stockpile of Problem Sessions --- Thermodynamics
  • Evaluation and Assessment
    • Mixed-Lot of Test and Exam Papers
    • Short Questions
  • Short Course of Lectures and Course Packs
    • Self Paced Course for Newbies --- Thermodynamics
  • Useful Resources
    • Point to Remember
    • Summaries
    • Key Concepts, Important Results
    • and More


kapoor's picture 22-03-19 18:03:44 n


Node id: 4427page
shivahcu's picture 22-03-19 18:03:36 n


Node id: 4420page
shivahcu's picture 22-03-19 17:03:53 n
