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Node id: 2574page

Following the steps as in the theoretical treatment of perturbation theory, find eigenvectors and eigenvalues of the matrix  $$\left[ \begin{array}{rrr}         1&\epsilon& 0 \\         \epsilon & 1 &-\epsilon \\          0 & -\epsilon& 2    \end{array}\right] $$ up to the lowest non-vanishing order in $\epsilon$

kapoor's picture 22-04-12 09:04:39 n


Node id: 2576page

A particle, having charge $q$, moves in harmonic oscillator potential $V(x)={1\over 2} m \omega^2x^2$.  Find the shift in the energy level of  the $\mbox{n}^{\mbox{th}}$ excited state when uniform electric field $E$ is applied. Compute the corrections upto lowest order giving a nonzero value.

kapoor's picture 22-04-12 09:04:36 n


Node id: 2577page

A particle moves in a one dimensional box with rigid boundary walls at $x=0$ and $x=\pi$. A small perturbation $V_1$ given by $$ V_1 (x)=\epsilon \sin 3x  $$ is applied. Calculate the lowest order nonvanishing correction to the ground  state and the first excited state energies of the particle in a box.

kapoor's picture 22-04-12 09:04:40 n


Node id: 2578page

The Hamiltonian for a harmonic oscillator is   \[ H=\frac{p^2}{2} + \frac{x^2}{2} \]   A perturbation \(\lambda x^3\) is applied. Compute the second order correction to the ground state energy.

kapoor's picture 22-04-12 09:04:47 n


Node id: 2579page

Use the first order non-degenerate perturbation theory to compute the correction to the $\ell=1$ level of ( use units so that $\hbar=1$ ) $$ H = L^2 + \alpha L_z  + \beta L_x $$ Use the splitting of $H$ as $$ H_0=L^2 + \alpha L_z, \qquad \mbox{and} \qquad H^\prime =  \beta L_x $$ in terms of unperturbed Hamiltonian and perturbation Hamiltonian $H^\prime.$

  1. Find the corrections to the $\ell=1$ energy level using  perturbation theory to  the lowest non-vanishing order in $H^\prime$. Compare your answer with the exact answers.
  2. Obtain the eigenvectors of $H$ upto lowest order in $\beta$.
kapoor's picture 22-04-12 09:04:58 n


Node id: 2580page

There is a degenerate two level system. A perturbation \(V\) is applied. The matrix element of \(V\) w.r.t.the unperturbed state are \(V_{11}, V_{12},V_{21},V_{22}\). How does the energy level split?

kapoor's picture 22-04-12 09:04:47 n


Node id: 2581page
  1. For a relativistic harmonic oscillator, show that the Hamiltonian can be approximated by \[ H = \frac{p^2}{2m} +\frac{1}{2}m \omega^2 x^2 -\frac{p^4}{8c^2m^3}\]
  2. Show  that \[\langle{n}\vert{p^4}\vert{0}\rangle = \frac{m\hbar\omega^2}{2}\Big(3\delta_{n,0} -6\surd 2 \delta_{n,2} - 2\surd6 \delta_{m,4}\Big)\]
  3. Calculate the leading non-vanishing energy shift of the ground state due to this relativistic perturbation.
  4. Calculate the leading corrections to the ground state eigenvector \(\vert{0}\rangle\).

{Daniel F Styer*}

kapoor's picture 22-04-12 09:04:54 n


Node id: 2582page

 Find corrections to the eigenvalues of the matrix \(H\) given below to lowest nonvanishing order in \(\epsilon\)
H=  \begin{pmatrix}
  1 & \epsilon & 0 \\
  \epsilon & 2 & \epsilon\\
  0 & \epsilon  & 2

kapoor's picture 22-04-12 09:04:26 n


Node id: 2597page

Find the energy eigenvalues and eigenfunctions for a particle in a box, with  coordinates of the boundary given to be \(x=L\) and \(x=2L\). \[ V(x) =  \begin{cases} 0 , & L \le x \le 2L \\ \infty, & x < L \text{ or } x > 2L .\end{cases}\]

ANSWER: \[ E_n= \frac{\hbar^2k_n^2}{2m}, \quad u_n(x) = \sqrt{\tfrac{2}{L}} \sin k_n(x-L)\] where \( k_n = \frac{n\pi\hbar }{L}\)


kapoor's picture 22-04-12 09:04:23 n


Node id: 2598page

Use the following data on the wavelengths of the first few lines of the Lyman series of the hydrogen atom to find best fit to the value of the Rydberg constant.

Wavelengths in  Angstrom units :: 1215.68, 1025.83, 972.54

Use your value of the Rydberg constant to predict the wavelengths of the lines
specified below.  

(i) next two lines in the Lyman series.
(ii) the first nine lines in the Balmer series.
(iii) the first three lines of the Ritz Paschen series.
(iv) the first two lines of the Brackett series.
(v) Compare your answers with the experimental results given at the
end and comment on the agreement of the theory with the experiments.

Experimental wavelengths are as follows
(i) Balmer series : 6562.79,
4861.33, 4340.17, 4104.74, 3970.07, 3889.05, 3835.39, 3797.90, 3770.63 , all in
Angstrom units.
(ii) Ritz Paschen Series : 18751.1, 12818.1, 10938 , all in Angstrom units.
(iii) Brackett Series : 2.63 $\mu$, 4.05 $\mu$
Latest value of the Rydberg constant,  R = 109737.3177 $\mbox{cm}^{-1}$

kapoor's picture 22-04-12 09:04:06 n


Node id: 2599page
  1. For a classical electron moving in an orbit around a nucleus with charge $Ze$ obtain a relation between the number of revolutions per second and the energy of the electron. (Use only classical mechanics).
  2. Using known quantum mechanical solution, show that in the limit of large principal quantum number \(n\), the  frequency of the line emitted in a transition from $(n+1)^{\mbox{th}}$ level to the $n^{\mbox{th}}$ level is precisely the same as the frequuency obtained in part \((a)\).


kapoor's picture 22-04-12 09:04:01 n


Node id: 2600page

Using a trial wave function of the form $$\psi(x) = C \exp(-\alpha^2 x^2/2) $$ estimate the ground state energy of  a particle in the $\delta-$ function potential $$ V(x) = - \gamma \delta(x) , \qquad \gamma > 0. $$

kapoor's picture 22-04-12 09:04:32 n


Node id: 2609page

An arbitrary quantum mechanical system is initially in the state $\vert{0}\rangle$. At time $t=0$ a perturbation of the form $H^\prime =H_0 \exp(-t/T)$ is swithced on. Show that at large times the probability of the system being in the state \(\vert{1}\rangle\) is given by $$ \frac{|\langle0\vert H_0\vert1\rangle|^2}{(\hbar/T)^2 + (\Delta E)^2} $$ where $\Delta E$ is the energy difference in the states of $\vert{0}\rangle$ and $\vert{1}\rangle$.

kapoor's picture 22-04-12 09:04:49 n


Node id: 2610page

A particle of charge $e$ is confined to a cubical box of side $2b$. An electric field $\vec{E}$ given below is applied to the system. $$  \vec{E} = \left\{ \begin{array}{cl} 0 & t< 0 \\ \vec{E_0} \exp(-\alpha t) & t > 0 )  \end{array} \right. $$ where $\alpha>0$, The vector $E_0$ is perpendicular to one of the surfaces of the box. To the lowest order in $E_0$ calculate the probability that the charged particle, in the ground state at time $t=0$, is excited to the first state at time $t=\infty$.

kapoor's picture 22-04-12 09:04:56 n


Node id: 2611page

Write the energy eigenvalues and eigenfunctions for a particle in a rigid box \(0\le x \le 2L\). What is the probability that a particle  initially in the ground state will be found in the first excited state after the size of box is suddenly halved by moving the wall at \(x=0\)  to \(x=L\).}

kapoor's picture 22-04-12 09:04:58 n


Node id: 2612page

A particle in the ground state of an infinite square well is perturbed by a transient effect described by the Hamiltonian (in coordinate representation) \begin{equation*} H (x; t) = A_0 \sin\big(\frac{2\pi x}{L}\big) \delta(t) \end{equation*} where \(A_0\) is a constant with the dimensions of action. What is the probability that after this jolt an energy measurement will find the system in the first excited state?

Source{Daniel F. Styer}

kapoor's picture 22-04-12 08:04:34 n


Node id: 2613page

Consider a particle of charge \(q\) and mass \(m\), which is in simple harmonic motion along the \(x-\)axis with Hamiltonian is given by \[ H_0 = -\frac{\hbar^2}{2m}\frac{d^2}{dx^2} + \frac{1}{2}m\omega^2 x^2.\] A homogeneous electric field \(\mathcal{E}(t)\) is applied along the \(x\)-axis \[\Eca(t)= \mathcal{E}_0 e^{-(t/\tau)^2}\] where \(\mathcal{E}_0\) and \(\tau\) are constants. If the oscillator is in the ground state at \(t=0\), find the probability it will be in the \(n^\text{th}\) excited state as \(t\to\infty\).

Source{Bransden and Jochain-9.2}

kapoor's picture 22-04-12 08:04:49 n


Node id: 2614page

Consider a particle of charge \(q\) and mass \(m\), which is in simple harmonic motion along the \(x\)-axis so that Hamiltonian is given by \[ H_0 = -\frac{\hbar^2}{2m}\frac{d^2}{dx^2} + \frac{1}{2}m\omega^2 x^2\] A homogeneous electric field \(\mathcal{E}(t)\) along the \(x\)-axis is switched on at time \(t=0\), so that the  system is perturbed by the interaction \[H^\prime(t)= -q x \mathcal{E}(t).\] If \(\mathcal{E}(t)\) has the form \[\mathcal{E}(t)= \mathcal{E}_0 e^{-t/\tau}\] where \(\mathcal{E}_0\) and  \(\tau\) are constants and if the oscillator is in the ground state at \(t=0\), find the probability it will be in the \(n^\text{th}\) excited state as \(t\to\infty\).

Source{Bransden and Jochain 9.1*}

kapoor's picture 22-04-12 08:04:38 n


Node id: 2615page

A particle of charge $e$ is confined to a two dimensional square box of sides $L$. An electric field $\vec{E}$ given below is applied to the system. $$  \vec{E} = \left\{ \begin{array}{cl} 0, & t< 0 \\ \vec{E_0} \exp(-\alpha t), & t > 0 \end{array} \right. $$ where $\alpha>0$. The vector $E_0$ is perpendicular to one of the sides of the box. To the lowest order in $E_0$ calculate the probability that the charged particle, in the ground state at time $t=0$, is excited to the first state at time $t=\infty$.

Source{Bransden and Jochain 9.1*}

kapoor's picture 22-04-12 08:04:26 n


Node id: 2616page

Consider the Hamiltonian \[ H= \alpha H_0+\beta(t) H_1\] where \begin{equation} H_0= \begin{pmatrix}1&0&0\\0&2&0 \\0&0&3\end{pmatrix}\qquad \text{and} \qquad H_1 =   \begin{pmatrix}0&0&1\\0&0&0\\1&0&-2 \end{pmatrix}\end{equation}
and where the time dependent function \(\beta(t)\) is given by \(\beta(t)=\alpha\)
for \(t\le 0\) and zero for \(t>0\). Find \(\big|\langle\Psi(t>0)\vert\Psi(t<0)\rangle\big|^2\) where \(\vert\Psi(t<0)\rangle\) is thenormalized ground state wave function and  \(\vert\Psi(t>0)\rangle\) is the ground state of the system at \(t>0\).


kapoor's picture 22-04-12 08:04:59 n
