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Node id: 2811page

In the classical kinetic theory of gases, molecules are assumed to be point  particles ( of rigid shapes) in motion. Assume the average kinetic energy of the  molecules to be ${3\over 2} kT$. Using the uncertainty principle, estimate the  minimum uncertainty in position of a molecule. Compare this with average molecular distance for a gas of density $\rho$ ( $\rho=N/V$ , $N=$ number of  molecules and $V=$ volume )  When do the quantum mechanical effects become  significant ? Estimate this temperature for (a) He gas at normal pressure (b) an electron gas at density of $2.5 \times 10^{22} $ electrons/cc.

kapoor's picture 22-04-10 11:04:00 n


Node id: 2835page

$\newcommand{\PB}[1]{\{#1\}_\text{PB}}$ \(\newcommand{\pp}[2][]{\frac{\partial #1}{\partial #2}}\)
Let $\Psi$ be a function of $f,g,h,..$ which are in turn functions of  $q$ and $p$. Let $ \phi({{\bf q}, {\bf p}})$ be a function of \(\bf q,p\),  Show that the Poisson bracket of $\phi$ with $\Psi$ is given by $$\PB{\phi,\Psi} =\pp[\Psi]{f}\PB{\phi,f} + \pp[\Psi]{g}\PB{\phi,g}  + \pp[\Psi]{h}\PB{\phi,h} + \cdots $$

kapoor's picture 22-04-10 11:04:34 n


Node id: 2834page

Let $\Psi$ be a function of $f,g,h,..$ which are in turn functions of   $q$ and $p$. Let $X(q, p)$ be a function   having zero Poisson brackets with $ f,g,h...$. Show that the Poisson  bracket of $\Psi({f,g,h})$ with $X(q,p)$ also vanishes.

kapoor's picture 22-04-10 11:04:53 n


Node id: 2827page
For each of the six potentials, shown in the \Figref{3dpot1} below, answer the
  1. \label{16001Q1} Write the radial Schrodinger equation in different regions of $r$ values.
  2. Write the most general solution as a linear combinations of spherical Bessel functions with appropriate arugments.
  3. Impose the necessary regularity property at the origin and at $\infty$.
  4. Impose the matching conditions at the boundary of two neighbouring regions.
  5. Considering appropriate ranges of energy separately, state if energy eigenvalues are continuous or discrete?
  6. \label{16001Q2} Whenever bound states exist for a potential, obtain the condition on the bound state energy eigenvalues.

\FigBelow{0,0}{150}{220}{3dpot1}{Radial Wells for Q.

kapoor's picture 22-04-10 11:04:31 n


Node id: 2824page

Classically orbit of a particle in a spherically symmetric potential lies in a  plane. Show that the classical result is approximated by quantum solution infor \(L_z=\ell\) the limit of large angular momentum \(\ell\).

kapoor's picture 22-04-10 11:04:20 n


Node id: 2826page

What qualitative differences do you expect in the spectra of the
H- atom and
(i) singly ionized Helium atom\\
(ii) the deuterium
(iii) positronium

kapoor's picture 22-04-10 11:04:56 n


Node id: 2825page
  1. For a classical electron moving in an orbit around a nucleus with charge $Ze$ obtain a relation between the number of revolutions per second and the energy of the electron. (Use only classical mechanics).
  2. Using known quantum mechanical solution, show that in the limit of large principal quantum number \(n\), the frequency of the line emitted in a transition from $(n+1)^{\mbox{th}}$ level to the $n^{\mbox{th}}$ level is precisely the same as the frequuency obtained in part \((a)\).
kapoor's picture 22-04-10 11:04:06 n


Node id: 2823page

Classically orbit of a particle in a spherically symmetric potential lies in a plane. Show that the classical result is approximated by quantum solution in for \(L_z=\ell\) the limit of large angular momentum \(\ell\).

kapoor's picture 22-04-09 17:04:10 n


Node id: 2822page

the following statements correctly describes the degeneracy?\\

  1. Eigen values are non-degenerate just as for the bound states in one dimension.
  2. Continuous eignevalues are doubly degenerate as in some one dimensional problems.
  3. Continuous eignevalues are non-degenerate as in some one dimensional problems.
  4. Infinitely degenerate as is the case for free particle in three dimension.
  5. \label{16007Q2} The degeneracy is $(2l+1)$ as expected for a general spherically symmetric potential in three dimensions.

\FigBelow{0,0}{150}{200}{3dpot2}{Radial Wells for Q.

kapoor's picture 22-04-09 17:04:30 n


Node id: 2838page

The Lagrangian for particle in three dimension is given by $$ L= {m\over 2} \left( \dot{\rho}^2 + \rho^2 \dot{\phi}^2 + {\dot{z}^2\over{1+(\rho/\lambda)^2 }}\right) -V(\rho) $$

  1.     Find the canonical momenta conjugate to the generalized co- ordinates $\rho,\phi,z$.
  2.     Compute the Hamiltonian of the system


kapoor's picture 22-04-09 17:04:09 n


Node id: 2837page

For a relativistic particle the Lagrangian is given by $$ L = - Mc^2 \sqrt{1- \dot{\vec{r}}^{\,2}/c^2} $$  find the relativistic momenta and the relativistic Hamiltonian.

kapoor's picture 22-04-09 17:04:43 n


Node id: 2865page

  For each of the potentials below check if a circular orbit is possible or not.

  1.       $\displaystyle{ -V_0 {\exp(-\alpha r)\over r}}$ 
  2.       $\displaystyle -{ \alpha \over r^4}$
  3.       $\displaystyle -{\alpha \over r^2}$

  If the orbit exists, relate the radius of the orbit to the angular  momentum and energy.

kapoor's picture 22-04-09 17:04:09 n


Node id: 2850page

Compute the Poisson brackets of components of angular momentum  \(\vec{L}\) and show that

  1. \( [L_j, x_k]_\text{PB} =\epsilon_{jk\ell}\, x_\ell \)
  2. \( [L_j, p_k]_\text{PB} = \epsilon_{jk\ell}\, p_\ell \)
  3. \([L_j, \vec{p}^{\,2}]_\text{PB} =0 \)
  4. \([L_j, f(r,p)]_\text{PB}=0\)

Here \(f\) is an  arbitrary function of \(r=|\vec{x}|\) and ,\(p=|\vec{p}|\).

kapoor's picture 22-04-09 17:04:36 n


Node id: 2844page

If for a system  $F(q,p)$ and $G(q,p)$ are constants of motion,   show that their Poisson bracket $[F,G]_\text{PB}$ is also a constant of  motion.

kapoor's picture 22-04-09 17:04:09 n


Node id: 2843page

For a particle moving in Coulomb potential $V(r) = k/r$, using Poisson brackets, show that the Runge Lenz vector $$ \vec{N} = \vec{v}\times\vec{L} - k \vec{r}/r  $$ is a constant of motion where $\vec{v}$ is the velocity, and $\vec{L}$ is the angular momentum of the particle.

kapoor's picture 22-04-09 17:04:49 n


Node id: 2842page

\( \newcommand{\PB}[1]{ [#1]_\text{PB} } \)

Without using the definition of the Poisson bracket, using only the properties given a single particle show that the components of angular momentum satisfy the Poisson bracket relations  $$\PB{L_1,L_2} = L_3, \qquad \PB{L_2,L_3}=L_1, \qquad \PB{L_3,L_1}=L_2$$  and $$ \PB{\vec{L}^2, L_k}=0, \qquad k=1,\cdots, n $$

kapoor's picture 22-04-09 17:04:10 n


Node id: 2841page

The ends \(A\) and \(B\) of a thin uniform rod of mass \(m\) and length \(2a\) can slide freely, \(A\) along a smooth horizontal wire \(OX\) and \(B\) along a smooth vertical wire \(OZ\), with  \(OZ\) pointing upwards. The wire frame \(OXZ\) is made to rotate with constant angular velocity \(\Omega\) about  \(OZ\).
Show that if \(B\) is above \(O\) and the angle \(OBA\) is \(\theta\), then \[H= \frac{2}{3} ma^2(\dot{\theta}^2 -\Omega^2 \sin^2\theta) +mga \cos\theta\] and that \(H\) is a constant of motion. Is \(H\) equal to total energy? What is the Hamiltonian if, instead of being rotated about \(OZ\), the frame \(OXZ\) is  made to rotate with constant angular velocity \(\omega\) about the horizontal axis \(OX\)? Is it conserved?The ends \(A\) and \(B\) of a thin uniform rod of mass \(m\) and length \(2a\) can slide freely, \(A\) along a smooth horizontal wire \(OX\) and \(B\) along a smooth vertical wire \(OZ\), with  \(OZ\) pointing upwards. The wire frame \(OXZ\) is made to rotate with constant angular velocity \(\Omega\) about \(OZ\).

kapoor's picture 22-04-09 17:04:00 n


Node id: 2840page

For relativistic particle of mass \(m\) in  three dimensions the  Hamiltonian is given by  \( H= \sqrt{\vec{p}^{\,2} c^2 +m^2c^4}\).

  1. Obtain the Hamiltonian equations of motion.
  2. Derive the Lagrangian and write Euler Lagrange equations of motion.


kapoor's picture 22-04-09 16:04:53 n


Node id: 2839page

Obtain the canonical momenta and the Hamiltonian for  a free particle in each of the following three coordinate systems.

  1. Spherical polar coordinates in three dimensions;
  2. Parabolic coordinates \((\xi,\eta,\zeta)\);
  3. Cylindrical coordinates in three dimensions.


kapoor's picture 22-04-09 16:04:30 n


Node id: 2849page

\(\newcommand{\PB}[1]{[#1]_\text{PB}}\)  Show that the Poisson brackets of components of angular momentum  \(\vec{L}\)
with the following quantities vanishes.

  1. \(\vec{r}\cdot\vec{p}\)
  2. \(\vec{r}\cdot\vec{L}\)
  3. \(\vec{L}\cdot\vec{p}\)
  4. \( \vec{L}^{\,2}\)
kapoor's picture 22-04-09 15:04:49 n
