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Node id: 2644page

Consider electron proton scattering at a given kinetic energy \(T_L\) of the electron in the laboratory frame. Find the accessible energy range of \(t\), the four momentum transfer squared.

Repeat the problem for the case of a proton beam with an electron target. Use the uncertainty relation to estimate the distance probed by the electron.Estimate what energy electrons would be required to probe down to 0.1 F

kapoor's picture 22-04-18 19:04:07 n


Node id: 2638page

Show that the sign of time component of a time like vector remains the same in all Lorentz frames. Is this statement true for space like vectors?

kapoor's picture 22-04-18 19:04:57 n


Node id: 2639page

If \(S^\mu\) is a space like vector show that there exists a frame in which the time component \(S^0\) vanishes. What is the corresponding statement for a time like vector?

kapoor's picture 22-04-18 19:04:56 n


Node id: 2640page

If \(A^\mu\) is a time like four vector show that there exist three independent vectors \(B^\mu\)  such that \(B^\mu A_\mu=0\) and prove that all the three vectors are necessarily space like.

Extend the above result to the case when \(A^\mu\) is (i) space like; (ii) light like.

kapoor's picture 22-04-18 19:04:12 n


Node id: 2641page

  1. The polarization vectors of photon with four momentum \(k\), \(\vec{\varepsilon}(\vec{k},\lambda), \lambda=1,2\), satisfy \[ \vec{k}\cdot \vec{\varepsilon}(k, \lambda) = 0 \] Taking \(\eta_\mu=(1,0,0,0),\) and \[\varepsilon_{\mu}(\vec{k},\lambda)= (0,\vec{\varepsilon(k,\lambda)}), \quad \lambda=1,2, \] find a four vector \(B^\mu\) such that it is orthogonal to \(\varepsilon(k, \lambda)\) and \(\eta_\mu \). Hint: What should the required vector \(B_\mu\) be? Light like, time like or space like?
  2. Use the above result to show that \begin{eqnarray} \sum_{\lambda=1}^2 \varepsilon_\mu(k,\lambda) \varepsilon_\nu(k,\lambda) &=& - g_{\mu\nu} + \eta_\mu\eta_\nu - \frac{k_\mu k_\nu}{(k\cdot\eta)^2-k^2} \nonumber\\ &\qquad &+ \frac{(k\cdot\eta)(\eta_\mu k_\nu+ k_\mu\eta_\nu)}{(k\cdot\eta)^2-k^2} - \frac{(k\cdot\eta)^2\eta_\mu\eta_\nu}{(k\cdot\eta)^2-k^2}.\nonumber \end{eqnarray}
kapoor's picture 22-04-18 19:04:17 n


Node id: 2642page

If \(A^\mu, B^\mu\) are time like, what can you say about the four vector \( A^\mu + B^\mu \)? Will it always be time like or not?

kapoor's picture 22-04-18 19:04:28 n


Node id: 2643page

    \(Z^0\) particles are to be produced in \(\bar{p} p\) collisions. What is the minimum energy required for 
    (a) proton and for the anti-protons in  c.m. frame ,
    (b) for anti proton in lab frame ( proton at rest)?

kapoor's picture 22-04-18 19:04:31 n


Node id: 2645page

For each of the following decays, compute the momenta of the decay products in the rest frame of the decaying particle.

  1. \( Z^0 \longrightarrow e^+\quad + \quad e^-\)
  2. \( W^+ \longrightarrow e^+\quad + \quad \nu\)
  3. \( \Sigma \longrightarrow N \quad+ \quad\pi \)

Google and search internet to know the masses of various particles in the three decays.

kapoor's picture 22-04-18 19:04:48 n


Node id: 2662page

If \(A_{\lambda\sigma}\) and \(B_{\lambda\sigma}\) are two second rank tensors satisfying \[ A_{\lambda\sigma}x^\lambda x^\sigma =  B_{\lambda\sigma}x^\lambda x^\sigma\] for arbitrary four vector \(x^\mu\), what is the relationship between \(A_{\lambda\sigma}\) and \( B^{\lambda\sigma}\)?

kapoor's picture 22-04-18 19:04:15 n


Node id: 2666page

If \(A^\mu\) and \(B^\mu\) are  light like four vector show that  \(B^\mu A_\mu=0\) if and only if  \[   A^\mu = \text{constant} \times  B^\mu\]

kapoor's picture 22-04-18 19:04:11 n


Node id: 2665page

If \(A^\mu\) is a light like four vector show that there exist a light like and two time like vectors \(B^\mu\) such that \(B^\mu A_\mu=0\). Extend the above result to the case when \(A^\mu\) is  
(a) space like;  (b) light like. 

kapoor's picture 22-04-18 19:04:58 n


Node id: 2664page

If \(A^\mu\) is a light like four vector show that there exist a light like and two time like vectors \(B^\mu\) such that \(B^\mu A_\mu=0\). Extend the above result to the case when \(A^\mu\) is
(a) space like;   (b) light like.

kapoor's picture 22-04-18 19:04:44 n


Node id: 2663page

Let \(\epsilon\) and \(\lambda\) be two light like fur vectors. What is the range of allowed values of \(\epsilon\cdot\lambda\)? Express your answer in terms of \(\epsilon^0\) and \(\lambda^0\).

kapoor's picture 22-04-18 19:04:52 n


Node id: 2661page

Consider \(S_{\mu\nu}\) to be a second rank tensor having the following properties:

  1. \(S_{\mu\nu}\) is symmetric : \( S_{\mu\nu} = S_{\nu\mu} \);
  2. \(S_{\mu\nu}\) is antisymmetric : \( S_{\mu\nu} = - S_{\nu\mu} \);
  3. \(S\) is traceless:\( g^{\mu\nu} S_{\mu\nu} = 0\).

Show that the above properties are remain invariant under Lorentz transformations.

kapoor's picture 22-04-18 19:04:41 n


Node id: 2660page

If \(p^\mu=(p^0,0,0,p)\) with \( p^{02} -\vec{p}^2 = m^2\), find all vectors \(\epsilon^\mu\) such that \(\epsilon^\mu p_\mu=0\). How many linearly independent vectors can you make?

kapoor's picture 22-04-18 19:04:50 n


Node id: 2659page
  1. Find the charge \(Q\) which will exert the same force on an electron as Sun's gravitational pull on the earth when the distance between the charge \(Q\) and the electron is equal to the Sun -Earth distance.
  2. For an electron on the surface of Pb nucleus, find the ratio of the electric and gravitational potentials.
kapoor's picture 22-04-18 19:04:00 n


Node id: 2658page

Show that if deuterons are scattered by protons the maximum scattering angle in the centre of mass and the lab frames are \(120^o\) and \(30^o\) respectively. but if the protons are scattered by deuterons the maximum scattering angle is \(180^o\) in both the systems.

kapoor's picture 22-04-18 19:04:07 n


Node id: 2667page

If in a three body decay \[ A \longrightarrow B_1 + B_2 + B_3\] the energy momenta of the decay products are \(( E^i,  \vec{p}^i), i=1,..,3\), show that $E_3$ is maximum when \[ ( p_1+p_2)^2 = (m_1+m_2)^2 \]  Use Lagrange multipliers. Interpret this result geometrically. Generalize the above result to \(n\) particles.

kapoor's picture 22-04-18 19:04:06 n


Node id: 2637page

A four vector \((A^0, \vec{A})\) is called

  1. time like if \(|A^0| > |\vec{A}|\);
  2. space like if \(|\vec{A}| > |A^0| \);
  3. light like if \(|\vec{A}| = |A^0| \).

Give an argument to show that the property of being time like, space like, or
light like does not depend on the choice of the Lorentz frame.

kapoor's picture 22-04-18 19:04:09 n


Node id: 2636page

Show that a zero  mass particle, such as photon, cannnot decay into two or more massive  particles. Thus the process \begin{equation}   \gamma \longrightarrow e^+ + e^- \end{equation} is forbidden for free photons in vacuum.

kapoor's picture 22-04-18 19:04:19 n
