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Node id: 2635page

The decay of a massive particle \(A\) into two particles \(B,C\) \begin{equation} A \longrightarrow B  +  C \end{equation} is not possible  when \(M_A < M_B + M_C\).

  1. Show this by applying momentum energy conservation in the rest frame of particle \(A\).
  2. Why does your argument not remain valid for the case when mass of particle \(A\) goes to zero.


kapoor's picture 22-04-18 19:04:00 n


Node id: 2634page

Use uncertainty relation to estimate the potential needed to confine an electron inside a nucleus, Take the size of nucleus to be \( R \approx 10^{-12}\) cm.

kapoor's picture 22-04-18 19:04:10 n


Node id: 2633page

 The values of \(mc^2\) for the pion \(\pi^+\) and muon \(\mu^+\) are 139.57MeV and 105.66 MeV respectively. Find the kinetic energy of the muon decay in \[ \pi^+ \longrightarrow \mu^+  + \nu_\mu \] assuming that the neutrino is massless. For a neutrino of finite but very small mass \(m_\nu\) show that, compared with the case of a massless neutrino, the muon momentum would be reduced by the fraction \begin{equation*}    \frac{\Delta p}{p} = - \frac{m_\nu^2(m_\pi^2+m_\mu^2)}{(m_\pi^2-m_\mu^2)^2} ~\text{MeV} \approx -\frac{m_\nu^2}{10^4}. \end{equation*} where \(m_\nu\) is neutrino mass in MeV.

kapoor's picture 22-04-18 19:04:20 n


Node id: 2632page

For a two particle reaction  \[ A + B \longrightarrow C + D\]  define variables \(s,t,u\) by \begin{equation}    s= (p_1+p_2)^2; \quad t= (p_1-p_3)^2; \quad u = (p_1-p_4)^2,  \end{equation} where \(p_1, p_2,p_3,p_4\) denote the four momenta of the particles \(A,B,C\) and \(D\).

  • Show that \[ s+ t + u = \sum_{k=1}^4 m_k^2\] where \(m_k, k=1,..,4\) are the masses of the four particles in the reaction.
  • Find the allowed range of variables \(t\) and \(u\) in terms of the masses of the particles.
kapoor's picture 22-04-18 19:04:25 n


Node id: 2671page

An analysis of measurement of position, the famous  Heisenberg microscope thought experiment, leads to  uncertainty relation with momentum uncertainty identified with the momentum transfer. Using similar idea show that the distance probed in a scattering experiment  \[  A + B \longrightarrow A + B\] is approximately  \(1/\sqrt{t}\), where $t=(p_A-q_A)^2\), where \(p_A, p_B\) denote the initial and \(q_A, q_B\) denote the final four momenta of the two particles.


kapoor's picture 22-04-18 19:04:40 n


Node id: 2668page
  1. Alpha particles of energy 7 MeV are incident from a gold foil in a scattering  experiment.
  2. Plot the electrostatic potential seen by the alpha particlesFind the closest distance an alpha particle can reach to the nucleus assuming that initially the alpha particle was on a direct collision course with the gold nucleus.

How will your answers change if the positive charge of the gold nucleus is assumed to be uniformly distributed over a sphere of radius of a few Angstroms, as was proposed in Thompson model?

kapoor's picture 22-04-18 19:04:33 n


Node id: 2670page

Find the charge \(Q\) that will exert the same force on an electron at 1 nm as the Sun's gravitational pull on the Earth.

kapoor's picture 22-04-18 19:04:33 n

[SHQ/QM-06002] --- Allowed outcomes of measurement

Node id: 1965page
kapoor's picture 22-04-17 21:04:25 n

[QUE/QM-06003] --- Average value

Node id: 1976page

     For a particle moving in spherically symmetric potential             $$V(r) = -V_0 \exp(-r/r_0)$$       and  having the wave function               $$\psi(r) = N \exp(-\alpha r/r_0) $$       show that        $$\langle \mbox{ K.E. } \rangle = {\hbar^2\alpha^2\over 2mr_0^2} ;
         \qquad \langle\,V(r)\,\rangle = -{8V_0 \alpha^3\over (2\alpha +1)^3}$$

kapoor's picture 22-04-17 21:04:52 n

[QUE/QM-06001] --- Average value

Node id: 1977page

     Let $$ \chi(x)= \exp(ik_0x)\psi(x) .$$ Show that  $$\langle \hat{p} \rangle_\chi = \hbar k_0 + \langle\hat{p}  \rangle_\psi $$



kapoor's picture 22-04-17 21:04:01 n

[QUE/QM-06002] Average value

Node id: 1978page

   For a particle having the wave function           $$\psi(x) = N
\exp(-x^2/\alpha^2)$$       compute the averages of the following dynamical
          (a) kinetic energy,
          (b) $V_1(x) = V_0 |x|^{2m+1}$
          (c)  $V_2(x) =kx^2$

kapoor's picture 22-04-17 21:04:52 n


Node id: 1993page

A particle has the  wave function  $$ \psi(x)= A\exp(-|x|/\alpha) .$$ compute the following quantities.    

  1. Find the probability that the momentum will lie between $p$ and $p=\Delta p$.
  2. Compute the uncertainties $\Delta x$ and $\Delta p$.
kapoor's picture 22-04-17 21:04:07 n


Node id: 1994page

For a harmonic oscillator in the ground state find the average values of
kinetic energy, potential energy and $|x|^{2m+1}.$

kapoor's picture 22-04-17 21:04:22 n


Node id: 1995page

For the ground state and the first excited state of H-atom find the  value of $r$ for which the probability density is maximum.

kapoor's picture 22-04-17 21:04:37 n


Node id: 1999page

Given that :The vector space needed to describe a particular physical system is two
dimensional complex vector space. The  states are therefore represented by 2
component complex column vectors. The observables for this system are $2\times2$
matrices. A set of three dynamical variables of the system, $X,Y,Z,$ are be
represented by $2\times 2$ matrices denoted by $\sigma_x, \sigma_y,\sigma_z$,
where $$  \sigma_x =\begin{pmatrix}0&1\\1&0\end{pmatrix},\qquad
\sigma_y=\begin{pmatrix}0&-i\\i&0\end{pmatrix}, \qquad
\sigma_z=\begin{pmatrix}1&0\\0&-1\end{pmatrix}.$$ Answer the following question
Question :      What vector would represent the state of the system if it is known that
the system has definite value $+1$ for the dynamical variable $X$? What vector
would represent the state if the system has definite value $-1$ for the variable

kapoor's picture 22-04-17 21:04:09 n


Node id: 1996page

For the value of $r$ for which the position probability density is maximum for the electron in the $n^{th}$ excited state. How does this maximum shift when $n$ is increased?

kapoor's picture 22-04-17 21:04:52 n


Node id: 1998page

 The vector space needed to describe a particular physical system is two
dimensional complex vector space. The  states are therefore represented by 2
component complex column vectors. The observables for this system are $2\times2$
matrices. A set of three dynamical variables of the system, $X,Y,Z,$ are be
represented by $2\times 2$ matrices denoted by $\sigma_x, \sigma_y,\sigma_z$,
where  $$  \sigma_x
\sigma_y=\begin{pmatrix} 0&-i\\i&0\end{pmatrix}, \qquad
\sigma_z=\begin{pmatrix}1&0\\0&-1\end{pmatrix}.$$     What values are
experimentally allowed if one measures the dynamical variable

  1.        $X$ 
  2.       $Z$ 
  3.       $T= X^2+Y^2+Z^2$
kapoor's picture 22-04-17 21:04:02 n


Node id: 2000page

The vector space needed to describe a particular physical system is two dimensional complex vector space. The  states are therefore represented by 2 component complex column vectors. The observables for this system are $2\times2$ matrices. A set of three dynamical variables of the system, $X,Y,Z,$ are be represented by $2\times 2$ matrices denoted by $\sigma_x, \sigma_y,\sigma_z$, where $$  \sigma_x =\begin{pmatrix}0&1\\1&0\end{pmatrix},\qquad \sigma_y=\begin{pmatrix}0&-i\\i&0\end{pmatrix}, \qquad \sigma_z=\begin{pmatrix}1&0\\0&-1\end{pmatrix}.$$ Show that the allowed values of $$ X_{\hat{n}} = n_1 X + n_2 Y + n_3 Z $$ are given by $\pm \sqrt{n_1^2+n_2^2+n_3^2}.$

kapoor's picture 22-04-17 21:04:28 n


Node id: 2001page

The vector space needed to describe a particular physical system is two dimensional complex vector space. The  states are therefore represented by 2 component complex column vectors. The observables for this system are $2\times2$
matrices. A set of three dynamical variables of the system, $X,Y,Z,$ are be represented by $2\times 2$ matrices denoted by $\sigma_x, \sigma_y,\sigma_z$, where $$  \sigma_x =\begin{pmatrix}0&1\\1&0\end{pmatrix},\qquad \sigma_y=\begin{pmatrix}0&-i\\i&0\end{pmatrix}, \qquad \sigma_z=\begin{pmatrix}1&0\\0&-1\end{pmatrix}.$$  If the state vector of the system is given by $$   \left( \begin{array}{r} \displaystyle{1\over\sqrt{5}}\\[4mm] \displaystyle {-2\over\sqrt{5}} \end{array} \right) $$ Find the probability that

  1. a measurement of $X$ will give value $1$.
  2. a measurement of $Y$ will give value $-1$.
  3. a measurement of $Z$ will give value $1$.
  4. a measurement of $X+Y$ will give value $\sqrt{2}$.


kapoor's picture 22-04-17 21:04:44 n


Node id: 2002page

\(\newcommand{\ket}[1]{|#1\rangle}\) Compute the uncertainty, \(\Delta E\), in energy is a state \[ \ket{\psi}= \alpha_1 \ket{E_1} + \alpha_2\ket{E_2}. \] Show that the uncertainty vanishes when \(E_1=E_2\). Is this result expected? WHY?

kapoor's picture 22-04-17 21:04:07 n
