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2654 records found.
Selected 20 rows in this page.  
Title+Summary Name Datesort ascending

[LEC/QM-23001] Non degenerate perturbation theory

Node id: 1479page
kapoor's picture 22-05-28 22:05:56 n

[LEC/QM-23003] Application to fine structure of hydrogen atom

Node id: 1481page
kapoor's picture 22-05-28 20:05:11 n

[LEC/QM-23002] Perturbation theory for degenerate case

Node id: 1480page
kapoor's picture 22-05-28 20:05:28 n

[NFL/QM-23] Time Independent Perturbation Theory

Node id: 5449page
kapoor's picture 22-05-28 20:05:44 n

Create New Drawing

Node id: 551drawing

HelpA drawing tool for quick creation of diagrams for your content. Create, save and insert in your page. Click Help to learn more about the tool.

ranjan's picture 22-05-28 11:05:37 n

Create a Function Plot

Node id: 554plot

Help A simple function plotter for plotting function, derivative or integral (upto 3 items per plot), and saving the plot as image.

Plot & use

Plot upto 3 functions (or their Derivatives/Integrals!) and save as a single image file.

Insert these graphs from workspace into any webpage, or download and use.

This simple to use function plotter is based on a great web-based plotting tool "openPlaG".

For details of the example functions, see the plot help.

See also

There are several online tools available for plotting functions. See, for example, "Online function grapher", "Graphical Function Explorer", "Interactive mathematics", "2D/3D function plotter", "FooPlot", "Function plotter", 

[Note: Creating graphs from data points is done by charting tools (e.g. "Flot", "jqPlot", "DyGraphs", "jsxGraph".)]

ranjan's picture 22-05-28 11:05:40 n


Node id: 5445page
AK-47's picture 22-05-26 19:05:56 n


Node id: 5437page
AK-47's picture 22-05-26 18:05:21 n

Help & Tips

Node id: 806page

For viewing long pages, you may use F11 function key for full-screen mode. You may also use zoom-in (Ctrl & +), zoom-out (Ctrl & -) and reset zoom to default (Ctrl & 0).  

Links and Buttons

Clicking a link/button will load the linked page in -
1. the same browser window,
2. in a new browser window/tab,
3. in a modal window, or
4. might just pop up a message box
Buttons are mostly used to submit some data (e.g, content or comment)

Modal & Popup Windows

Modal & popup windows are ways to show you a new page without moving (navigating) away from the page opened in the current browser window/tab.

Some links and buttons on an opened page might load the next requested page in a box ("modal window") in the foreground. The page content is covered by a partially transparent gray layer making the content  inaccessible (to mouse) until the modal window is closed.

ranjan's picture 22-05-26 12:05:31 n


Node id: 2836page

Given that a particle with one degree of freedom has the Hamiltonian     $$ H = {p^2\over 2M}\, \exp(-x/\alpha)   + V(x) $$   find the Lagrangian of the particle.

kapoor's picture 22-05-25 13:05:45 n


Node id: 5439page

[1] A thin glass rod is bent into a semicircle of radius $R$. A charge $+Q$ is
uniformly distributed along the upper half and a charge $-Q$ is distributed
uniformly along the lower half as shown in the figure. Find the electric field
P, the center of the semicircle.

AK-47's picture 22-05-24 13:05:33 n


Node id: 5433page

AK-47's picture 22-05-21 18:05:15 y


Node id: 5422page
AK-47's picture 22-05-21 18:05:49 n


Node id: 5435page
AK-47's picture 22-05-21 06:05:52 n


Node id: 5403page
AK-47's picture 22-05-13 17:05:01 n


Node id: 5412page
AK-47's picture 22-05-11 08:05:40 n


Node id: 5410page
AK-47's picture 22-05-11 07:05:54 n


Node id: 5409page
AK-47's picture 22-05-11 07:05:55 n


Node id: 5408page
AK-47's picture 22-05-11 07:05:57 n


Node id: 5407page
AK-47's picture 22-05-10 20:05:39 n
