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Node id: 5496page
kapoor's picture 22-06-18 15:06:12 n


Node id: 3486collection


Scanned Resources for Courses

Phy-611:: Assignments with Solutions of Course in QM given by T. V. Ramakrishnan (1967)


Resources Contributed by Prof. H.S. Mani

Prof. Pankaj Sharan ::  Lectures on Topics In Electrodynamics Course given at Jamia Milia Islamia

Sunday Physics Lectures --- Prof. S.V.M. Sathyanarayana

My Courses at Different Institutions  

Statistical Mechanics ---- IIT Bhubnewsar (2017) ---- With K.P. N. Murthy

Six Lectures on Lie Algebras, SERC School (2014)

Click here to go to the  Statistical Mechanics Home Page

  • This collection has a variety of archived teaching resources.
  • Contributed by friends colleagues and by some of my teachers at different institutions. 
  • Resources of selected courses given by me at different institutions.
  • The resources can be downloaded
  • Online viewing of resources here is not supported.

kapoor's picture 22-06-18 15:06:21 n

[QUE/EM-01008] --- EM-PROBLEM

Node id: 5486page

Two pith balls, each of mass 1.8 g, are suspended from the same point
by silk threads each of length 20 cm. When equal charge Q is given to
both the balls, they separate until the two threads become
perpendicular. Find the charge $Q$ on each pith ball.

AK-47's picture 22-06-18 12:06:30 n

[QUE/EM-01011] --- EM-PROBLEM

Node id: 5489page

An alpha particle travels in a circular path of radius $0.45$m in a magnetic field with $B=1.2$ w/m$^2$. Calculate (i) its speed (ii) its period of revolution, and (iii) its kinetic energy. Mass of proton particle = \(1.67\times 10^{-27}\)kg \(\approx 4\times M_p= 4\times938.27\) MeV.

Solution :

  • [(i)] the magnetic force \(eBv\) must be equal to the mass times acceleration. Therefore \begin{equation*} Bev = \frac{Mv^2}{R}, \end{equation*} where \(R\) is the radius of the circular orbit. Hence \begin{equation*} v= \frac{eBR}{M} = \frac{2\times1.6 \times10^{-19}\times 1.2 \times 0.45}{4\times 1.67\times 10^{-27}}\approx 2.7 \times10^7 \text{m/s}. \end{equation*}
  • [(ii)] The time period is \begin{equation*} T = \frac{2\pi R}{v} = \frac{2\times3.14\times 0.45}{2.7\times10^7} \approx10^{-7} \text{ s}. \end{equation*}
  • [(iii)] The kinetic energy is given by \begin{eqnarray}\nonumber \text{K.E.} &=& \frac{1}{2} M v^2= \frac{1}{2}\times (4\times 1.67 \times 10^{-27}) \times \big(2.7\times10^7\big)^2 \\\nonumber &=& 3.26\times 7.29 \times 10^{-13} \approx 23.7 \times 10^{-13} \text{J}. \end{eqnarray}
AK-47's picture 22-06-18 12:06:19 n

[QUE/EM-01012] --- EM-PROBLEM

Node id: 5490page

Find the direction and magnitude of \(\vec{E}\) at the center of a square
with charges at the corners as shown in figure below. Assume that
\(q= 1\times 10^{-8}\)coul, \(a=5\)cm.

AK-47's picture 22-06-18 12:06:00 n

[QUE/EM-01013] --- EM-PROBLEM

Node id: 5491page

A "dipole" is formed from a rod of length \(2a\) and two charges \(+q\)
and \(-q\). Two such dipoles are oriented as shown in figure at the end,
their centers being separated by a distance \(R\). Calculate the force
exerted on the left dipole and show that, for \(R>>a\), the force is
approximately given by
where \(p=2qa\) is the dipole moment.

AK-47's picture 22-06-18 12:06:26 n

[QUE/EM-01014] --- EM-PROBLEM

Node id: 5492page

Find the direction and magnitude of $\vec{E}$ at the center of a square
with charges at the corners as shown in figure below. Assume that
$ q= 1\times 10^{-8}$coul, $a=5$cm.

AK-47's picture 22-06-18 12:06:16 n

[QUE/EM-01016] --- EM-PROBLEM

Node id: 5494page

An electron moving with speed of $5.0\times 10^8$cm/sec is shot parallel to an electric field strength of $1.0\times 10^3 $nt/coul arranged so as to retard its motion.

  • How far will the electron travel in the field before coming (momentarily) to rest ?
  • how much time will elapse?
  • If the electric field ends abruptly after $0.8$ cm, what fraction of its initial energy will the electron loose in traversing the field?
AK-47's picture 22-06-18 12:06:07 n

Mathematical Physics :: Bundled Lessons

Node id: 3760page
kapoor's picture 22-06-18 10:06:34 n


Node id: 2391page

Prove that the potential \(\phi(0)\) at the center of a charge-free spherical volume \(V\) is the equal to average of \(\phi(r)\) over the surface \(S\) of the sphere. Using 

  1. Green’s reciprocity relation.
  2. Green's identity\[\iiint d^3r (f \nabla^2 g − g\nabla^2 f ) = \iint \hat{n} · (f \nabla g − g\nabla f) dS\]


kapoor's picture 22-06-17 21:06:04 n


Node id: 2140page

Quantum Mechanics (2018)
A Course Given at University of Hyderabad
Assignments, Quiz, Test and Examination Papers

kapoor's picture 22-06-17 21:06:38 n

[ALL-RESOURCES-ABOUT] Computing Cross Sections and Life times

Node id: 3446path
kapoor's picture 22-06-17 20:06:24 n


Node id: 2725curated_content
  1. Basic Definiton A simple example
  2. Calculating Green Function
    • Using Fourier Transform
    • Free Particle Schrodinger Equation
    • Green Function for Klein Gordon Equation
  3. EigenfunctionExpansion
  4. Separation of Variables; Example from electrodynamics
  5. Uniqueness Theorem; Method of Images
  6. ApplicationsConverting to an integral equationBoundary Value Problemsin EMTheoryRelation to Energy Eigenvalues and Eigenfunctions





kapoor's picture 22-06-17 20:06:23 n

[EWY/EM-01002] How are the Electric and Magnetic Fields Created?

Node id: 5479page
kapoor's picture 22-06-13 11:06:28 n

[QUE/EM-04001] --- EM-PROBLEM

Node id: 2241page

Solve the problem of a point charge and a grounded conducting sphere by
expanding the Coulomb potential of the point charge in spherical harmonics with
respect to the center of the sphere, solving for the potential for each
\(\ell\) and resumming.

kapoor's picture 22-06-11 23:06:40 n

[QUE/EM-03015] --- EM-PROBLEM

Node id: 2266page

Six charges are placed at positions given below:

  Charge Position   Charge Position
 1 q (L, 0, 0)  4 - q (-2L,0,0)
2 2q (0, 2L, 0)  5 - 2q (0, 0,3L)
3 3q (0,- 2L, 0)  6 - 3q (0,0,L)

Compute the dipole moment of the system.



kapoor's picture 22-06-11 23:06:59 n

[QUE/EM-03024] --- EM-PROBLEM

Node id: 2380page

Find the interaction energy of two interpenetrating spheres of uniform charge density \(\rho_1\) and \(\rho_2\). Let the two spheres have equal radii \(a\) and let the separation of their centers be \(d< a\). Show that  your answer gives the value expected for the limiting case s (a) \(d=0\), and \(d=a\).

Panofsky and Philips


kapoor's picture 22-06-11 23:06:06 n

[QUE/EM-03022] --- EM-PROBLEM

Node id: 2240page

The permanent dipole moment of water molecule is given to be \(1.86\times10^{-18}\) esc-cm.  How much work is done on water molecule if electric field is increased from  zero to 100 volts/cm and the permanent dipoe is rotated from \(\theta=0\) to \(\theta=\pi\)? 
(Be careful about units.)

Atlee Jackson

kapoor's picture 22-06-11 23:06:58 n


Node id: 5441page

Two spheres each of radius $R$ are placed so that they partially overlap. The
charge densities in the overlap region is zero and in the two non overlapping
regions is $+\rho$ and $-\rho$ respectively as shown in figure.
The separation between the centres of the spheres is $D$.
Show that the electric field in the overlap region is constant.

\FigBelow{100,-35}{50}{0}{em-fig-02002}{Overlapping spheres}\\

AK-47's picture 22-06-11 13:06:48 n


Node id: 5440page

The electric field due to a line segment of length $2a$, and carrying
a uniform line charge $\lambda$, at a distance $d$ above the mid point is given by
$$ E = \frac{1}{4\pi\epsilon_0} \, \frac{2\lambda a}{d \sqrt{d^2 +a^2}}$$
Use this result to find the electric field of a {\bf square lamina}
(side $2s$), carrying uniform surface charge density $\sigma$, at a distance
$z$ above the center of the disk.

AK-47's picture 22-06-11 13:06:58 n
