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  • [$\oslash$] For all the problems, if necessary, assume $\phi$ to be zero at infinity.
  • [$\oslash$] Discuss the following questions from H.C.Verma, Vol-II, giving a short explanation for your answer in each case.
  • Questions (4) in "QUESTIONS FOR SHORT ANSWER", page 139.
  • Question (5) in "QUESTIONS FOR SHORT ANSWER", page 139.
  • Question (7) in "QUESTIONS FOR SHORT ANSWER", page 139.
  • [$\oslash$] Find correct answers giving your reasons for the following questions.
  • Questions (1) in "OBJECTIVE-I" on page 139.
  • Question (3) in "OBJECTIVE-I" on page 139.
  • Questions (2) from "OBJECTIVE II" on page 140.
  • Question (5) from "OBJECTIVE II" on page 140.
  • Question (7) from "OBJECTIVE II" on page 140.
  • [$\oslash$] Rank the options as described, 
  • Fig. 1 below gives the electric potential $\phi$ as function of $x$. Rank the five regions in the order of increasing magnitude of the electric field within them, with the least value first.
  • For the potential variation as in Fig .1 give the directions of the electric field in regions 2 and 4.
  • Fig. 2 shows four pairs of charged particles. For each pair find which of the following is correct statement.
    • There is point between the particles where the electric potential is zero.
    • There is point to the right of both the particles where the electric potential is zero.
    • There is point to the left of both the particles where the electric potential is zero.
  • Fig. 3 below shows four arrangements of charged particles, all at the same distance from the origin. Rank the arrangements according to the net electric potential at the origin according to the electric potential at the origin, the most positive first. 
  • A few solutions for the Q[5] Tutorial-I are given below.
    • Check if the answers are correct?
    • If there is a mistake, give your reasons as precisely you can.
    • In case a solution is wrong, state if it is valid for small angle or not.
    • Grade the solutions out of ten marks.

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4727:Diamond Point