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2654 records found.
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QFT/17- Course Overview

Node id: 2270page
kapoor's picture 22-08-26 10:08:04 n


Node id: 2682page

Find the direction along which the spin projection is $1/2$ for a spin  half particle if the spin wave function the particle is given to be 

\[ \chi = \begin{pmatrix} 3\over 5 \\ -{4\over 5} \end{pmatrix}\]

kapoor's picture 22-08-26 10:08:33 n

2019-CM @ HCU :: Lessons [LNK]

Node id: 3444curated_content
kapoor's picture 22-08-26 00:08:40 n

Classical Mechanics [lnk]

Node id: 3385page
kapoor's picture 22-08-26 00:08:02 n

Unit-A Vectors, Summation Convention [LNK}

Node id: 3396page
kapoor's picture 22-08-26 00:08:17 n

Info-Page -6 :: Lesson Bundle Template [LNK]

Node id: 3356page

The following is sample of a Lesson Bundle to illustrate the  template of a lesson bundle.

kapoor's picture 22-08-26 00:08:01 n

LSN/VS-02 Vectors and Vector Spaces (LNK)

Node id: 3594page
kapoor's picture 22-08-26 00:08:39 n

LSN/VS-06 Matrix Representation in a Vector Space (LNK)

Node id: 3610page
kapoor's picture 22-08-26 00:08:04 n

Complex-Variables-Home [CV-HOME] [LNK]

Node id: 3488collection

Complex Variables --- Principles and Problem Sessions  SOLUTIONS and ERRATA

Chapter-1 Complex Numbers

Chapter-2 :: Elementary Functions and Differentiation

Chapter 3 :: Functions with branch cut singularity

Chapter 4 :: Integration in Complex Plane

Chapter 5 :: Cauchy Integral Formula

Chapter 6 :: The Residue Theorem

Chapter 7 :: Contour Integration

Errata for Complex Variables ----Principles and Problem Sessions

kapoor's picture 22-08-26 00:08:04 n

PSET/CM-01 Periodic Motion

Node id: 3701page
kapoor's picture 22-08-26 00:08:15 y

LEC/QM-Mod08 Applications of Canonical Commutation Relations (LNK)

Node id: 1047page
kapoor's picture 22-08-26 00:08:07 n

LEC/QM-Mod01 Classical Theories Revisited (LNK)

Node id: 1784page

1. An Overview of Classical Concepts
    Introduction;Thought experiments with waves;Thought experiments with bullets;Waves versus particles.

2. Structure and Formulations of Physical Theories
   Structure of physical theories; Formulations of classical mechanics;Thermodynamics and statistical mechanics.

3. Inadequacy of Classical Theories

Click on a section heading to see details.

kapoor's picture 22-08-26 00:08:06 n

\(\S\) 6.4 Compatible Observables (LNK)

Node id: 1442page
kapoor's picture 22-08-26 00:08:34 n

\(\S\) 6.2 Postulates of Quantum Mechanics (LNK)

Node id: 1440page
kapoor's picture 22-08-26 00:08:13 n

\(\S 7.1\) Canonical Quantization (LNK)

Node id: 1792page


\(\S 7.1\)Canonical Commutation Relation
\(\S 7.2\) General Form of  Uncertainty Relation

kapoor's picture 22-08-25 23:08:26 n

\(\S 9.2\) Time Evolution of Quantum Systems (LNK)

Node id: 1387page
kapoor's picture 22-08-25 23:08:16 n

\(\S 9.3\) Perturbation Expansion of S-Matrix in Interaction Picture (LNK)

Node id: 1388page


  1. \(\S 9.1\) Time Evolution of Quantum Systems-I
  2. \(\S 9.2\) Time Evolution of Quantum Systems-II
  3. \(\S 9.3\) Perturbation Expanstion of S Matrix in Interaction Picture
kapoor's picture 22-08-25 23:08:46 n

LEC/QM-Mod09 Time Evolution in Quantum Mechanics (LNK)

Node id: 1385page
kapoor's picture 22-08-25 23:08:11 n

\(\S 13.5\) Reflection and Transmission from a Potential (LNK)

Node id: 861page
kapoor's picture 22-08-25 23:08:06 n

\(\S 13.4\) Harmonic Oscillator Energy Levels (LNK)

Node id: 847page
kapoor's picture 22-08-25 23:08:11 n
