
[AGBX/EM] Anti Gray Boxes --- Electromagnetic Theory

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If the number of electrons per unit volume is \(n\), \(t\) is the thickness of the slab then the current through the slab is
\( I=e v ne (w t)\), where \(w\) is the width and \(t\) is the thickness of the slab. WHY?

If the current density is \(j\) the current flowing in the conductor is charge flowing per second along the \(X\)- axis.
The amount of charge flowing per sec across a slab, width =\(w\) will be that contained  in volume of dimension \(w\times 1\times t\) where \(t\) is the thickness of the slab. Thus \(I=ne wt\).


Question : How to verify that the electric field due to point charge at rest obeys the Maxwell's second equation \(\nabla \times \vec{E}=0.\)


By direct computation of curl of the electric field


Question : How is path independence helpful.?

The path independence property is helpful in many ways, for example the the line integral between two points can be computed along any path. 



Question:  When is true that the electric potential vanishes as \(r\to \infty\)? Give an example.


If the charge distribution is confined to a finite volume, the potential will go to zero as \(r\to\infty\). This is a sufficient condition, but not necessary.

Basically the charge density must go to zero sufficiently fast when \(r\to\infty\). How fast? faster than \(1/r^\epsilon\), for some positive \(\epsilon\). This means for some \(R\)
\[ \rho(r) < \frac{\text{const}}{r^\epsilon}, \text{ if } r>R.\]



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4727:Diamond Point