
[QUE/EM-01006] --- EM-PROBLEM

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Alpha particles of energy 7 MeV are incident from a gold foil in a scattering experiment.

  1. Plot the electrostatic potential seen by the alpha particles
  2. Find the closest distance an alpha particle can reach to the nucleus assuming that initially the alpha particle was on a direct collision course with the gold nucleus.

How will your answers change if the positive charge of the gold nucleus is assumed to be uniformly distributed over a sphere of radius of a few Angstroms, as was proposed in Thompson model?

Answer:- \(r_\text{min} \approx 32 \text{fm}\) ...............................................................................

\begin{eqnarray} r &=& \frac{2Ze^2}{4\pi\epsilon_0 E} \nonumber\\ &=& \Big(\frac{2Ze^2}{4\pi\epsilon_0\hbar {c}}\Big) \Big(\frac{m_\pi c^2}{E}\Big)\Big(\frac{\hbar}{m_\pi c}\Big) \nonumber\\ &=&\Big( \frac{2\times79}{137}\Big)\Big(\frac{140}{7}\Big) \times 1.4 \text{ fm} \nonumber\\ &\approx&\frac{2\times 80 \times 1.4}{7} = 32 \text{ fm} \end{eqnarray}


NOTE : We have used

  •  Pion pass \(\m_pi c^2=140\) MeV,
  • Compton wavelength of pion =\(\hbar/(m_\pi c^2) =1.4 fm\)

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4727:Diamond Point