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2654 records found.
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[2003SM/LNP-16] Lecture-16--Open Systems —Grand Canonical Ensemble

Node id: 5541page
AK-47's picture 22-07-07 07:07:09 n

[2003SM/LNP-15] Lecture-15--Quantum Effects in Statistical Mechanics

Node id: 5540page

Quantum effects in macroscopic systems appear in two ways. The first the energy levels are quantized. The quantization of energy levels does not need any modification in the framework. Secondly identical nature of particles constituting the system. This requires a new approach to enumerating the microstates. The microstates are not labeled by coordinates and momenta as is the case in classical theory. In quantum theory the microstates are specified by giving the number of particles for different levels.

AK-47's picture 22-07-07 07:07:53 n

[2003SM/LNP-14] Lecture-14--Equipartition of Energy

Node id: 5539page

In this lecture we derive law of equipartition of energy under the assumption that the energy is quadratic function of some variable such as coordinates and momenta. The classical theory of specific heat of gases is given and the Einstein model of taking quantum corrections is briefly discussed. A comparison of the classical and quantum model with experiments is given.

AK-47's picture 22-07-07 07:07:20 n

[2003SM/LNP-13] Lecture-13--The Imperfect Gas

Node id: 5538page

A scheme of virial expansion to derive equation of state for imperfect gases is set up. As an application the van der Waals form of the equation of state for an imperfect gas is derived.

AK-47's picture 22-07-07 07:07:23 n

[2003SM/LNP-12] Lecture-12--Applications of canonical ensemble

Node id: 5537page

The canonical partition function for an ideal gas is computed and ideal gas equation is derived. A measurement of the Boltzmann constant k is discussed using effusion of gas molecules through a hole. Distribution function of molecules in presence of gravity is as function of height is derived.

AK-47's picture 22-07-07 07:07:20 n

[2003SM/LNP-11] Lecture-11-- Applications of Canonical Ensemble

Node id: 5536page

In this lecture the method of canonical ensemble is applied to paramagnetism and ideal gases. For a paramagnetic substance the variation of paramagnetic susceptibility with temperature is derived. For an ideal gas Maxwell’s distribution of velocities is obtained using canonical

AK-47's picture 22-07-07 07:07:41 n

[2003SM/LNP-10] Lecture-10--Internal Energy of a System in Contact with Heat Reservoir

Node id: 5535page

In this lecture we continue our discussion of canonical partition function. An expression for internal energy is obtained in terms of the partition function. The parameter β is identified with 1/kT by noting that the parameter β in the partition function depends only on the heat bath and not on the system in equilibrium with the heat bath. The partition function is used to compute the energy of an ideal gas and comparing the same with the expression given by the equipartition theorem. The expression for other thermodynamic functions, entropy, free energy, enthalpy and variance of energy are derived in terms of the canonical partition function. Comparing the average energy with its variance gives a criterion so that the average energy may approximately represent the state of the system.

AK-47's picture 22-07-07 07:07:18 n

[2003SM/LNP-09] Lecture-09--Canonical Ensemble

Node id: 5534page

In this lecture canonical ensemble and canonical partition function are introduced. This topic has a central place in equilibrium statistical mechanics. This ensemble describes the microstates of a system in equilibrium with a heat bath at temperature T . The probability of a microstate having energy E is proportional to $exp(−βE)$ where $ β = kT $ and k is Boltzmann constant.

AK-47's picture 22-07-07 07:07:26 n

[2003SM/LNP-08] Lecture-08--Basic assumptions of statistical mechanics

Node id: 5533page

Statistical mechanics is based on the fundamental assumption that all microstates of an isolated system are equally

AK-47's picture 22-07-06 07:07:13 n

[2003SM/LNP-07] Lecture-07--Energy of Macroscopic Systems Classical and Quantum Theories

Node id: 5532page

Energy of Macroscopic Systems Classical and Quantum Theories

AK-47's picture 22-07-06 07:07:54 n

[2003SM/LNP-06] Lecture-06--What is Thermodynamics and Statistical Mechanics

Node id: 5531page

We begin with scope of thermodynamics and emphasize wide range of its applications. Thermodynamics takes a macroscopic view of a physical system. It laws are based on experience. Statistical mechanics is a microscopic view of physical systems and is based on established laws of classical and quantum mechanics.

AK-47's picture 22-07-06 07:07:01 n

[2003SM/LNP-05] Lecture-05--Gaussian Distribution

Node id: 5530page

In this lecture the Gaussian distribution its important properties are discussed. One of its important properties is that it is completely fixed by mean and standard deviation.

AK-47's picture 22-07-06 07:07:54 n

[2003SM/LNP-04] Lecture-04--Binomial Distribution

Node id: 5529page

In this lecture the binomial distribution, the random walk problem and the Poisson distributions are introduced and their interconnections and important properties are discussed.

AK-47's picture 22-07-06 07:07:08 n

[Arch-Courses] Resources from Proofs Archived Courses

Node id: 5514page
kapoor's picture 22-07-04 13:07:50 n

[1998TH/LNP-01] Lecture -1 Thermodynamics --- Overview of the Course

Node id: 5527page
AK-47's picture 22-07-04 13:07:27 n

[2003SM/LNP-20] Lecture -20 -- Specific Heat of Gases

Node id: 5519page
AK-47's picture 22-07-04 10:07:20 n

[2003SM/LNP-23] Lecture 23 --- Ideal Bose Gas

Node id: 5522page
AK-47's picture 22-07-04 10:07:38 n

[2003SM/LNP-22] Lecture 22 -- Perfect Fermi Gas

Node id: 5521page
AK-47's picture 22-07-04 10:07:32 n

[2003SM/LNP-21] Lecture 21 -- Heat Capacities of Solids

Node id: 5520page
AK-47's picture 22-07-04 10:07:24 n

[2003SM/LNP-19] Lecture 19 -- Degenerate and Non-degenerate Gases

Node id: 5518page
AK-47's picture 22-07-04 10:07:14 n
