
[ALL-RESOURCES-ABOUT] Computing Cross Sections and Life times

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Objectives  :-> To  be able to learn how to compute life times and cross sections  in field theory.

In second quantized Schordinger theory.

potential scattering; Coulomb scattering
scattering of paricles which are distinguishable
identical particle scattering in second  quantized theory

Involving only  scalar particles

Two body decays Lifetime for K-> 2pi
Three body decays  ets > 3pi decays.
pion-pion  scatteirng

Cross sections and transition probabilitites Involving  atoms and photons

using quantum theory for photons and
nonrelativistic treatment for atoms and molecules


Interactions Involving photons


Nonrelativisitc particles
Spin zero particles
Spin half Dirac particles.

Potential scattering in different approximations taking example of Coulomb scattering


Nonrelativisic Schrodinger equation
Relativistic spin zero  particle
Relativistic Dirac equation

 Scattering of two charged particles

Including effects due to identical nature of particle
Spin zero and Spin 1/2 cases.

Coulomb Scattering

Assuming one particle to be very heavy and replace its effect by Coulomb potential

Nonrelativistic particles.
Relativistic spin zero particles
Relativistic  spin half particles

How to repeat the Coulomb scattering 

two nonidentical particles, without making an approximation
infinite mass for one particle.

nonrelaiviistic distinguishable  particles   with quantized  theory for photons

 nonrelaiviistic identical  particles   with quantized theory for photons

