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2654 records found.
Selected 20 rows in this page.  
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Help and Info Page:: How to give feedback on resources in Proofs Project

Node id: 4573page
kapoor's picture 21-08-05 07:08:15 n

A class room poll like activity using Google Form.

Node id: 4487page
kapoor's picture 21-07-04 14:07:20 n

Anti Black Box/CM03-001

Node id: 4472page
kapoor's picture 21-06-15 21:06:22 n

Testing A Lesson Page With iframe

Node id: 4444page
kapoor's picture 21-06-12 19:06:59 n

\(\S\) 5.3 :: Thought experiments for uncertainty principle

Node id: 1035page
kapoor's picture 21-06-12 09:06:34 n

Lesson/CM02-02 Conservation of Energy

Node id: 4358page
kapoor's picture 21-06-12 00:06:22 n

\(\S\)5.1 :: Advent of Quantum Theory

Node id: 1034page
kapoor's picture 21-06-12 00:06:06 n

\(\S\) 5.2 :: Consequences of wave particle duality

Node id: 1031page
kapoor's picture 21-06-12 00:06:18 n

\(\S\) 5.4 :: Wave particle duality and superposition of states

Node id: 1032page
kapoor's picture 21-06-12 00:06:17 n

\(\S\) 5.5 :: Postulates of quantum mechanics

Node id: 1037page
kapoor's picture 21-06-12 00:06:47 n

\(\S\) 5.6 :: New concepts brought in by quantum theory

Node id: 1038page
kapoor's picture 21-06-12 00:06:12 n

LEC/QM-Mod04 Hilbert Spaces

Node id: 1093page

This page is not planned in near future.

kapoor's picture 21-06-12 00:06:11 n

\(\S 2.3\) Matrix Representations of Operators

Node id: 1946page
kapoor's picture 21-06-12 00:06:52 n

\(\S 2.2\) Linear functionals and operators

Node id: 1945page
kapoor's picture 21-06-12 00:06:52 n

\(\S 2.1\) Basic Definitions

Node id: 1944page
kapoor's picture 21-06-12 00:06:04 n

LESSON/QM01-01 Concepts that Changed from Classical to Quantum Theory

Node id: 808page
kapoor's picture 21-06-11 23:06:58 n

LESSON/QM01-02 Structure and Formulations of Physical Theories

Node id: 792page

\(\newcommand{\DD}[2][]{\frac{d^2#1}{d#2^2}}\)\(\newcommand{\Label}[1]{\label{#1} }\)\(\newcommand{\PP}[2][]{\frac{\partial^2#1}{\partial#2^2}}\)\(\newcommand{\dd}[2][]{\frac{d#1}{d#2}} \)\(\newcommand{\pp}[2][]{\frac{\partial#1}{\partial#2}}\)

kapoor's picture 21-06-11 23:06:56 y

LESSON/QM01-01 An Overview of Classical Concepts

Node id: 807page
kapoor's picture 21-06-11 23:06:39 n

Help --- Convert Proofs Latex macros to Mathjax / html

Node id: 4363page
kapoor's picture 21-05-24 06:05:33 n

Matrices-02 Matrices Problem Sets

Node id: 1774page
kapoor's picture 21-05-22 08:05:53 n
