
Help and Info Page:: How to give feedback on resources in Proofs Project

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The following guideline is designed to facilitate a feedback on the resources.
Kindly have a note book with you while reading these lecture notes.
Keep writing notes of the following items. Along with each item, do not forget to
mention page number, equation number, or section heading.

You may create an account on 0space and login. This will enable you to
give your feed back in the comments on the page you are reading.

Please report the following items

  • Typos and errors that you find
  • Questions that you may want to ask
  • Items covered in class but not found in notes
  • Ease of reading, and following/understanding, the content of lecture notes
  • Any other issue that you may want to convey to me

If you do not want to have an account and register,
 send a (scanned) copy of your notes to me by email.
email address :
Your efforts will help me in improving the lecture notes.
Thanks a lot,

Exclude node summary : 
