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2654 records found.
Selected 20 rows in this page.  
Title+Summary Name Datesort ascending

Mixed-Lot of Problems in Classical Mechanics

Node id: 4700collection

Mixed-Lot of Problems in Quantum Mechanics


AK-47's picture 21-09-27 14:09:12 n

Info --- List of Quantum Mechanics Modules

Node id: 4662page
kapoor's picture 21-09-24 04:09:47 n

LECS/QFT01:: Classical Fields ----- TESTING ----- IN A BASIC PAGE

Node id: 4647page
AK-47's picture 21-09-14 18:09:55 n

Packages for Newbies --- Quantum Field Theory

Node id: 3918collection


Problem Sessions

Problem Sessions will start appearing here in near future


Planned course for Newbies

AK-47's picture 21-09-14 18:09:55 n

Classical Theories Revisited

Node id: 4638page
AK-47's picture 21-09-12 14:09:40 n

Thought experiments with waves

Node id: 4639page
AK-47's picture 21-09-07 18:09:48 n

The structure of physical theories

Node id: 4630page
AK-47's picture 21-09-07 09:09:06 n

About Self Paced Courses for Newbies

Node id: 4540page
kapoor's picture 21-09-03 10:09:00 n

\(\S\) 6.1 General Structure of Quantum Mechanics

Node id: 1439page
kapoor's picture 21-08-30 15:08:17 n

Basic Page Testing Navigation

Node id: 4612page
kapoor's picture 21-08-29 12:08:03 n

Mathematical expressions

Node id: 381page

For creating/editing with mathematical expressions in it, you can use TeX/LaTeX syntax.

Here is a sample equation, which is Physics-wise much more complex than its type-setting!

$$\left [ - \frac{\hbar^2}{2 m} \frac{\partial^2}{\partial x^2} + V \right ] \Psi = i \hbar \frac{\partial}{\partial t} \Psi\nonumber$$

ranjan's picture 21-08-28 19:08:07 n

DYK-01 Pauli's Reaction to Discovery of Matrix Mechanics

Node id: 1822page
kapoor's picture 21-08-26 12:08:04 n

A Test Page for Warning before download

Node id: 3577page
kapoor's picture 21-08-24 09:08:01 n

Problem Set QM ----- Testing

Node id: 4318page
kapoor's picture 21-08-22 08:08:24 n

View Assignments and Solutions On Line

Node id: 2458page

This is a collection of assignments and examination papers of a course in
"Elementary Particle Physics" given by Professor H.S. Mani
at University of Hyderabad in the year 2009. 


Please use automatically generated navigation links at  the bottom of the page.

kapoor's picture 21-08-22 02:08:59 n

Testing Embedded Page in an iframe

Node id: 883page
kapoor's picture 21-08-22 02:08:59 n

Testing pdf embedded page in iframe

Node id: 881page
kapoor's picture 21-08-22 02:08:59 y

testing iframe

Node id: 862page
kapoor's picture 21-08-22 02:08:59 y

Orthonormal Basis

Node id: 836page
kapoor's picture 21-08-22 02:08:26 n

Linear Operators In Inner Product Spaces

Node id: 831page
kapoor's picture 21-08-22 02:08:26 n
