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Selected 20 rows in this page.  
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OTHER MEN's FLOWERS :: A collection of Resources from World Wide Web

Node id: 4894page
ashok's picture 21-11-11 07:11:40 n

Info Page -2 :: Features of Proofs Programme

Node id: 756page

The project team :  Ranjan Shrivastava and A. K. Kapoor.

Creative Commons Licence
PROOFS by Kapoor is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License(link is external).
Based on a work at /users/kapoor.


This work is being pursued with a philosophy of working without attachment expressed beautifully by Sri RamKrishna Paramhansa who once said, “To work without attachment is to work without the expectation of reward or fear of any punishment in this world or the next. Work so done is a means to the end, and God is the end.


Why repeat a lots of things ?
Why repeat all this? Because there are new generations born every day.  Because there are great ideas developed in the history of man, and these ideas do not last unless they are passed purposely and clearly from generation to generation.                      ===            Richard Feynman (1998)


 Many of the content are not my original, they  are 'Other Men's Flowers'. My views on this issue resonate with the ideas in the article titled "Montaigne on “Curation,” the Illusion of Originality, and How We Form Our Opinions"

kapoor's picture 21-11-10 01:11:18 n

Repository of Solved Examples [ ALL AREAS ]

Node id: 4818collection



  • Classical-Mechanics 
  • Electromagnetic Theory
  • Elementary Particle Physics
  • General Relativity
  • Lie Groups and Lie Algebras     
  • Newtonian Mechanics
  • Nuclear Physics
  • Optics
  • Quantum Information and Quantum Computation
  • Quantum Field Theory
  • Quantum Mechanics
  • Statistical Mechanics
  • Thermodynamics
  • Waves and Oscillations

  W O R K     O N    T H E    R E P O S I T O R Y     I S     I N     P R O G R E S S     ...   ...   ...

kapoor's picture 21-11-09 22:11:06 n

\(\S 9.1\) Schrodinger Picture of Time Evolution

Node id: 784page
kapoor's picture 21-11-09 17:11:55 n

A Time Line of Quantum Mechanics

Node id: 4893curated_content

This article gives time line of quantum mechanics in a brief and concise manner from 1879 to 1995.


"There are some really great articles on the Internet that are informative to a great extent on the timeline of Quantum Mechanics. This is one of the good ones that I found, covering the evolution of Quantum Mechanics from 1897 to 1995 in a concise manner."
(Post by Shobhit Sharma in :  Graduate student in Physics at Duke University.)

I have selection of links to time line articles  The first one is a detailed, yet concise, time line.

ashok's picture 21-11-09 05:11:26 n

Jagdish Mehra --- The Birth of Quantum Mechanics

Node id: 4892curated_content

Jagdish Mehra -The Birth of Quantum Mechanics 

This lecture delivered at CERN on March 30 1976 gives a fascinating account of the contributions made by Heisenberg in the early years of quantum mechanics.

ashok's picture 21-11-09 04:11:40 n

Document 39

Node id: 4880basic_multi_step
kapoor's picture 21-11-08 13:11:20 n

Editing LaTeX Expression

Node id: 4885page

\begin{eqnarray} \frac{\mu V_0}{\hbar^2 k}\left|\int_0^{R_0} \left( e^{2ikr}-1\right) dr\right|  &=& \frac{\mu V_0}{\hbar^2 k}\left|\frac{e^{2ikR_0}-1}{2ik} - R_0 \right|\label{E2}\\ &=& \frac{\mu V_0}{2\hbar^2 k^2}\left|e^{2ikR_0}- 2ik R_0 -1 \right|\label{E3} \end{eqnarray}

AK-47's picture 21-11-07 18:11:50 n

Answers for \(\S5 \) QUIZ From Problem Sets selected for BSARCIST Workshop

Node id: 4837basic_multi_step
kapoor's picture 21-11-07 14:11:35 n


Node id: 4869page
AK-47's picture 21-11-04 06:11:38 n

Thermodynaomics (2021)Solutions to Problem Sets

Node id: 4786curated_content
kapoor's picture 21-11-03 16:11:11 n

2021 Thermodynamics@CMI -- by H. S. Mani

Node id: 4865page

2021 Thermodynamics@CMI -- by H. S. Mani

kapoor's picture 21-11-03 07:11:26 n

Create New Path Diagram

Node id: 552path

Help A powerful tool for creating a flow diagram-like page. You can use it to create a learning path page, for example.

Path page vs Path Diagram

A Path is a page with an embedded item named Path Diagram. A Path Diagram has draggable and resizable rectangular boxes (nodes) of content connected by lines or arrows at one or more of the four connection handles.

A Path Diagram is NOT an image, but like an image it is created by Path Diagram Editor embedded within the Path page editor. That is why you see a separate Launch/Quit editor menu bar inside the Path page (right after the main body).

Save and reuse

Even when you are viewing someone else's path page, you can edit and save the embeded path diagram into your workspace. On your path page, you can browse and insert a path diagram from your workspace.

[Note: This page lets you create only a path diagram and save. To create a path page, use 'Add content' link in right sidebar, or 'Workspace' link in top menubar.]

See also

The embedded Path Diagram editing tool is based on a minimalistic browser-based flowchart editor zNode. There are many other online tools with powerful drawing features (e.g., Gliffy, Draw, Diagramo), but we think that simple boxes with  HTML editor for box-content is easy to use and will serve the purpose.

ranjan's picture 21-11-01 17:11:36 n

First Draft of Lecture PDF Files Prepared for Lectures at BSARCIST WorkShop Oct 29-Nov 2, 2021

Node id: 4835curated_content
kapoor's picture 21-10-31 13:10:33 n

Quiz, Test and Exam-Papers --- Quantum Mechanics --- 2018 Summer course

Node id: 2107curated_content
kapoor's picture 21-10-23 13:10:24 n

Thermodynamics --- By H. S. Mani

Node id: 4785page
kapoor's picture 21-10-19 17:10:10 n


Node id: 4361page
kapoor's picture 21-10-19 10:10:59 n

About Stockpile of Problem Sets

Node id: 4766page




The stockpile of problems will have a variety of tutorials, practice problems, worksheets

Exercises  with online assistance etc.

These will be designed to suit a variety of requirements, including self help problem solving.

You can see some samples here:

Sample 1    Sample 2    Sample  3     Sample 4

kapoor's picture 21-10-17 19:10:03 n

WareHouse --- Quanutm Mechanics --- Anti GrayBoxes

Node id: 4718page
AK-47's picture 21-10-03 20:10:44 n

Time Evolution of Quantum systems : A Summary

Node id: 4712page

$\newcommand{\DD}[2][]{\frac{d^2 #1}{d^2 #2}}$ 
$\newcommand{\PP}[2][]{\frac{\partial^2 #1}{\partial #2^2}}$
$\newcommand{\pp}[2][]{\frac{\partial #1}{\partial #2}}$

AK-47's picture 21-09-28 20:09:44 y
