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[INDEX-TEACH&LEARN/ME] Newtonian Mechanics

Node id: 5660page
kapoor's picture 22-08-11 22:08:24 n

[INDEX-TEACH&LEARN/EM] Electromagnetic Theory

Node id: 5659page


  1. Electric and Magnetic Fields
  2. Electrostatics
  3. Electric Potential and Electrostatic Energy
  4. Conductors in Electric field
  5. Maxwell's Equations in Dielectric
  6. Boundary Value Problems  in Presence of Dielectric Media
  7. Magnetic Field
  8. Magnetostatics of Magnetic Media
  9. Electromagnetic Induction
  10. Maxwell's Equations in Time Varying Situations
  11. Electromagnetic Waves
  12. Relativistic Electrodynamics
  13. Potentials and Fields of a Moving Point Charge
  14. Radiation
kapoor's picture 22-08-11 22:08:52 y

Check Code

Node id: 5638page



W_2&=&\frac{q_1q_2}{4\pi\epsilon_0\mid\bar{r_1}-\bar{r_2}\mid} \label{eq2}\\
4\pi\epsilon_0\mid\bar{r_3}-\bar{r_2}\mid} \label{eq3}\\
}-\bar{r_4}\mid} \label{eq4}\\
r_k}\mid} \label{eq5}\\
W&=&W_1+W_2+W_3+\ldots+W_n\\ \label{eq6}
\mid\bar{r_i}-\bar{r_k}\mid} \label{eq7}.

AK-47's picture 22-08-11 16:08:13 n

[INDEX-TEACH&LEARN/EM] Electromagnetic Theory

Node id: 5502page

Work Under Progress



No Frill Lectures Electromagnetic Theory


  • Motion of Charges in electric and Magnetic Fields
  • Coulomb's Law
  • Line Surface and  Charge Distribution


kapoor's picture 22-08-11 15:08:02 y

[NOTES/EM-03010]-Electric Field Inside an Empty Cavity in a Conductor

Node id: 5648page

Maxwell's equation, \(\text{curl}\vec{E}=0\), is used to prove that the electric field inside an empty cavity in a conductor is zero.

AK-47's picture 22-08-11 12:08:11 n

[NOTES/EM-03009]-Coulomb's Law from Maxwell's Equations --- An Outline

Node id: 5647page

The derivation of Maxwell's first equation, \(\nabla\cdot\bar{E}=\rho/\epsilon_0\), from from Coulomb's law is outlined using the Green function for the Poisson equation.

AK-47's picture 22-08-11 12:08:38 n

[ARA/C001-PATH] All Resource About Commutator

Node id: 4999path

Where all a reference to commutation is made? How does it appear

kapoor's picture 22-08-10 06:08:53 n

[ARA-G001-PATH ]All Resources About Green Function

Node id: 3451path

Green function is defined and a simple example is presented.
Three methods of computing  Green functions  presented are:

  1. Direct solution of differential equation
  2. Using Fourier transform
  3. Eigenfunction expansion method
  4. Method of images

Examples include Green function for Poisson equation, Helmholtz equation, Heat equation, Wave Equation  and Schrodinger equation.
Applications include boundary value problems in electrostatics,  potentials of  moving point charges.

kapoor's picture 22-08-10 06:08:21 n

[ARA-S001::PATH] All-Resources-About Scattering in classical and quantum mechanics

Node id: 5033path



Each box to have hyperlinks for more details

kapoor's picture 22-08-10 06:08:40 n

[SUNDAY-PHYSICS/CV-LEC-04] Taylor Series Expansion

Node id: 5640page
kapoor's picture 22-08-09 23:08:48 n

[SUNDAY-PHYSICS/CV-LEC-03] The Solution of Equations in Complex Plane

Node id: 5639page
kapoor's picture 22-08-09 23:08:43 n

Complex Variables

Node id: 5619forum
kapoor's picture 22-08-07 13:08:52

[ACQ/CV-05001] Understanding Relation Between Existence of Derivative and Being Analytic

Node id: 5623page
AK-47's picture 22-08-07 05:08:18 n

[PNET/CV-05001] Existence of derivative, analytic property, singular points etc.

Node id: 5630page

The attached file is a collection of questions taken from NET/CSIR/GATE/JEST and other similar examinations
The questions concern:

  • Existence of derivative
  • Computation of limit
  • Checking if a function is analytic or not
  • Properties of real and imaginary parts of an analytic function
  • Finding real part (or imaginary part) if the other one is given.


Existence of derivative, Analytic function, Limit, Cauchy Riemann equations,



AK-47's picture 22-08-06 21:08:34 n

[SUNDAY-PHYSICS/CV-XTRA-05001] More Resources for Sessions 1-3

Node id: 5629page
AK-47's picture 22-08-06 19:08:51 n

[RCQ/CV-05001] Decoding analyticity of rational functions --- Short Questions

Node id: 5626page
AK-47's picture 22-08-06 19:08:39 n

[RCQ/CV-05002] Recalling Reasoning for Singular Points

Node id: 5627page
AK-47's picture 22-08-06 19:08:16 n

[YMP/CV-05001] Elementary Functions --- Solved Examples

Node id: 5621page
AK-47's picture 22-08-06 19:08:02 n

[PTR/CV-05001]-Points to Remember

Node id: 5625page
AK-47's picture 22-08-06 15:08:42 n


Node id: 5624page
AK-47's picture 22-08-06 15:08:24 n
