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2654 records found.
Selected 20 rows in this page.  
Title+Summary Name Datesort ascending

[LNU/QM-13002] Dirac Delta Function Potential

Node id: 2087page
kapoor's picture 22-08-14 18:08:31 y

[NOTES/PD-007] Partial Differential Equations --- Expansion in Orthogonal Functions

Node id: 1745page
kapoor's picture 22-08-14 18:08:21 n

Info Page-4 :: Terms used and their definitions

Node id: 3368page
kapoor's picture 22-08-14 18:08:34 n

[MORE/EM-09001] Ballastic Galvanometer

Node id: 5438page
kapoor's picture 22-08-14 17:08:56 n

[NOTES/ME-06003]-Time Period of Oscillations--Method-1

Node id: 5678page
AK-47's picture 22-08-14 10:08:20 n

[NOTES/ME-02003]-Euler Angles

Node id: 5658page
AK-47's picture 22-08-14 10:08:22 n

[NOTES/ME-02007]-Einstein Summation Convention

Node id: 5667page
AK-47's picture 22-08-14 10:08:19 n

[NOTES/ME-02008]-Active and Passive Rotation

Node id: 5668page
AK-47's picture 22-08-14 10:08:29 n

[NOTES/ME-02009]-Vectors as geometrical objects

Node id: 5669page

Convention about vectors is described. Different different symbols are used for vectors without reference to any axis, components of vector w.r.t. a system of coordinate axes, column vector notation for components

AK-47's picture 22-08-14 10:08:24 n

[NOTES/ME-02011]-no title

Node id: 5671page
AK-47's picture 22-08-14 10:08:37 y

[NOTES/ME-06001]- Application of Energy Conservation Law

Node id: 5672page
AK-47's picture 22-08-14 10:08:50 y

[NOTES/ME-02010]-Rotation of Vector about an Arbitrary Axis

Node id: 5670page
AK-47's picture 22-08-14 10:08:35 y

[NOTES/ME-06002]-Using graph of $V(x)$ to find motion

Node id: 5675page
AK-47's picture 22-08-14 09:08:58 n

[NOTES/ME-06002b]-Using graph of $V(x)$ to find motion

Node id: 5677page
AK-47's picture 22-08-14 09:08:44 y

[NOTES/ME-06001a]-Energy Conservation

Node id: 5673page
AK-47's picture 22-08-14 09:08:56 y

[NOTES/ME-06001b]-Using energy conservation to reduce solution to quadratures

Node id: 5674page
AK-47's picture 22-08-14 09:08:39 y

[LSN/ME-12002] Motion in Spherically Symmetric Potentials

Node id: 4140page
shivahcu's picture 22-08-13 23:08:11 n

Sample Video Page

Node id: 5665video_page

This is page with text as well as a screen recording.
Screen recording  of  Problem Solving

kapoor's picture 22-08-12 11:08:43 n

Sample Video Page

Node id: 5663video_page
kapoor's picture 22-08-12 11:08:15 n

[INDEX-TEACH&LEARN/ME] Newtonian Mechanics

Node id: 5661page




  1. Quick Review of prerequisites
  2. Kinematics in Different Coordinate Systems
  3. Newton's Laws
  4. Work and Energy
  5. Simple Harmonic Motion, Small Oscillations
  6. Noninertial Frames, Pseudo Forces
  7. Centre of Mass and Linear Momentum
  8. Rotational Motion
  9. Decomposition of Kinetic Energy and Angular Momentum
  10. Two Body Problem
  11. Multi particle  System
  12. Kinematics of Rigid Body
  13. Rigid Body Dynamics   

kapoor's picture 22-08-11 22:08:00 y
