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Here is a sample of horrible Physics and Mathematics our children learn from established centers.
We pay them for our children to learn horrible "Physics and Mathematics".
Snap shot taken from https://byjus.com/physics/maxwells-equations/#
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I could not get, withinh the time I spent a nice short description or a video explaining the scalar and vector potentials from scratch.
Here I reproduce two examples I stumbled upon, while searching for suitable page/video for a quick reminder of scalr and vector potentials. These videos on You Tube show hazards of learning from internet. I have reproduced only the relevant parts of the videos.
Sudhir Raniwala
Yesterday at 10:16 ·
A student asked a question that I do not have an answer to, and need an answer that satisfies me. |
Green function are imprtotant tools part of every physicists arsenal. They appear every where fron electrodynamics to optics and fluid dynamics andto quantum field theory. Here is an extract briefly describing his times. He entered Cambridge as graduate student at the age of 40.
In this blog I share my sceme of creating problems and assessment for teaching and evaluation.
In a particle physics text book "Elementary Particles and Their Currents" written in 1968, the author, Jermey Bernstein concludes the book by

"Birth of Quantum Mechanics" by Jagdish Mehra
A delightful lecture by Jagdish Mehra, later published as CERN Report in 1976, gives blow by blow account of how Heisenberg's ideas developed and what his contemporaries thought about his works. This report is being made available to everyone as an attachement here.
Jagdish Mehra, "Birth of Quantum Mechanics ", Heisenberg Memorial Lecture ( March 30, 1976), Published as CERN Report 76-10
In this blog I take you to an original argument in the book, by Landau Lifshitz's on Qunatum Mechanics, about using uncertainty principle to determine if the number of bound states for a potential will be finite or infinite.
When did you first come across a serial some where? You may or may not remember, but I do.