In a particle physics text book "Elementary Particles and Their Currents" written in 1968, the author, Jermey Bernstein concludes the book by
Almost all best books today will be lost as one more book for different reasons. Very few will remain relevant for all time. Have you wondered why it happens? Sometimes, even the best sometimes loose out, not because Physics has changed, but beacause the notation may have changed and the usage context is different.
For many, it is fashinable to go for a change. The correct approach will be to assimilate the very best and to remove the weeds that may have grown. So all such content has to be updated periodically and kept fresh; and the dead wood eliminated regularly. Even with best intentions, it is demanding job for a one person. Here technology can save the day.
The proofs programme, shares the above sentiment of no ending with Jermey Bernstein. The Proofs porgramme, also, not only has no happy ending, but no ending at all. It is conceived as a continuous process. An online effort like <Proofs> has potential of having a longer life to serve the community, if it is supported by the Physics community. I emphasise that no contribution is small; on several occassions a question sent by email has set my thought process in motion and the ensuing discussion was found to be of interest for a larger audience.
So I invite all those, who are share concern about improving quality of freely available online resources ( for physics students and teachers) to start contributing.