When did you first come across a serial some where? You may or may not remember, but I do.
Some time in December 1959 we moved to Allahabad from Sultanpur as a result of my father's transfer. He was working in Central Bank of India and his job was transferrable. Soon after we settled, he took me to a nearby library, Bharati Bhavan Library, open to public. I found a large variety of books and magazine. My age at that time was 11+. The library catered to the needs of people of all age groups. I found Chandamama, among the magzines, and soon got hooked to the magzine. Iinitially, I was dismayed by the fact that some stories did not get completed and that I had to wait. The serials like "Bhuan Sundari", and "Teen Mantrik" were very engaging and soon I developed liking and would eagerly wait for the next episode of these serials.
So my dear friends, this blog will be like a serial and will come in three (or more) parts, each part will consist of sevral episodes.
At first, it is important to emaphasize that we plan to work at different related levels. To give an ideaI I list some of these below.
- Developing and delivering Content
- Redefining teaching and learning strategies
- Evolve a scheme of online e-learning
Here, I list aims and important features of the Physics content that we propose to develop. Here is summary of what is in store.
- PART-I : Aims and Features
- Content to suit needs of different users.
- Reuse model and automating whatever we can will be one of our aims.
- Empowering the end user to construct documents to suit his/her needs.
- Beyond standard content of lecture notes, problems and solutions.
- Learning from Masters; Building upon works of Gaints by making their works accessible to every one.
- Free and Open Source Content available Online.
- Involving the end user. Building Interactivity.
- Regular Updates
- PART-II ; Content Types
- PART-III: Participation of end users
The next episodes will be about items (I.1), (I.2)...
.... to be continued