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[NOTES/QM-11001] Time Dependent Schrodinger Equation :Solution for Wave function at time \(t\)

Node id: 4729page

For conservative systems, we show how solution of time dependent Schrodinger equation can be found by separation of variables. Explicit expression for the wave function at arbitrary time \(t\) is obtained in terms of energy eigenfunctions and eigenvalues. 

AK-47's picture 24-06-23 15:06:07 n


Node id: 4998page
AK-47's picture 21-12-04 13:12:34 n


Node id: 5153page

$$\frac{\partial (x,y)}{\partial (a,b)}\,\equiv\,\left|\begin{array}{ll}
\frac{\partial x}{\partial a}&\frac{\partial y}{\partial a}\\
\frac{\partial x}{\partial b}&\frac{\partial y}{\partial b}\\

Then show that
$$ \frac{\partial (x,y)}{\partial (a,b)}\frac{\partial (a,b)}{\partial (c,d)}\,=\,\frac{\partial (x,y)}{\partial (c,d)} $$

Remarks : 1. This can be generalised to higher dimensions.

2. This can be found in books - and is very useful in changing variables in multiple integrals.

AK-47's picture 22-01-13 17:01:58 n


Node id: 5215page

Ten grams of water at 20$^\circ$C is converted into ice at
-10$^\circ$C at constant atmospheric pressure. Assuming the heat
capacity per gram of liquid water to remain constant at 4.2 J/g\,K,
and that of ice to be one half of this value, and taking the heat of
fusion of ice at 0$^\circ$C to be 335 J/g, calculate the total
entropy change of the system.

AK-47's picture 22-01-23 11:01:19 n


Node id: 5381page
AK-47's picture 22-04-17 09:04:48 n

[LECS/QM-24001] An Overview of Approximation Methods for Time Dependent Schrodinger Equation

Node id: 5474page
AK-47's picture 22-06-05 15:06:13 n


Node id: 5560page
AK-47's picture 22-07-10 06:07:58 n

[NOTES/EM-03006]-Electrostatic Energy of a Uniformly Charged Solid Sphere

Node id: 5643page

 The electrostatic energy of a uniformly charged solid sphere is computed by computing the energy required to bring infinitesimal quantities and filling up the sphere.

AK-47's picture 23-10-18 13:10:39 n

[NOTES/EM-07002]-Current Conservation

Node id: 5708page


The equation of continuity for conservation of electric is derived. An expression for current in a wire is obtained in terms of number of electrons per unit volume.


AK-47's picture 23-11-05 07:11:37 n

[NOTES/EM-01011] $\vec B$ vs $\vec H$ --- Naming convention.

Node id: 5953page

We will call \(\vec B\) field as magnetic field when no medium is present.\\ In presence of a magnetic medium, \(\vec B\) will be called magnetic flux density or  magnetic induction. The field \(vec H\) will called  magnetic intensity or magnetic field intensity

AK-47's picture 23-09-30 03:09:36 n

The structure of physical theories

Node id: 4630page
AK-47's picture 21-09-07 09:09:06 n

[NOTES/QM-18005]Born Approximation

Node id: 4833page

$\newcommand{\DD}[2][]{\frac{d^2 #1}{d^2 #2}}$ 
$\newcommand{\PP}[2][]{\frac{\partial^2 #1}{\partial #2^2}}$
$\newcommand{\pp}[2][]{\frac{\partial #1}{\partial #2}}$
$\newcommand{\ket}[1]{\langle #1\rangle}$

AK-47's picture 22-03-03 22:03:07 y

[QUE/SM-03005] --- SM-PROBLEM

Node id: 5069page

A system consists of three particles and each particle can exist in five possible states. Find the total number of microstates and the number of microstates that energy level has two particles assuming

  • the particles are non-identical
  • are identical bosons
  • are identical fermions.
AK-47's picture 22-01-09 20:01:30 n


Node id: 5188page

A box of volume $2V$ is divided into equal halves by a thin partition. The left side contains perfect gas at pressure $p_L$ and the right side is vacuum. A small hole of area $A$ is punched in the partition at time $t\,=\,0$. What is the pressure in the left had side $p_L(t)$ after a time t ?. Assume the temperature to be constant on both the sides as $T$. Assume Maxwell- Boltzmann statistics.

AK-47's picture 22-01-14 13:01:08 n


Node id: 5351page

Electrodynamics                                                           Feb 27, 2019
                              MID SEMESTER EXAMINATION — Extra Set


  1. A gold nucleus contains a positive charge equal to that of 79 protons. An$\alpha$ particle, $Z=2$, has kinetic energy $K$ at points far away from thenucleus and is traveling directly towards the charge, the particle just touchesthe surface of the charge and is reversed in direction. relate $K$ to the radiusof the gold nucleus. Find the numerical value of kinetic energy in MeV is theradius $R$ is given to be $5 \times10^{-15}$ m. \centerline {[ 1 MeV = $10^6$eV and 1 eV = $1.6\times10^{-16}$]

  2. A line charge carrying a charge \(\lambda\) per unit length and extending from \((-a,0,0)\) to \((+a,0,0)\) lies along the \(x\)- axis. Find the potential at a point on the \(X\)- axis at point \((x,0,0), x>a\) and at a point \((0,y,0)\) on the \(Y\)-axis. Complete the integrations as much as you can.
  3. Two infinitely conducting coaxial cylinders have radii $a,b$ respectively.
    1. Compute the electric field between the cylinders.
    2. Find the electrostatic energy per unit length of the capacitor formed by the cylinders by integrating expression for the energy stored per unit volume of the electric field.
  4. Solve Laplace equation inside a rectangle \(OABC\) with corners at \((0,0), (a,0), (a,b),(0,b)\) respectively. The sides \(OA\) and \(OB\) are held at zero potential and the sides \(AB\) and \(BC\) are kept at constant potential \(V_0\)
AK-47's picture 22-04-04 13:04:52 n


Node id: 5419page
AK-47's picture 22-06-21 08:06:50 n

[2003SM/LNP-09] Lecture-09--Canonical Ensemble

Node id: 5534page

In this lecture canonical ensemble and canonical partition function are introduced. This topic has a central place in equilibrium statistical mechanics. This ensemble describes the microstates of a system in equilibrium with a heat bath at temperature T . The probability of a microstate having energy E is proportional to $exp(−βE)$ where $ β = kT $ and k is Boltzmann constant.

AK-47's picture 22-07-07 07:07:26 n

[1998TH/LNP-29]-Helmholtz and Gibbs Functions

Node id: 5598page
AK-47's picture 22-07-17 19:07:14 n

[NOTES/ME-06005] Bounded Motion --- Oscillations Around Minimum

Node id: 5681page
AK-47's picture 24-04-08 07:04:01 y

[NOTES/EM-10007]-Time Varying Fields ,Ampere's Law

Node id: 5740page

We explain how Maxwell's addition of a displacement current in the fourth equation.


AK-47's picture 23-03-03 20:03:30 n
