Problem-TH-04001 Fiirst Law Relation between \(C_p, C_v\).Node id: 2199page Starting from the first law of thermodynamics show that \[C_p - C_v = \Big[P +\Big(\frac{\partial U}{\partial V}\Big)_T\Big] \Big(\frac{\partial V}{\partial T}\Big)_P\] In the above \(C_p\) : heat capacity at constant pressure; \(C_v\) : heat capacity at constant volume; \(U\) : internal energy: \(V\) is the volume. For an ideal gas show that the above reduces to \(C_p -C_v = Nk_B\) , where \(N\) is the number of molecules and \(k_B\) is the Boltzmann constant. |
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QM-02-04 Vetor SpacesNode id: 2185page |
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CM-Mod03 :: Action PrincipleNode id: 2015page |
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QM-Mod06 :: General Principles of Quantum MechanicsNode id: 1975pageRepository of problems on Postulates of Quantum Mechanics. All problems fall under "Analysis and Application" levels of Bloom's Taxonomy. Use navigation links at the right bottom of the page |
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Question-QM-06003 --- Computing probability Node id: 1966page |
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Question-QM-06001 ---- Commuting Set of OperatorsNode id: 1964page |
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CM-Mod02 :: Euler Lagrange Equations of Motion Node id: 1958page |
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CM-Mod01:: Selected Problems in Newtonian MechanicsNode id: 1957pageBloom Category :Application and Anaysis The problems relating to bounded motion in one dimension appear here. |
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CM-Mod10 Canonical TransformationsNode id: 1955page |
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QM-01 :: Review of Classical Theories Node id: 1380page |
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\(\S\S\) 7.15 Q[2]Node id: 2830page |
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\(\S\S\) 7.15 Q[1] Node id: 2829page |
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Complex Variables --- Principles and Problem Sessions === SOLUTIONS and ERRATANode id: 2193curated_contentIt is proposed to post solutions to almost all the problem session in the book here. At present solutions to all most all Problem Sessions of Chapter 7, Contour Integration, has been completed. The solutions to problems in other chapters is being taken up. At present solutions to problems in Chapter 3. "Function with Branch Point Singularity" is Being Uploaded.
Errata is being compiled and will be uploaded in this book hierarchy. Click to see what is available.
I take this opportunity to thank my friend and colleague, Prof. T. Amarnath, from School of Mathematics, University of Hyderabad for his kind words of appreciation and for recommending the book to National Board of Higher Mathematics for inclusion in scheme of distribution of mathematics books to Universities and Institutes in India. |
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\(\S\S\) 7.6 Q[2] \(\int_0^\infty \frac{x^{p-1}}{x^2+2x+2}\)Node id: 1863page |
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\(\S\S\) 7.4 Q[9] \( \int_0^\infty \frac{\cos a x \, dx}{(x^2+b^2)^2+c^2}\)Node id: 1857page |
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\(\S\S\) 7.3 Q[1] \(\int_0^\infty\frac{1}{(x^2+p^2)^2} dx \)Node id: 1566pageFull details are written out for this problem. This includes a proof that certain integrals vanish when Darboux theorem is used. In solutions to all other similar problems of this section, some of these details, being repetitive in nature, are suppressed. It is hoped that, if required, the reader will be able to supply the details by consulting this solution with full details. |
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Pages under constructionNode id: 3447page |
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A Mixed Bag of Resources Node id: 3395pageThis section of Warehouse contains a wide variety of resources such as: Short Examples; Short Questions: Recall and Understanding Questions; Comprehension Check Ups WebQuest and many more, which do not fit into any other repository. These resources are meant to be mostly used as building blocks of other resources in Proofs. Each resource belongs to a definite topic of a definite area. This part of the tree hierarchy is the same as that used for all other repositories. |
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Mathematics and Mathematical PhysicsNode id: 3384page |
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Projects :: Web QuestNode id: 3346page |
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