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Title+Summary Name Datesort ascending

RFR/QFT-04001 :: Spin Statistics Theorem

Node id: 3553page
kapoor's picture 20-03-26 11:03:59 n

Samples of Resources

Node id: 1485page

In this section some samples of content and teaching resources are made available.
Use the navigation links at the right bottom of the page to go to different items.

kapoor's picture 20-03-25 10:03:06 n

Random Mix in 0space

Node id: 1483page
kapoor's picture 20-03-25 10:03:37 n

Did You Know That --- Home

Node id: 1825page

There are several important, useful , interesting  and lesser known  facts that are scattered over text books and jorunals devoted to teaching and learning. These facts are closely connected to topics covered by most text books and to topics that are covered in every standard course.

This  series of short BLOGS "Did You Know That .."  draws attention to important and interesting facts related  to text book topics. These are taken mostly from Journnals and text books. References are provided 

kapoor's picture 20-03-25 10:03:50 n

Computing Cross section

Node id: 3544page

Consider a system of two real scalar fields \(\phi_1, \phi_2\)
described by the Lagrangian density
 \Lsc = \frac{1}{2} \partial_\mu \phi_i \partial^\mu \phi_i - \frac{1}{2} m^2
\phi_i\phi_i -\frac{1}{4} \lambda (\phi_i\phi_i)^2.
Compute the scattering cross section to the lowest order in \(\lambda\). Find
the cross sections for the three processes

  1. \(\phi_1 + \phi_2 \longrightarrow \phi_1 +\phi_2\)
  2. \(\phi_1 + \phi_1 \longrightarrow \phi_1 +\phi_1\)
  3. \(\phi_1 + \phi_1 \longrightarrow \phi_2 +\phi_2\)

Write your answers as a constant times \(\sigma_0\equiv \frac{\lambda^2}{64\pi
s}\) where
\(s\) is the total  energy in the center of mass frame.

Answer :   a. \(4\sigma_0\)  b. \(36 \sigma_0\) c. \(4 \sigma_0\)

Hint : Find symmetry appropriate factor.
Remark : Good question

kapoor's picture 20-03-18 06:03:00 n

Complex Variables -- Problem Sets

Node id: 2949page
kapoor's picture 20-03-08 16:03:30 n

Learn From Masters :: Cross Section

Node id: 3525page
kapoor's picture 20-03-04 04:03:46 n

My M.Tech Thesis and Final Presentation

Node id: 658blog
Aashutosh's picture 20-02-23 21:02:27

Organize Content Using a Path Page

Node id: 755path

This path page shows how you can organize (study-)items as a diagram showing their inter-dependencies. The path diagram embedded below shows some Khan Academy videos within boxes connected by lines/arrows.

ranjan's picture 20-02-21 09:02:07 n

Useful Internet resources

Node id: 339page
ranjan's picture 20-02-16 16:02:38 n


Node id: 3472curated_content
kapoor's picture 20-02-12 10:02:48 n

Part 6: Atomic and Nuclear Physics

Node id: 32page
ranjan's picture 20-02-08 17:02:17 n

Part 5: Optics

Node id: 31page
ranjan's picture 20-02-08 17:02:17 n

Part 4: Oscillations and Waves

Node id: 30page
ranjan's picture 20-02-08 17:02:17 n

Part 3: Electrodynamics

Node id: 29page
ranjan's picture 20-02-08 17:02:17 n

Part 2: Thermodynamics & Molecular Physics

Node id: 28page
ranjan's picture 20-02-08 17:02:17 n

Part 1: Physical Fundamentals of Mechanics

Node id: 27page
ranjan's picture 20-02-08 17:02:17 n

CM-Mod11 :: Hamilton Jacobi Theory

Node id: 3303page

Obtain solution of the free particle problem in two dimensions using Hamilton Jacobi equation and obtain expression for the Hamilton's principal function.

kapoor's picture 20-02-08 16:02:01 n

SM-Mod10 Perfect Boson Gas; Bose Einstein Condensation

Node id: 3264page
kapoor's picture 20-02-08 16:02:01 n

SM-Mod06 Grand Canonical Partition Function

Node id: 3216page
kapoor's picture 20-02-08 16:02:01 n
