I like travelling and trekking in Himalaya. |
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Title | Updated date | |
Time-saving summary of the principal formulas for the relevant area of physics | 21-05-20 19:05:40 | |
Online Learning Tools: Wolfram|Alpha - Computation Knowledge Engine | 21-05-20 04:05:31 | |
A Sample Path | 20-12-28 09:12:19 | |
Solve $\int sin(x) cos^2(x) dx$ | 20-09-06 20:09:57 | |
Organize Content Using a Path Page | 20-02-21 09:02:07 | |
Useful Internet resources | 20-02-16 16:02:38 | |
Part 1: Physical Fundamentals of Mechanics | 20-02-08 17:02:17 | |
Part 2: Thermodynamics & Molecular Physics | 20-02-08 17:02:17 | |
Part 3: Electrodynamics | 20-02-08 17:02:17 | |
Part 4: Oscillations and Waves | 20-02-08 17:02:17 |