Title | Name | Date |
[QUE/ME-12004]Comet Halley approaches the Sun to within 0.570 AU and its period is 75.6 years. How far from the Sun will this comet travel before it starts to return journey. Assume mass of Halley's comet is much smaller than the mass of the Sun. |
22-04-08 07:04:52 | |
[QUE/ME12006]Consider a particle of mass \(\mu\) moving in a potential \[ V(r) = \frac{1}{2}\mu\omega^2 r^2 +\frac{\lambda^2}{2\mu r^2}. \] (a) Find condition on energy \(E\) and angular momentum \(L\) for circular orbits to exist. KApoor |
22-04-08 07:04:12 | |
[QUE/ME-02023]Find rotation matrix for a rotation by an angle \(\alpha\) about the axis \((1,2,1)\) where \(\cos\alpha=\frac{3}{5}, \sin\alpha =\frac{4}{5}\). |
22-04-08 07:04:07 | |
[QUE/ME-08011]Find rotation matrix for a rotation by an angle \(\alpha\) about the axis \(1,2,1\) where \(\cos\alpha=\frac{3}{5}, \sin\alpha =\frac{4}{5}\). |
22-04-08 07:04:03 | |
[QUE/ME-12008]Consider a particle of mass \(\mu\) moving in a potential \[ V(r) = \frac{1}{2}\mu\omega^2 r^2 +\frac{\lambda^2}{2\mu r^2}. \]
22-04-08 07:04:00 | |
[QUE/QFT-06008] Dirac particle in uniform magnetic fieldConsider an electron in a uniform and constant magentic field \(\vec{B}\) along the \(z-\)axis. Obtain the most general four component positive energy eigennfunctions. Show that the energy eigenvalues are given by |
22-04-07 20:04:56 | |
22-04-07 20:04:30 | |
[QUE/QFT-15013]Show that the Rutherford scattering cross section for a second quantized Dirac particle in an external Coulomb field \((Ze^2/r)\) is given by \begin{equation} |
22-04-07 19:04:31 | |
[QUE/PDE-01002] |
22-03-03 12:03:07 | |
[QUE/SM-04003] SM-PROBLEMThe canonical partition function of a system of $N$ hypothetical particles each of mass $m$, confined to a volume $V$ at temperature $T$ is given by, $$Q(T,V,N) = V^N\left(\frac{2\pi k_B T}{m}\right)^{5N/2}.$$ Determine the equation of state of the hypothetical system. Also find $C_V$ - heat capacity at constant volume. Identify the hypothetical system. How many degrees of freedom does each particle of the hypothetical system have ? KPN |
22-01-07 12:01:01 |