
"Trees versus Forest"

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When we teach something which requires a long computation or understanding of several related or unrelated concepts, often we have to have a trade-off between providing all details. Very often this does not suit requirements of first time learners.

One needs to communicate  both effectively to the first time learners.

How do you do that,  when the channel of communication is a printed document?

For first time learners I do not want to have any black boxe saying :
" A little thinking will reveal..."
"It is transparent that ..."
"After a long tedious but straight forward algebra we get ..."

" Details of this part we will be provided later or can be found in the book by xxxl"

But the beauty of forest should not be lost in trying to count the trees.

An attempt in this direction was made today. A lecture note has been prepared so that both requirements be met effectively
Have a look and give me your feedback.

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