1.1 |
Current Density The current density and its relation with the current in a circuit is explained. Click for details |
1.2 |
Current Density --- Examples The relationship between current and current density is explained by means of several examples. |
1.3 |
Current Conservation The equation of continuity for conservation of electric is derived. An expression for current in a wire is obtained in terms of number of electrons per unit volume. |
1.4 |
Local Conservation of Charge The meaning of charge conservation is discussed. It is known to be mathematically represented by the equation of continuity. It is argued that special relativity requires that there should be a n equation of continuity, and that there should be a Lorentz four vector current associated with every conservation law. |
1. Current Density and Current Conservation*
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Related Nodes: Momentum
Related Nodes: Momentum conservation for Electromagnetic Field; Interpretation of Maxwell's stress tensor