
Loosing sight of forest while looking at the trees?

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Two of the major requirements of giving full details and providing the  flow of the text and logical sequence in a transpaprent fashion  conflict each other. A majority of beginners feel lost if some details are suppressed or they are asked to work out them selves. On the other hand providing algebra and calculus details, all steps, has the danger that the reader might not see the overall  structure and flow of logic in the article. 

One psossble solution is to prepare two documents one with all details and the other one for more mature readers where all simple computaionational details are suppressed. But this it leads to dupliaction of effort. So one should make use of programming and generate the two documents automatically from a single source file.

There are other issues when a document with full details included are created. Using different fonts to separate details of computations and essentials at different levels, clutters the document. There should be no need for explanation of extra road signs or symbols. The reader should be able to see what part is essential and what is only a detail which can be skipped after first redaing.

Keeping all such user requirements and keeping demants on content production at a reasonable level, the following work flow seems to be worth trying.

  • Produce a "Master document- First draft" hand written clearly and neatly with all computational/algebraic  details.
  • Type out selected parts, omitting details, to make it a complete document readable by a mature reader.
  • Scan the omitted parts,  and insert in the Ist draft of the Master document as image/picure file. This will produce a  document in which distinguishing  the essentials from the details, which can be skipped, will be transparent. A document of this form will serve a vriety of users equally well. There  is no need to remind a nature reader where and how much details should be  skipped. The first timer also knows what he/she is expected to do by himself/herself.
  • The above from has the advantage of being a single printer friendly file.
  • Instead of inserting in the document, one may consider providing the links in the main document. Thsi requires several files and all the material cannot be printed in correct sequence
  • The possibility of "sitting back and learning" from a document with no black boxes should be a great convenience at  times when one is not in a mood tax oneself.

    Different ways of delivering the same structure should be tried out and relative merits and demerits be compared. Then only the best approach will emerge.