About this set of lectures
This is set of online lectures given in SUNDAY PHYSICS WhatsApp Group.
For whom it will be beneficial
It is designed to be useful for those who plan to appear fpr competitive examinations
such as CSIR-NET-GATE (CNG) etc.
participants had an introductory course in quantum mechanics and they they are interested in preparing for CSIR-NET-GATE.
What will be covered and how
We will summarize and discuss the important results from text book level quantum mechanics. All detailed derivations and proofs will be skipped. it is hoped that, if required, the audience can fill the details that have been skipped.
The main objective of these lectures is to facilitate preparation of CNG examinations.
With a focus on solving multiple choice questions (MCQ).
Date : Mar 28, 2023
Join Zoom Meeting https://us06web.zoom.us/j/88430719608?pwd=ZDA3Ym1rbHFvdmxLZ1kxUGpWN0pTUT09
Meeting ID: 884 3071 9608
Passcode: 448910
Timing: 10.30 am - 1.00 pm
The first lecture starts on April 2, 2023
Join WhatApps Group Gate/Net/Jest/ Exam prep
Here is the invite link : Click to Join
to remain connected and get latest information.
All those who are interested may kindly register free by filling up the Google form.
A. K. Kapoor email : akkhcu@gmail.com
Rithish Barat email : rithishbarath85@gmail.com
Google Form Links
Please fill up the following form, ignore if already done
Apr 8, 2023 Form-2- Feed Back for Lecture -1
Older Announcements and Information
IMPORTANT :Links for CNG Course material
Click here for collection of resources for Online course and Video Links