Thomson parabola method, Cyclotron motion, Determination of $e/m$ of electrons
and Hall effect are discussed as examples of motion of charged particles in electric and magnetic fields.
From Action at a Distance to Field ConceptThe concept of field to describe the interaction of charged particles, instead of instantaneous action is briefly explained. Click for Details |
Lorentz ForceThe expression for force on a charged particle in electric and magnetic fields is given. This is known as the Lorentz force. |
Defining the Electric and Magnetic FieldsWe use the Lorentz force on a unit positive charge to define the electric and magnetic fields. |
$\vec B$ vs $\vec H$ --- Naming convention.We will call \(\vec B\) field as magnetic field when no medium is present.\\ In presence of a magnetic medium, \(\vec B\) will be called magnetic flux density or magnetic induction. The field \(vec H\) will called magnetic intensity or magnetic field intensity. |